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Everything posted by Lsk02

  1. This episode sucked and felt way longer than it actually was, but that part did give me pause. I actually think Colin’s complete 180 is a result of the original premise of this show: differing perspectives. We have almost always seen Colin through Whitney’s eyes. It was obvious she was annoyed as hell with him and saw him as a dead beat, green card fiancé in all of her previous interactions with him, when shown from her perspective. But then the shit hits the fan and her dad is a terrible man. Plus she had an interaction with Furkat, also terrible man, who treated her horribly. Suddenly she goes home to Colin, who is now the only man she’s in contact with who isn’t *that* terrible. We see him only through her lens, and all of that old stuff he was has disappeared. Possibly because she needed at least one man in her life to be decent in that moment. We just know her perception of that moment. Which says a lot about her, I think. I don’t think her earlier view of him, or this one, are necessarily accurate to who he is. But it is how she chooses to see him. I know the storyline in general sucks and the show is nothing like it was in the first season. But I do think this is true to what the show used to be, at least. Or, maybe I’m giving them way too much credit? Lol!
  2. In many areas, dumping ashes is a misdemeanor. I’m guessing dumping them into an aquarium was not only illegal, but also potentially unsafe for the sea lions. I’m surprised they showed that. As an aside, rides at Disney parks are regularly shut down for environmental clean ups due to family members spreading ashes. If caught, they are removed from the parks with no refund, and sometimes placed on the “lifetime ban” lists.
  3. She wanted them back right away. She asked the judge or lawyer (can’t remember which) if she’d get custody if she divorced her husband and was told they’d revisit it at the end of the school year. She just couldn’t stand to wait. And again, ended up taking all the parents away from her kids instead.
  4. Just thought of something else. I hope someday Charlene’s son doesn’t see this interview where she talks about him crying about not wanting to live in New York and that’s when she knew she had to do something. Those poor kids are already going to be messed up, but the last thing he needs is guilt and thinking he was the catalyst in all of this.
  5. Oops! Too many people named Josh in this one, threw me off. Thank you!
  6. Charlene was smirking throughout most of the interview and Josh was correct that there was no remorse. Wonder what she talked to her lawyer about that convinced her to finally turn on the crocodile tears. I was wondering about that child abuse charge. She filmed her husband slapping his daughter and showed some friends, who ended up turning it in. Which makes me think she had no problems with the abuse. Not surprising knowing she ended up helping kill 2 people, but ugh. She was evil long before.
  7. Drunks often aren’t logical. She was probably three quarters of the way through the bottle and decided she wanted to finish it off on the way to the store. It didn’t seem far-fetched to me. And I’m guessing Claire’s guilt as a result will be a major plot point for a while.
  8. So all that crap Josh told Keith about her journals detailing abuse against her by her family, and that’s why she left, was a complete lie, right? I had hoped Keith would tell us once they got the journals none of them said anything like that. That was the first time I ever cried during a Dateline episode. I’m not sure what that says about me since someone pretty much always dies, but seeing that little guy interviewed, then the exploded house...ugh. Awful.
  9. Finally. https://fox2now.com/2019/10/03/pam-hupp-to-be-investigated-for-murder-of-betsy-faria/
  10. Did Nicole participate in the Las Vegas parties? I haven’t seen her in any of the pictures. I think that’s a good sign.
  11. In St. Louis and the surrounding areas, her face has been the top news story for years. The mug shot with the bandages haunted me because I couldn’t turn on the TV without seeing it. She is very well known and even before Louis’ murder, would have been recognized on the street. As a side note, it was actually a local investigative reporter and a newspaper journalist who really got the whole ball rolling against Pam. Long before Dateline was involved, they uncovered and made public all of the inconsistencies and evidence pointing at her from Betsey’s case, which were not allowed in the first trial. They’re really the ones who helped get her name out originally. If you listened to the podcast and heard her mention Chris Hayes, that’s the local reporter. But he works for the Fox affiliate, so NBC probably couldn’t credit him. I’m guessing that’s how the story first came to their attention, though.
  12. I was really hoping for an update on how Betsey’s family feels about all of this now. I guess it is hard that they have to relive her murder with each headline, but it bothered me how much they were against Russ. I remember her girls spoke out against him in previous shows, as well. Pam is the definition of evil.
  13. Did anyone else notice the “sugar baby” interviewed said she had been doing it for 4.5 years, then later said she is 21 (she hesitated before answering and looks older, so I wasn’t sure what to think of that). So she started this line of “work” as a minor. I’m guessing the website didn’t know her real age at the time, but I’d think they could get in trouble for that.
  14. Yeah I’m not happy. Not only do I pay for Prime, but I paid for the show! It’s not included and I paid for the entire season. Not cool! I also wonder how much more I have missed in every episode.
  15. Anyone know why the time in St. Louis before hometowns?
  16. Does anyone else watch this on Prime? I saw no scenes with Redmond, an uncle, or an ice toilet (now that’s a weird sentence). I only know about them from reading here. I even went back wondering if I got bored and distracted by my phone or something, but nope. Anyone else?
  17. I don’t, but I was going to comment that I’m loving Jennie’s wardrobe so far. I’ve liked almost everything she has worn!
  18. I think Jennie’s nightmare hit on almost all of Kelly’s crazy plots. So fun! My favorite was David in the DJ booth. Ha! Also enjoyed Brian later talking about how no one wants to see a 40-something white rapper. The writing with them making fun of both their characters and their “real” selves is so clever.
  19. Love him! Just saw that the bandanas he has on his shoulder while bartending are a gift from Sarah and have sweet sayings on them. They are my favorite couple from this franchise!
  20. Sorry! I read it as pointing out that Jed actually did dump the girlfriend before going on the show. My bad!
  21. Except that Jed never actually broke up with his girlfriend to go on the show. He left her with an “I love you, see you soon” basically. Dumping before going on for show (see: Peter) is one thing. Going on with a girlfriend who you’re promising to come right back to is completely different.
  22. The part about waiting to notify her parents is definitely true. I have a third degree of separation and had heard very early on, even before the Haley stuff and the breakup, about her parents not liking him and Hannah waiting several days to tell them about the engagement. Interestingly, the reason this person said her family didn’t like him was because they found him cocky and insincere, nothing to do with the lack of job stuff as edited. But that supports what the editor is saying, too. Nice to have what I’ve known for a long time kind of validated!
  23. Both Chris and Hannah are making it sound like something big is going to happen live. Hopefully it’s typical “most dramatic evah” platitudes and not some shocker like she’s getting back with Jed.
  24. Miss Alli, aka Linda Holmes, is who you’re thinking of, I bet. She just released a novel.
  25. I am so happy for them. They’re the only celebrity couple I’m invested in. She has been through so much and they seem absolutely perfect for each other (as much as you can tell through social media). Yay!
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