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Everything posted by Lsk02

  1. It is very interesting reading the different opinions on what happened tonight. I’m seeing both sides. Luke’s morals are fine, and it was right for him to tell her how he feels about sex. As usual, his wording and approach were not good, and he just kept on talking, not reading the anger that was starting to come off her in waves. When she finally responded, saying their beliefs are different, that really should have been the end of it. I felt like she attempted to do that. Him saying he couldn’t be with her if she had sex with any of the other guys should have made the decision for both of them. But then he tried to backpedal with the “slip up” talk and got her even more angry. And then she told him to leave and he just sat there refusing to get up. And then, the final dagger, his “you owe me...” That is a typical line used by controlling people. I think that was it for Hannah. She said “walk with me” after that. Also after asking him to please get up 3 other times. His behavior at the end was frightening. He had lost all control of her and he was visibly shaking with rage in the van. So while I do think he has every right to not want his girlfriend sleeping with other people, when Hannah said, “my husband will not talk to me like that,” I think she meant the “you owe me” and “slip ups” and other manipulative, controlling things he said. And if he meant what he said about not wanting to be with her if she had sex with the others, then he should have just walked right out. But to him I think it was more about control and really had nothing to do with sex.
  2. Well, the shot of the windmill, a tweeting bird, and a buzzing bee had me and my husband cracking up!
  3. Life in prison. Finally!!! Cannot wait for the updated Dateline episode. There is so much to add since the last one. https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/pamela-hupp-to-serve-life-in-prison-for-murder-of/article_c74df094-8858-5ae3-aa58-66a3e819a728.html
  4. What the hell is this episode? Crying and yelling and more crying. I kind of hate myself for continuing to watch this crap.
  5. They mentioned in the episode that she blocked his number, and “other people” kept texting her about him, including trying to get her to go to his (fake) funeral. Obviously all those texts came from him. It was brought up several times that he was tech savvy, so it sounds like he was spoofing numbers to get to her. I did wonder if she got a new phone number, and if not, why?
  6. Wells posted on his insta from a hotel room about a HUGE spider he saw. Definitely just speculation, but made me wonder if he’s in Paradise for his bartending duties.
  7. I was pretty impressed that Keith himself was present in court for the trial. I figured that would be a producer or assistant’s job. I hope the murderer does not get an appeal. What an evil person. That poor father, losing both his wife and his only child.
  8. I didn’t know what to think of the girl’s parents, especially her mom. When talking about the abuse allegations, mom’s first thought was to ask her daughter if this was for real, and worry about ruining the guy’s family. What the hell? I know it ended up having nothing to do with her murder, but I think their home life was in a lot more turmoil than they let on.
  9. There are some great articles on the In Touch Weekly website detailing the truth vs. fiction in every episode. The family spokesperson, and sometimes Gypsy’s stepmom, plus the neighbor, go through many of the big points the show hits. They are very impressed with the acting, and often understanding of the fictional details added. It’s interesting reading their perspective. They do not come off as bitter as they did early on. On another note, I watched some of the extra behind the scenes stuff, and the writer/executive producer/reporter has one of the worst cases of uptalk and vocal fry I’ve ever heard. I remember thinking that with her interviews in HBO documentary and it’s gotten even worse.
  10. Hupp update. (Huppdate? Lol!) Really hoping stuff like this does not result in reasonable doubt. http://fox2now.com/2019/04/26/pam-hupps-lawyers-argue-for-more-information-about-alleged-planted-100-bills/?utm_campaign=trueAnthem%3A+Trending+Content&utm_content=5cc42973b2fd4f0001a7f8bb&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=facebook
  11. You can hear his shaking through his mic. That’s giving me anxiety! I know that fight or flight feeling and it sucks. This is more dramatic and real than Arie’s dumping of Becca.
  12. Dude. You should never beg anyone to be with you. Get some self respect. This is just sad.
  13. He is her brother’s wife’s brother. That doesn’t make him Callie’s brother in law. I don’t consider my siblings’ spouses’ siblings any relation to me at all.
  14. Here you go. All the way at the bottom under “Other Non Fiction Shows.” https://forums.previously.tv/topic/8458-2020/?page=24
  15. I wonder what this will mean for her and Fessy. He may be staying out of the Twitter war, but he still pocketed $2k from a charity event. I can’t see her being thrilled with that.
  16. It’s a prom dress. I only know this because I have a kid around prom age and I saw it in a store. It was definitely a very expensive “I’m dumping you” gown. Guess she wanted to make sure she got one use out of it!
  17. I wish I had kept count of how many people were “over it” in this episode. And what I’ve suspected since that phrase became popular is true: it means exactly the opposite of over it.
  18. I’ve seen 2 live performances of Rent and both times Mimi has climbed all over and hung upside down from the scaffolding while singing the “ow-oooooht” part. I think it’s just a tough one!
  19. It sure goes slower in real life than on Dateline! The latest I heard was that Hupp’s lawyers tried to get any mention of Betsy’s murder thrown out of her upcoming murder trial. The judge gave a big nope to her lawyers on that one, so the relevant details of that investigation will be included.
  20. An update on Pam Hupp, for those who follow her crazy. She was in court today and they played her first interview with police after her most recent (alleged) murder. She’s basically blaming it on the local reporter who figured out the whole plot with her first victim. Pam Hupp blames Fox 2 reporter for Gumpenberger killing during police interview http://via.fox2now.com/0JWIX
  21. I think they were treading very carefully with this one to respect the other sisters’ privacy. They never said their names or show any pictures that included them. I understand the younger one since she may still be a minor, but the older one would have been an adult when the murder took place. So I’m guessing Dateline had very little on the record to go on here. The mom couldn’t even give much, since she hadn’t spoken to her daughter in 10 years. I do wonder who ended up getting custody of the younger daughter, and if she’s been able to break free of her dad’s gaslighting.
  22. I was relieved to see Brett upright and okay (looking very hung over, saying his goodbyes to Winston) in Kaitlyn’s story a bit ago. Those videos of him passing out were worrying me!
  23. Kaitlyn has an Instagram story right now where she sees Steve, Swaggy, and Winston. She says, “Steve, Daddy and an engaged man, and a man in a military...[it cuts off]. I’m embarrassed by how many times I’ve watched, trying to figure out if she’s saying Daddy about Steve or Swaggy. I’m thinking if Bay is, it will be officially public very soon
  24. Julie is only on the live shows. She never appears in the others, except the taped promos for the Feeds and BBAD. Tonight was not a Live show, so she would not have been there either way.
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