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Everything posted by TresGatos

  1. I don't know why this quote box is here. I hope Jill passes along the "Joy Comes in the Morning" shirt to her sister, Mrs. Vuolo.
  2. I remember Steven being unsure about Olga before he traveled to Russia because he'd been hanging out with a really hot chick before he left. Steven is way too immature for the situation he's in.
  3. The ceiling in the bedroom of Maci's new house looks like one of those Indian boxes made from pieces of bone.
  4. I think he hopes to get to Alaska and hook up with the Bristol Palin. He'll be so disappointed to find out she's in Texas.
  5. This Christmas is silver based for my younger son so I have been buying silver dimes and quarters. As a result of buying what many consider "prepper money" I am now being stalked by ads for posters of well endowed young women wearing US flag bikinis holding giant weapons in front of classic muscle cars. Go figure. I like muscle cars but have no interest in the rest of it. My son would probably be interested but it wouldn't earn me any Brownie points with his wife!
  6. I was really impressed with Natalie lately and I am really glad she outlasted Johnny Bananas after that crap he pulled about Natalie and Nelson in the Redemption House. I now really like the scenario of Hunter and Ashley winning and Hunter keeping all the money for himself because I can't stand Ashley and I would find it hilarious.
  7. I loved this too. Especially when Edith started air drumming!
  8. Cory got kicked off the most recent Challenge for being a violent asshole. Cory then went on social media to brag that it didn't matter he still had that sweet Teen Mom gig and the money it brings.
  9. I am just totally amazed that he apparently still has teeth and isn't a total meth mouth. He should try to stay on good terms with Randy for that reason alone.
  10. Johnny: "I have a soft spot for Natalie." Me: "Is that what Johnny's calling his penis now?"
  11. The photo of the little girls sitting there with their little modesty leggings peeking out from under their skirts makes me so sad. Poor circumscribed lives. What a waste of human potential.
  12. I initially felt this way and almost turned it off several times during the 1st 15 minutes but I;m glad I stuck with it and ended up watching all 9 episodes on demand.
  13. I can;t stand Johnny Bananas as much as the next person but he is a better person than I am because after going after Devon's deceased dad I would have gone after his mom.
  14. Tootie? I guess it's better than Boo Boo or Booger Butt.
  15. I was pregnant at 16 and a mom at 17. My daughter's father, who worked for UPS at the time, was ordered to pay $10.00 a week in child support and no share of childcare while I worked full-time at a grocery store. $10.00 a week was below the legal minimum for our Commonwealth at the time but PoS had a very powerful attorney and the judge that was backing him was eventually forced of the bench in a sex-for-sentencing scandal. PoS signed away his parental rights as soon as my boyfriend at the time agreed to get married and adopt the child when she was 18 months old. PoS is currently running for Commissioner in our hometown as, of course, a Conservative Republican! Reading this forum is kind of triggering some PTSD.
  16. Because all the colors in a rainbow is a sin.
  17. That photo looks like he's holding a gun to her back. So it was all a drunken misunderstanding. Their life is wonderful as two drunken slags brawl it up with a house filled with helpless, frightened, children. Way better, Janelle.
  18. A stepparents income is generally not used to calculate child support payments. "A parent’s remarriage won’t directly affect child support in California. In almost every case, only the child’s biological parents have a legal duty to support the child, not the child’s stepparents. California judges aren’t allowed to look at the new spouse’s income, unless there are extraordinary circumstances causing extreme and severe hardship to the child. For example, if a child’s biological parents don’t earn enough income to support the child’s basic needs, but the mother’s new husband has significant income, the court may consider the funds available to the mother through her husband when deciding child support. Judges may also consider a stepparent’s income when a parent voluntarily quits work, reduces income, or intentionally remains unemployed, and relies on a new spouse’s income. The court may require the parent’s new spouse to turn over W-2s and 1099 tax forms. Since California is a community property state, each spouse has joint ownership of the married couple’s assets. If a parent doesn’t pay child support, the court can enforce the order against the couple’s community property, except for the new spouse’s current job earnings." https://www.divorcenet.com/resources/remarriage-and-child-support-california.html
  19. How did she connect homosexuality with murder? All sins are equal? (Not that I think homosexuality a sin). It seems more like a lead-in for an anti-abortion screed. Does giving in to Starbucks constitute a sin? I her hair like it is because she's growing it out for a hair shirt?
  20. And the mother-in-law had such a pleased smirk on her face over kicking her daughter-in-law out on Christmas. A 'Oh, sren't I so clever" look of self-satisfaction. Not nice at all.
  21. I hope, and this is just hope, that in the next elimination Cara Maria & Marie beat Shane & Nelson & Teeje says, "Shane and Nelson, you are going to the Redemption House...and also, Sylvia and Joss, you are also eliminated because we have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to physical violence."
  22. He's probably picturing his own glorious confirmation to the highest court in the land because it's God's will!
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