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Everything posted by TresGatos

  1. It looks like two women and their moms.
  2. Kroger's is probably the ubiquitous Indiana grocery chain. The Marsh stores folded a few years ago. There are some Fresh Thyme and Lucky's scattered about. Walmart Superstore would be a sound guess though. Probably whoever delivers.
  3. Janelle is now saying (according to Ashley's Reality Roundup) that neither Kai or Maryissa (SP?) witness David shooting the dog but then how did Nathan know to call the police and allege that David shot the dog in front of Kai? Why didn't the police interview Kai and Maryissa? Why wasn't CPS called? A couple of months ago our 1-year-old grandson was bitten in the face by the family pug, Pugsey Malone. They got into a dustup over an open jar of peanut butter and now the baby has a scar on his face. Two little dots on his cheek where Pugsey bit him. Know what my son did? Blamed himself for being distracted and not supervising his son and his dog better. Then they worked on better training for the dog and the baby. What he didn't do was murder the dog. Those children so need to be removed from that home.
  4. Turbo is such a gorgeous human being. He looks like he stepped off the set of a Steve Reeves movie. I actually appreciated how Cara Maria sat next to him while Dee and Ninja was bashing him last episode. Those two have not come off well at all. Georgia? Once again Cara nailed it - She's a little firecracker that one is. Paulie - still ugh. I hope Cara Maria wakes up and stops being so dickmatized by him. And by guys in general. Maybe we need a "Cara Maria Project" where she tries different modes of self-help.
  5. Just what I suspected. Killing a family pet is straight out of the Domestic Abuser's Handbook. Those children need to be removed NOW!
  6. Who was the "panicked male" who made the call. Someone in the Ashley Reality comments stated that Jace was "allegedly" not there. I can believe that Doris has taught Kai how to dial 911 but would a 911 operator tell a panicked baby (practically) to call a non-emergency number? I also totally believe Ragin' Asshole shot poor Nugget in front of the children and, if this is true, those children should be removed from their custody and placed into foster care. Even if they were in the Mold Hovel at the time they should be removed from their custody and placed in foster care because you know at least Eggsley saw what happened leading up to Nugget's murder and anyone there would have heard the psycho doing what he did. I almost typed Animals but that would be an insult to animals. Scum. MTV had better fire her flabby tattooed ass.
  7. I guess all that lipstick and eyeliner guards her mouth and eyes from something.
  8. I had read the comments from the person claiming to be a TA in Derrick's law school who may be a total fake. One thing they mentioned was Derrick's belief that the Death Penalty would be an appropriate punishment for abortion and then I see this out of Texas: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/texas-bill-women-death-penalty-abortion
  9. Kaylee should ask the cow in the 3rd pic for makeup tips. The cow looks fantastic.
  10. All I could think of is poor Da'Vonne. 1st Josea as a Challenge partner and now Bear.
  11. This episode made me so glad Ashley stiffed Hunter. He's a pig and I fell sorry for any woman who is partnered with him in the future (in any sense). Turbo was so awesome in this episode. When Georgia was wailing about how Bear needed to be out of the house and he said "You need to cut his dick" I laughed for an entire minute even though it is such a wrong comment.
  12. I wish Survivor would stop giving them chicken (or roosters). I miss the Survivor where the hamsters are so driven by hunger that they hunt down and eat rats and lizards.
  13. Munchker butt? Is she taking nickname suggestions from Amber?
  14. With the golf and the headset clue I think Monster is Alice Cooper. I guessed Donny Osmond was the Peacock from the start as I also recognize the voice of the person who has also been my future husband since 1969.
  15. Lauren said when she miscarried, she saw her baby in the toilet. Did she flush or go fetch a fish net?
  16. I thought Monet's runway look looked cheap and Halloween costume-y (though I found it endearing how sexy she thought she looked in it) and fell into Monet's past over-reliance on bodysuits as costume but the pink panther does have round ears.
  17. Yes to everything in this post. Farrah did seem older than everyone else in the cast like they slipped in one of their obnoxious mothers. Farrah brought absolutely nothing to the show and it looks like the switch was made just to get rid of and replace her.
  18. There was a pharmaceutical rep on last season's Big Brother and he was shown in his intro package wearing scrubs.
  19. What is it with these Teen Breeders and their obsession with Marilyn Monroe? It seems extra weird considering her history of wanting children and having miscarriages after a number of coerced abortions. Are these idiots all part of some secret cult consecrating babies to Marilyn because that would be more interesting than all the dudes having sex dreams about Tyler.
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