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Everything posted by TresGatos

  1. "Guess I just don't hang out with the right crowd. But 1800$ for plaintiff's dusty relics and assorted junk? I don't think so. " But his wife won the moth eaten (rat eaten?) Santa on the Wheel of Fortune! (When did Wheel of Fortune stop stocking actual prizes? 30 years ago? - 40 years ago?).
  2. The Plaintiff is the local woman who came in to where I worked and was so excited that they were flying out to California the next day to appear on Judge Judy. I've seen her since but she hasn't said a word about her JJ experience.
  3. Nathan is holding a Precious Moments figurine. My MIL used to collect those. She had about 4 bookcases full, plus special holiday ones, Christmas ornaments, They took the tour of the Precious Moments Chapel in Missouri. Then the guy behind Precious Moments, Sam Butcher (not to be confused with Sam THE Butcher) got divorced and all of the Precious Moments figurines were boxed up and put in the attic until MIL broke up housekeeping and distributed them among the children and grandchildren.
  4. People in the Jill and Derick thread were talking about their outdoor adventures playing at construction sites and the like so I wanted to add my experience. I was about 11 and we moved into a subdivision where new houses were still being built. One afternoon my brother and I and another boy, Scott, were playing "King of the Hill" on a dirt pile at a construction site. Scott was pulling me down the hill when I hit my head on a corner of a concrete block that was sticking out of the dirt. That caused a cut and scalp cuts bleed like crazy. I went home and started calling bars until I found the one where my mother was at. When she came to the phone I told her what had happened and that I was bleeding pretty badly and she said, "well, if It don't stop call me back" and hung up. I sat there thinking, "If it doesn't stop I'll die" but it did so I didn't so Yay?
  5. Well this development puts a kibosh on her randomly getting knocked up by a dogsled guide,
  6. Apparently you are psychic. I found a couple of threads that show he married a woman from the Philippines who was younger than his two eldest daughters and they have at least one child together. One of the daughters is taking care of a sibling with Downs Syndrome. https://www.freejinger.org/topic/16143-lydia-of-purple-is-turning-over-in-her-grave/ https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/freejinger/lydia-of-purple-s-daughter-has-baby-t2694-s20.html#p82396
  7. "Toddlers learning to ride 2 wheeler's don't need any protection at all, " Jesus will protect them! If not...Sinners!
  8. Maybe Kail and Derek Dullard will end up as classmates.
  9. I just hope for his sake it's either pure wool or pure cotton because if it's a polyblend, well, SIN!
  10. I thought the new person has a really unpleasant voice.
  11. When I first read this I thought it was related to the kitty grooming posts and though "No way is Twit that flexible."
  12. "My PBS station is rerunning the UK versions which I’ve seen 100 times but I still enjoy them! " Logo sometimes shows Antiques Roadshow UK but only 2015 - 2017. I wish they would show older ones (and newer ones)! Currently Logo is showing Antiques Roadtrip which is also a lot of fun.
  13. Oh yes, because Blessed are the Peacemakers. They shall be called children of God. Thanks for the explanation of the contents of the broken link.
  14. It was also a play she wrote under the pen name Jane Mast. The name of the play is "Sex." She was sentenced to 10 days in jail and fined $500.00 but she received a million dollars worth of publicity from it. Mae West was a genius. Amber...not so much.
  15. Way to g Jill! This development makes me think of a recent post where the poster was saying that they think Jill is the one who has made the greatest break from her family and how her life is closest to the "normal" experiences most young marrieds go through (after Danger America and almost dying by falling shower curtain rod). I also had to take baths with my younger brother (2 years younger) but we both had to keep our underwear on.
  16. I was reading a news story today about a woman who embezzled $4 million from her employer to send to her Catfish who claimed he lived in the next county (but was traveling a lot). This was after she send the catfish $250,000 of her own money, including wiping out her IRA. This made me think of Dr. Phil and his catfishes. The 59-year-old woman was sentenced to 15 years in prison. What really surprised me is they traced the catfish to China, not Nigeria. The didn't catch the catfish but did charge some middlemen, including one in New York who kept $400,000 of the over $1 million that passed through his business to China.
  17. God needs Warriors! Which is undoubtably why Jesus instructed us to beat our swords into plowshares and to turn the other cheek.
  18. They'll go ga ga in the go go/ When they see me in my toga/My toga made of blond/Brilliantined/Biblical Hair/Hallelujah I adore it/Hallelujah Mary loved her son/Why don't my mother love me/Hair hair hair hair hair hair hair/ Flow it/Show it/Long as God can grow it/My Hair (Lyrics by Gerome Ragni and James Rado)
  19. I keep flashing back to Paulie on the ground. The only thing that would make it better is if he started moaning "Bear! Bear! Bear!"
  20. I remember my dad talking about how some guys where he worked giving him a hard time about being a Roman Catholic because, allegedly, Catholics believed that only Catholics would go to Heaven. My dad told them that he was educated in Catholic schools and he was always taught that even if you were a native living in deepest, darkest Africa who had never heard the name Jesus Christ if you lived your life being the best person you could be then you had as good a chance of getting into Heaven as anybody else (of course most of us would go straight to Purgatory but that's another story) while Jeremy & co. believes that Roman Catholics, no matter how well you have lived your life, are doomed to Hell.
  21. He was hoping to breed his next victim?
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