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Everything posted by threebluestars

  1. I think we'll find out that Kreese is mentally ill like his mother, and combined with Vietnam, I don't see him getting a traditional redemption arc. I can see him going off the rails enough that he's finally held accountable for everything and that's his arc.
  2. I think it's interesting that the minute Sonny vanishes, ACTUAL mob stuff starts happening with the Corinthos clan lol. It just shows how ineffectual the character is as a mob leader. I think that's the fault of the show for trying to make Sonny the good guy. I, personally, would welcome Sonny gets a brain injury a la Jason, but decides to become an upstanding citizen who thinks Carly is off her rocker and Jason is a thug lol. Only because it would drive those characters CRAZY.
  3. That episode description was the one used on my TV, I had to read it over because I couldn't figure out why Eric (Beale) was desperate to keep Kensi safe, then I realized that whoever is in charge of TV write-ups made a booboo lol.
  4. If this show spun off and was just McGee, Gibbs and Fornell as PIs or something, I'd be on board. But everything else ... it just bores me.
  5. I just finished all three seasons. At least I don't have to wait for S4 as long as everyone else lol. I was totally expecting that Hopper ended up in the Upside Down and as they were packing up the ceiling lights would come on one by one and they'd know he was there and it would set up S4. Do they know if they're picked up when they're writing/shooting? The ending made me think they didn't know so they had to wrap things up enough that fans wouldn't be annoyed if S3 was the end. I'm not super fond of the idea Hopper's in a Russian prison. I like the idea it could be El's papa, because it would make sense they'd kidnap someone who had knowledge of what Hawkins lab was originally doing so they could open up a gate themselves (if I remember right Alexei said Hawkins was an ideal place and they had issues in Russia?). I honestly can't see Hopper and his mouth lasting long in a Russian prison though. The whole series I've been waiting for El to contact others like her. She knows there's more. I'm wondering if there's a connection she could tap into with Kali and the others like them. I feel like defeating the ultimate Big Bad would have to involve all of the psychic Hawkins kids so I'm hoping that comes into play. One thing I understood, but wasn't super thrilled with, was the separation of all of the characters for so long. I know the cast is big and it's easier to divide everyone up to keep things controlled and make sure the audience knows what's what, but I really missed the interaction of the core kids. I also need them to do something with Will. While I loved the storyline that everyone else was growing up faster than him, that's not a plot that carries a lot of story. I feel like he was really superfluous in all of the action. He didn't really do much but tell them the Mind Flayer was back and tell everyone they were out of fireworks. I need the writers to figure out what to do with him. Part of me wanted him to sacrifice himself or something so everyone could get away, but I realized watching him hide behind the car with everyone else that he seems way more traumatized than everyone else (for good reason) and wouldn't be able to do it. Maybe they can explore him dealing with PTSD and ultimately sacrificing himself - because I feel like one of the core kids will die at some point, and I think El might be a bit too obvious. I think the look and feel of the show has been my ultimate favourite - from the clothes to the music to the score. It all hits way better than any 80s set show I've ever seen.
  6. Noooo. I'm so sad this was cancelled. They need to at least stream all the old school episodes.
  7. The memoriam at the end was for David Bellisario, a producer on both NCIS and NCIS LA. He's the son of the show creator Donald Bellisario and was stepbrother to Sean Murray (McGee from NCIS). He died of cancer in the summer.
  8. So did GH blow all their money on the set and forget to buy a steadi-cam? What was with all the handheld shots with Sonny that looked like there was an earthquake occurring?
  9. I have been begging for some fun/funny on GH, so Britt has been a breath of fresh air from the doom and gloom of the rest of the show.
  10. Well thankfully that is over. I am so sick and tired of sad-sap storylines. I want some FUN on GH. I want some fun in life right now, not relapsing alcoholics and dying Alzheimer patients. Where is Faison dressed as Beetlejuice when you need him!?
  11. So it looks like it starts next week in Canada. I take it it's already on in the US?
  12. I loved the warring karate dojos line, because you know she's fully aware of how ridiculous it is and sounds. Almost like if you say it out loud maybe the boys will suddenly realize how stupid they're being. But they won't, so bring booze ... "big glass!" lol.
  13. Iron Eagle has the world's best fighter jet in it with an 18-year-old pilot, so I could see why Johnny would like it. In addition to Tommy/Rob Garrison being in it, the theme song of Iron Eagle is Iron Eagle (Never Say Die) by King Kobra. So I think it's just a few little inside jokes. Also I enjoy that it's not Top Gun he's watching which is what you'd assume any fighter jet nut would default to lol.
  14. That's what I most love about the show - everyone is grey areas. The hero is just as easily the villain, and vice versa. Just like in real life. I have rooted for every character at some point, and the show really keeps you thinking because of it. I actually want them to expand on Kreese's motives in a more grey way too. I don't want him being the man-in-black bad guy when everyone else gets so much more characterization.
  15. I'm pissed at how they've treated Lucas during this whole Wiley storyline. It figures they'd not only break up the only same sex couple on the show but also completely ignore what should be a major presence in this story. I'm much more interested in how Lucas is coping with this than Michael and Willow making moony faces over Wiley.
  16. Apparently the BC one had the lowest amount of teams actually finish the race ever. I really liked Borneo and Argentina (I live in BC, so it's a bit too familiar to me lol)
  17. I remember they were required to pack out everything they packed in - food wrappers, equipment, etc. There was a big "leave no trace" element to it. Aside from that I always assumed it meant the ecology was the challenging part of the race lol,
  18. I wish they had focused on more of the non English speaking teams, especially Team East Wind. I don't mind reading subtitles, TV producers. I am also hoping that at some point the previous seasons will end up on Amazon as well. I haven't seen Borneo since it aired and it was a great race.
  19. The seasons are: 1995 Utah 1995 Maine/New England 1996 BC 1997 Australia 1998 Morocco 1999 Argentina 2000 Borneo 2001 New Zealand 2002 Fiji 2019 Fiji Some of them are on YouTube.
  20. I loved the series back in the day. Robyn Benincasa was my favourite racer - I remember being totally outraged when Team Eco Internet dropped her. I also remember one race the Japanese team captain (I think) carried a team member a good chunk of the race after she hurt her ankle. I remembered quite a few of the racers from the previous Eco Challenges, The one thing I wasn't iffy on was them being able to hire help/horses. On one hand, it's providing some entrepreneurs in the village some money, but it takes a bit away from the race. I suspect it was part of them being able to film there and use the villages. I also felt that there was too many similar legs - ie, lots of mountain biking, lots of stand up paddle. I would've liked to see more variation, but they were probably restricted due to the terrain. Next race will be Patagonia in 2021 (not sure when, for obvious reasons). I know the 1999 Argentina season I really enjoyed because there was a big variation in terrain and there was a lot of different disciplines during the race.
  21. Possible CSI reboot/limited series. https://www.newsweek.com/csi-reboot-20th-anniversary-cbs-cast-william-petersen-jorja-fox-grissom-sara-sidle-1524235
  22. I'd forgotten how much I love Jay/Lisa scenes. Their friendship is a real high point for me.
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