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Everything posted by snakenax

  1. I know that the tall black model who was such a big part of season 3-5's line up had her name mentioned several times, but it's been so long since she's been on the show i've completely blanked on it(and i'd love to see her back since she had the kind of proportions made for make up and she seemed to have a ton of fun with it). Also I know Rob Wilson, a current soap hunk, was a model in season one(he was even the winning look of the season with the transforming frog prince).
  2. Season 2 was fine to me as what it was: A amateurs season focused on young people, many of them fairly new to professional drag, competing or being pleasant human beings. I can't really compare it to any other seasons because no other season really focused on the young crowd in the same way(well besides season 6, but the young queens were mostly the cannon fodder there). Season 3 is the one that gets me more, since it's much more professional than season 2 but the quality is so low, with only Rajah and Manilla really showing out and all the personalities are so unpleasant. Both are fairly weak overall compared to later seasons.
  3. IIRC, Emily's background is cosmetology school which would certainly explain why she's one of the very few contestants the show has ever had who knew how to wrangle a wig properly, let alone do all those interesting little tricks with hair. They look very similar, but that is actually a Face/Off model that has been in use for at least three seasons now(He's the tallest and burliest of the guys so he gets used a lot for big monster make ups).
  4. The one guest judge I truly want to see on Drag Race is Ve Neill. She knows about make up, giving her a leg up on judging, and she'd be utterly hilarious.
  5. Lisa was the slightly less psycho PhiPhi O'Hara of Top Chef. She really did bring down what were otherwise excellent episodes.
  6. One thing I never understand when they have a vegetarian challenge or healthy challenge is all the whining from the Italian/French trained chefs. It's just weird to me because one thing the French, Albanian and Italian immigrants i've met over in the US have commented on is how little people eat vegetables compared to in their home country
  7. Technically it wasn't a 'Burtonesque' challenge, it was a challenge to make characters based on the suit of cards with the Queen from Alice in Wonderland as the example. Unlike the Burtonesque challenge there was no expectation to follow in his style(which makes sense given the Queen of Hearts from the Wonderland is one of the least Burtonesque Burton creations), just to incorporate your card and symbol.
  8. Overall I liked the results this week. It's the first non-team challenge so some really sucky pieces are to be expected(the chaff usually isn't fully thrown off until you're down to the final 8). But I really liked Emily's Queen of Hearts, Darla's Jack of Hearts, Ben's Jack of Clubs, Kelly's Queen of Spades and I thought Alan's King of Clubs was hilarious, even if for reasons he didn't intend. I didn't find them to really have any problem with whimsy here, even the bad make ups were whimsical.
  9. I can't blame anyone for blocking out Autumn.. or Eric Z... or House... or the lady with the tumor in her wrist... or the list just goes on.
  10. I wonder what that actually means, though. Producer is a bit of a catch all title, including the title you give people to give them a big sounding title.
  11. Not that surprising, season four was really rough and amateur, mostly notable for how thoroughly Anthony trashed his competition throughout the season.
  12. I doubt he needed steroids, at that age physical changes come really fast and it's very easy to bulk up or slim down. Especially with what we know about diets now, a teenager on a low carb high protein diet can have scary fast changes to how they look.
  13. I actually think the guy deliberately took on the monkey alone, because he viewed himself as the group leader and the most experienced. Which is one of the things that really screwed him, he was trying to solo the monkey while still playing team lead.
  14. I guess maybe i'm alone in thinking it wasn't that bad a line up for a first episode, especially one that was so team oriented only one of the make ups had only two people work on it(i'm not sure why, but make ups that have 3+ people on them often fall short of those that have 1-2 on them). The arachnid alien, both of Laura's aliens, the old queen monkey and the mandrill looked good to me. The two aliens on Anthony's team were just meh(i'm pretty sure i've seen that exact look done better in one of the Men In Black movies or something similar), the hands which were hilariously awful though. The advanced alien on Rayce's team was one I was surprised they didn't throw a harsher judgement at, considering it was a bad sculpt that was either built lopsided or applied crooked. The losing monkey look was just abominable, though the lady who made the wig shouldn't have felt afraid, the wig she made was actually one of the better wigs i've seen on the show. Too bad she had to apply it to that hideous sculpt. One thing my brother noticed is it looks like we might actually have multiple competent fabricators this season, which might be a shift away from last season where nobody stood out too much in fabricating skill.
  15. That line, like most of Dave's lines, made me kind of uncomfortable because the way he behaved so often came off as mentally unhinged to me. The editing definitely seemed to want me to see him as good and Tiffany as bad, but what they actually offered me was a running plotline of a calm collected woman who never did anything to, and mostly tried to ignore, a shouting sweaty crazy man obsessed with attacking her over perceived slights. Worst overall to me has to be Heather. The only dishes she got praise on was another contestant's recipe, her own food was a mess, her behavior was awful and racist and she's continued to be so afterwards. Though most of season 2, Hosea, the d-bag who treats his wait staff like crap and beat Nina last season come close behind. Though for 'worst contestant in a combination of skill, personality and how far they got despite those' I think no one will top Lisa, who is about as lameduck a final three contender as you can get in all ways.
  16. Well, as Rayce's career path shows art design is actually a pretty versatile skill to have. Though that doesn't apply to quite a few contestants this season, who rather than having a generalized art, technical or make up education they focused towards FX and make up instead learned specifically how to create creature FX and apply movie make up, which is a really narrow niche of education.
  17. Well IIRC out of the winners their post-show careers have been two employees of Vi Neil, one forming their own special effects teaching school, one going into visual design for major software companies and Rashaad and Dina are too recent and I dunno about Nicole.
  18. Well the show has always had a fair amount of cannon fodder and this season doesn't look that different(though I was a bit surprised by call out order in some places, like I figured the guys who made the horrible all black DJ cyborg and the hideous fish drag queen would have been called last). But hey, it still looks like a better crop than season 4.
  19. I'm not really sure there was. Nyesha was extremely popular among the other chefs and everyone was shocked when she got eliminated. Beverly was socially awkward and people regularly commented on how awkward or off putting her behavior was. I like Beverly and I was rooting for Nyesha, because IMO Nyesha deserved a real chance to win after being kacked by someone else's mistake.
  20. Yeah, that is the weird thing to me there. Your job is faking it, whatever 'it' the current photoshoot requires. For a male model, that is most often going to be faking attraction to women(unless they make it in the gay arena of marketing, but Will doesn't have the look for that). If you can't fake it, you're failing at your job. Also i've known plenty of total queentastic male actors and models(both gay and straight) and any of them will tell you that if you want to find a job, you have to be able to butch it up vocally, in mannerisms and be able to fully immerse yourself in a masculine character role. If you can't turn the whole 'Hey guuuuurl' off then you probably shouldn't have tried in the first place.
  21. That isn't that uncommon, it was something you could notice happening a lot last season IIRC. Though I always feel a bit oogy when they throw social media at one of the contestants given how little control the contestants have over it. I mean Cory was the second highest social media score last year and that sure wasn't for taking good photos.
  22. He's a dance instructor. For little girls from what was shown in his background stuff early on. Which explains how he can be all 'i'm a dancer!' but have a doughy body, since being a dance instructor is a job with a requirement of light cardio, while a actual professional dancer doing competitions/performances/back up dancing are ridiculously cut and defined because of the amount of training that goes into it. Though I do question how good of a dancer he is, since he doesn't seem to have a lot of physical confidence or strong body control, the backbones of dancing. He comes off to me as someone who knows the basics of ballet and modern dance and has turned that into a career of training young suburban girls who will likely never pursue dancing once their age hits double digits. Those would really be what would kill her real chances of modeling as a career. Because the main market for Asian models(and where most get their start) is in Asia. And there is a definite type of face the market prefers and Shae couldn't be farther from it.
  23. Well, Yu Tsai isn't her employer. In the show, that would be Tyra/the producers. In the real world, a model's employer would be their agent. He's not even her client. He's another employee of the client in this case, a creative director. Now the real issue is having gone to him at all, such complaints don't go to the other employee, they go to the employer, and while people i've known who have done modeling work have a lot of bad things to say about agents and agencies, that they're okay with something as lowly as a creative director talking shit to their model isn't one of them(seriously there is prestige at stake there, you're the one who gets to talk shit to your models.) Though it's not a unusual mistake for young people to make, viewing being direct to be the better route but in business you go through the chain of command because if you don't it looks bad and can get you in trouble.
  24. What I get the feeling of is that Adam comes from one of those super high expectations, high pressure upper middle class families so he has two modes of behavior: all stiff and serious and formal when he's not drinking and loose, silly and happy when he is. Which really isn't unusual to me, it's pretty common among those who are in upper middle class career families(lawyer/doctor/engineer etc) i've met, kind of a culturally accepted way of letting off steam when your public face has to be perfect at all times.
  25. I have to say I find the Chantelle villain edit a bit odd. Most of the time the villain is clearly doing things that can be given that edit, even if taken out of context to be forced into the villain model. But Chantelle's villain edit seems to revolve around people talking about how arrogant and horrible and awful a person she is.. over clips of her looking in a mirror or messing with her hair or just being wrapped up in her own world. It goes the other way and makes me feel sad for her because people are dogpiling her and insulting her for doing nothing.
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