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Everything posted by snakenax

  1. I would say it showed the opposite, since Rachael has a much, much better track record than George on the show and she got sent home for a piece that was incomplete, pretty much the death knell of any contestant. I totally agree, because ultimately Rachael could get to the top three and have a possibility of winning, but unless George busts out unseen before now skills in sculpting, concepting, painting and application he won't make it to top three and if he did it would be by better artists having a bad day, like Rachael.
  2. One thing I miss is when the judging panel would also be a mini-runway challenge. Like without that i'm not sure why Miss Jay is judging, it's pretty clear he's not exactly super versed in the photography side of the industry.
  3. I didn't think he was too bad, having seen a fair amount of audition sides he ranges more towards above average in the bit we see of him(notable acting sides are mostly about proving you can speak clearly, portray emotion and actually remember your lines so they tend to be horrible scenes but have challenges in memorization, emoting and pronunciation). So is it just going to be standard now that they can't afford to constantly rotate in new, interesting photographers and have to constantly use the same game over again?
  4. Plus it's just a reoccuring issue on the show of covering over important appliances or sculptural details with wigs/wardrobes. Having a extra detail on the wig, which is what Sasha did with her doll, is different than styling a wig in such a way that it covers up your work.
  5. I'm pretty sure it was her intention from the start, Sasha picked first so intentionally went for Cyclops.
  6. As much as I like George as a contestant personality wise, it was kind of sour to see a 'could make top 3 and possible win' contestant like Rachael go who has consistently put out good make ups in favor of George who is ultimately cannon fodder, his best this season has been pretty mediocre and his average is shoddy and rough(a bit like House, but without the awful attitude). But Rachael's was a incomplete make up, and i'm pretty sure every time a incomplete make up has gone up the contestant has gone home. But I much rather would have seen George go, since I know i'm never going to see anything interesting out of him. The EmoFaun was amazing. Especially when the actor speaks, that was absolutely camera ready because it moves well enough when he speaks to not impede speech or look fake. Drew seems more and more likely to get to top 3. I was fine with Sasha's being safe. It didn't really read cyclops or cheerleader, but it was pretty amazing. The color palette, the shapes, the creepiness of the black eyes and how well the model's eyes were hidden. And that lipstick, I don't know how she made that lipstick but that is ridiculously cool.
  7. While I love his personality.. yeah, George put out by far the worst make up this week in all ways. Technical, concept, meeting the challenge, it was just bad on all fronts.
  8. Yeah, it's kind of telling that this is Cig's smallest, least costumey piece yet and it's still a 90% immobile mask. His Shiva alien had a bare face to it, and if that make up speaks to his beauty make up skills...
  9. The whole 'we the judges judge you on the intended moving picture, but your social media score is based on a static image' thing annoys me. Raelia got a really bad fan score because her static image was terrible, but her moving picture was actually the best use of the hair movement in the group and the most shampoo commercial of them.
  10. Janice Dickenson in a season with male models would be kind of funny to see, since if her own show is any indication she is one thirsty woman and acts hilariously around hot guys. I could totally see her reaction to that song being "Guys, the only way i'm listening to that is if you're naked".
  11. Damien going has been a long time coming, with him gone I think the season is finally out of complete cannon fodder.
  12. I'd say he has zero high fashion modeling potential(but then even the most high fashion contestant this season would still need to drop a good 10-20 pounds to even be in consideration there), but he has a lot of commercial potential(I'd say Raelia has a lot of potential there as well). That kind of midwestern boyishly handsome jock thing is commercial gold, I could totally see him in a Colgate or Sears campaign. Though he'd need to grow his hair out to it's original length, since those favor standard conservative styling. This photoshoot was just awful. And reminds me of why I didn't much like the nail art challenge from last cycle: why are you having male models doing challenges meant for female models? I mean yeesh, some of the other NTMs with mixed casts when they hit concepts like this have the girls do one kind of shoot and the guys do another and that makes so much more sense than making a photoshoot where one gender is bound to be on the bottom. And I guess Will is going to be joining Cory in the category of 'contestant the judges routinely praise for his face in photos where all I see is derp face on the level of Zoolander'. The relationship nonsense is just blah. It's not even dramatic enough to be proper relationship drama, it's like relationship fauxama.
  13. Alika, IIRC, actually did photography and videos for a fitness modeling/homoerotic softcore studio for a while. Though both he and the girl seem so steeped in the woo that they're too crunchy for granola, it's ultimately harmless silliness and they do seem well matched(though the real question to me long term is how open to a open or poly relationship she is, since Alika doesn't come off as monogamous to me).
  14. I think white briefs are okay, though black, red or gray photograph much better, but they're literally tightie wighties. White bikini briefs would be so, so much more flattering and I know you can get cheap generics of those because I own some. But seriously, if you're going to have 'show your ass off like a go-go boy late on rent' as part of their challenge, you want underwear that doesn't sag around the butt at all. And honestly, there is a reason most male underwear photography has padding in the underwear, the saggy flat front while natural(because any good underwear maker knows your boys need some room to roam around) is not attractive photography.
  15. I think he's trying to say 'you look like a personal trainer, not a model'. Though that is a bit of a silly attempt at a insult, personal training is a common day job for male models. And also a bit silly of Romeo, who does have a very good base look for modeling.. which is irrepairable dropped by bad neck tattoos and large ear gauges. Plus neither are tall enough, but if they were at least Adam could slim down, Romeo's issues need medical procedures.
  16. Assuming they don't completely blow it compared to their previous make ups, i'd put Cig, Dina and Stella as the likely top three. But because at least one probably will mess up, George and Rachael have a good chance too. And Drew could always sail in via safetitude.
  17. It's pretty standard 'pretty teen girl who defines herself by the attention guys give her' stuff, she has a boyfriend but he isn't there so she needs surrogate boyfriends. If she were older i'd find it more repellent, but at 18 she's still stuck in the zero social consequences realm of high school. I don't really get the whole 'Adam started it' or 'Adam was provoking it passive aggressively' stuff, as someone who has had to escort more than a few drunks to bed having to deal with one who is first overly touchy/amorous and then totally belligerent is pretty normal and he acted fairly responsible in trying to get Romeo back to bed via gentle encouragement and not getting belligerent back at him when Romeo was literally clinging to him and insulting him at the same time. Though on the 'this feels kind of staged' area, nobody pulled Romeo off Adam until Romeo headbutted him.
  18. The only thing I disliked about Drew's is he put the hood up on it. His best work was the tattoos, which were completely hidden under the hood. Reminded me of when Rashaad's vampire had that great work on it's cheeks and ears that were completely covered by a wig. I've figured out my issue with George's anaconda. His idea is good, get the idea of the anaconda by muscling the guy out. But he didn't go nearly far enough, he needed to bulk out the musculature a lot more to just make him look rippling with power like a anaconda, instead he made a typically slim build model look slightly less slim.
  19. I actually kinda liked Keaghlan's, it wasn't good but I liked the overall look. My least favorite was probably Rachael's. Cig's didn't do anything for me, like his Armagator, Chumslasher, Angkor Wat alien and Big Tuna mobster it was basically a big immobile showpiece and at this point i'm just getting bored of those from him, he needs to mix it up more so it's not just big bulky immobile piece after another. Dina's was amazing, I just loved it. Drew's was good, a more subtle snake hybrid(though probably not the best representation of a Cobra style snake hybrid). Stella's I wanted to like more, but it obviously just didn't fit right so the face was all off and weird. Damien I feel like is ready to go at any time now. He put out one okay-ish make up that won him a challenge against what was generally really poor competition that episode, but otherwise he's been mediocre to bad.
  20. I think that is a insult to low rent hookers, because at least they don't dye their eyebrows.
  21. Hosea I think is probably the overall worst chef to win a season personality wise, and food wise he seemed nothing special. I'm not fond of Kevin, Elan or Nicholas but none of them were quite so eurgh. I really wish Carla had better confidence in her abilities when working with other chefs, because I kind of feel she would have hands down won the final competition if there had been no sous chefs because her flaws came pretty much from buckling under other people's bad suggestions.
  22. It's.. variable. This was supposed to be a perfume ad and those are often nothing but artistic sexy nonsense with a shot of the bottle at the end. So this one worked as it.. well a really low rent version(seriously that had the production values of a youtube skit made by a 12 year old). And there are runways which are more intended to sell spectacle and be a big artsy party than to sell their merch. And of course there are plenty of clothing ads that barely feature clothing(Given how often Dolce and Gabanna use nudity in their ads campaigns you could as easily guess it was a company that sells sunscreen for nudists). But the honest answer is that Top Model just has hit a area where it's shoots are too low rent for artsy/editorial/high concept ad styling but aren't actually featuring a product either. It's too bad Adam's proportions are so bad for modeling(even for fitness/underwear modeling they're a bit on the stocky/short side). Give him three more inches of height and make his proportions favor his legs over his torso and he'd probably have the best look there. I want to like Will more than I do. He's the only gay guy there, so he feels like I should be rooting for him. But I kind of have the same problem with him that I did with Cory. I know gay male models IRL, including ones so feminine they make Cory look like Clint Eastwood, and they don't really have the same 'I must play the girl/be feminine and delicate in my shoots' thing going on, that most shoots and runways will require them to be masculine, often hyper masculine, is just part of being someone working in the industry. It just kind of comes off as being unsecure in your sexuality the same way the straight guys wigging out about having to play feminine or homoerotic does.
  23. I think it's at least three episodes down the road for the DNA shoot.
  24. That is one too many. She looked like she was smuggling drugs over the border in those pants.
  25. He'd need to really increase his ability to do drag and comedy if he wanted to do Drag Race. I mean he was the wittiest, funniest contestant of season 20 but the contestants that season were largely too stupid to live, i'm not sure he'd stand up well to people who's day job is being funny and witty.
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