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Everything posted by snakenax

  1. One of the girls described him as 'awkwardly self confident' and that seems a perfect description for him. Hmm, I wonder if we're seeing the beginnings of a winner's edit for Keith. Assuming he stays at this level or improves I would be okay with that, especially since he doesn't seem to be a psycho hose beast like almost all the contestants last season. Though he(along with Denzel and Adam) would pretty much be fitness models, not fashion models, meaning if they were called for runway work it would pretty much solely be underwear, swimwear, fetish wear etc.
  2. Okay, I hope I wasn't the only one who noticed that their supposedly nude silly string walk actually had them in black g-strings? It's very obvious on Adam since he has so little string on him(sometimes they blur his hips to hide it, but othertimes you can clearly see the string and pouch). Which I really don't have a problem with, implied nudity using minimalist clothing is actually a big thing in modeling, it just seems so silly to pretend they were naked when they quite obviously weren't. I can't really argue with the increased focus on the eye candy this season, since if you're going to introduce male models you might as well exploit 'em for all they're worth. And.. drinking a bunch of beer? For models about to go on shoots? I hope that was scripted or else these contestants are too stupid to live. What next, pizza, french fry and salt licking night before a lingerie shoot? At least the personalities were less grating in this episode. I still like Chantelle enough to root for her and I can't decide if Will's mass of insecurities and issues is cute or annoying(I wasn't a fan of Cory, but at least Cory seemed 100% on owning what he was and I really respect that.. even in a Reality TV famewhore). Why do the talking heads look like they were filmed on a camera phone sometimes? Please Tyra, you're what.. in your forties? Don't do the whole sorority girl thing, it's just tacky. Besides this group doesn't need any help acting like college kids on spring break. I actually really like the photo shoot, because it's something like a actual photoshoot and the results I thought were overall much better than expected(though generally the closer the show gets in concept to a professional shoot the better the result is). Ugh, the fan score is back. And once again it seems pretty obvious the judge's votes are based on trying to manipulate the final score, since they don't seem to have anything to do with what they say or the photo in question. So i'm just going to guess that Ben will be the Jeremy this season and consistently get high fan scores regardless of photo quality. And wow do people not like Romeo.
  3. Romeo to me comes off like someone who went to one of those 'how to be a Reality star' courses. He has a ridiculous gimmick in the witchcraft thing(not Wicca, not New Age religion... literal carries a book of spells around witchcraft). He immediately picks a fight. I dunno, it just seems very 'person who knows the Reality show game' to me.
  4. I'd say I can see why they wouldn't go with Josh since while very handsome he's also very plain, his complexion isn't the best and his body isn't quite fitness and isn't quite fashion.. but that applies to Ben as well and he made it as well(as much as I viscerally dislike Adam, I can at least give him that I could actually see him doing fitness modeling). But basically this entire set seems a bit blah at best. I was actively annoyed by Danny not making it in. Because there is a 90% chance of a guy winning this cycle(because Tyra outright stated last time she wanted a guy to win) and Danny definitely has the best overall look of the guys there.
  5. I wouldn't be surprised if it also simple came down to the other two were guys and Stella is a woman. At least IME, a lot of women who have issues talking to/with guys don't with women, which is compounded by that women often need to put out extra effort just to be heard with a guy.
  6. I'm shocked, I really liked all of them except for the cowardly lion and even that only hit average for the show(given the last Wonderland mash up challenge ended up with everything looking awful with a much more talented set of artists my expectations were very low).
  7. Well... that ending was about as misogynistic as I expected given all the post-3 seasons of the show. Main female protagonist of the show is totally sidelined for her emo boyfriend from four seasons ago who is bossing her around and making everything about him(also the show treats his fate as some great tragedy when he is by far worse than Sarah Newlin in every way including body count, considering her body count is only a extension of his own because Hep V and vamp camp is directly related to his stint as a religious terrorist). Emotional climax of the finale isn't really about female protagonist, but about her relationship from four seasons ago and how that makes her emo ex-boyfriend feel. Female villain is damned to eternal rape and it's portrayed as a good and positive thing. The entire Bill pushing Hoyt and Jessica to marry thing was just gross. While the book ending was a bit of a clusterfuck, it looks like the purest art ever seen in comparison to the dreck of this last season.
  8. Well if he's no longer a werewolf, he no longer has werewolf anger issues, meaning he has a regular human emotional range but with a lot of training in self control. Overall a pretty good episode, though it did feel a bit like they wanted a flashier end to the assassin arc but had to keep it low budget to put the money to the finale action set pieces, kind of like how in 3B it's obvious they blew their entire Oni budget on the first episode with them.
  9. They were told specifically not to do that and Keaghlan was heavily dinged for going more cartoony than realist.
  10. She's the current main model I notice(along with the lean faced latino guy, asian guy with glue allergy and white guy with a jaw so square you could level a door frame with it), and she is really good with it. Though my favorite overall model on the show was the tall, skinny black woman who was the model for a lot of really good make ups and had a great way of putting character into them. Unfortunately I think she isn't a part of the last two seasons. I also miss Rob Wilson from the first, because damn that was some eye candy during the application phase.
  11. They did. Duke was going after Scott because he wanted a natural Alpha in his pack because he's basically the Alpha version of a obsessive collector, Kali and the rest were going after Derek because their usual mode of operation is 'make Alpha, or acceptable replacement member of pack, kill their packmates and join the Alpha pack'. What they never explained was why the Alpha Pack was interested in Lydia or Danny.
  12. While Chantelle definitely only has niche appeal as a model, I don't think that's a bad thing. She has a weird artistic beauty to her and that can really go far. Plus realistically speaking, modeling isn't a career except for like 1% of models and I don't think any of the contestants this season could hit that 1% if they tried. Having some niche appeal for a while and then disappearing to pursue a actual career is pretty good as attempts at modeling go, really.
  13. Three days is the usual, with the body painting challenges getting six hours and most of the finales getting four days. I think maybe the multi-headed giant challenge gave more time than usual.
  14. I don't really find it to make no sense. It's definitely a shock reveal, but we have limited information about Meredith to begin with and what we do have is what she's deliberately let out, as is clear from the ending Meredith's natural state isn't 'barely functional insanity' which means she's been playing them the whole time. If anything, Meredith playing them makes a lot more sense than her being a random crazy person who routinely escapes confinement to drop a clue for the heroes. But then I didn't find the Jennifer reveal weird or out of nowhere either, since I had her pegged as the secondary villain from the very episode(seriously, when a show has a limited cast it becomes easy to guess who is going to be something based on foreshadowing like the bird attack scene).
  15. Personally i'd prefer alternating male and female cycles if they're going to include male models. Though admittedly, with ANTM being network TV it's usage of male models is more snoozy than the cable modeling shows that have used them since it can't do as much underwear/sexy/nude shoots(though it used to do so and just make extensive use of blurring back when it cared about making good photoshoots). One thing i'm kind of surprised by is two seasons with guys and none of them hit either the classically handsome mold or the generic male model look(the closest is the new gay Texan, and he's a bit too lanky and doughy).
  16. I think the dead pool is Meredith's and the money was probably stolen by Brunski or another minion(i'm going to bet we'll find out Banshee powers are more than just prediction, automatic writing and psychometry through her). But I also think the whole Benefactor thing is a ruse, she isn't trying to wipe out all the supernaturals in Beacon Hills but is trying to cause a chain of events to happen that required her to do that. Afterall, she directly went out of her way to help Lydia unlock the dead pool and the code words were chosen for their resonance to Lydia, which suggests to me that people knowing about it and stopping it was entirely intended from the start. Though if the show follows it's usual trajectory, and it has so far since last episode was the villain reveal and the third episode was the introduction of the mystery villain, next episode will be the big 'explain everything the villain did and why' episode.
  17. IIRC, DNA study suggests that most humans have both Neanderthal and.. I can't remember their name, D-something, another stone age hominid from Asia DNA in them. Overall I liked the selection here. They weren't great, but i'd say I could see most of them in the BBC Narnia films or the Neverending Story and that is about the highest compliment you can give to cheap, quickly built animal costumes. The only one that stood out as really bad was Doc's, which was just horrendous. I want to like George's more than I do. His willingness to drop the human form and go full body is great. But he really doesn't seem to have the time management skills to back that up and I feel if he continues this way he'll get sent home for a janky attempt at full body while everyone else was doing the typical cowl/face/hands/chest.
  18. It's kind of amazing how in only having two seasons with guys they already seem to have a formula built up for them. A effeminate gay guy with a sob story who gets along with the girls more than the guys and will mostly act as emotional support, probably while coasting through the season with no actual chance of winning like Cory. A bunch of guys who are total horndog d-bags. I'm sure by episode 3 or 4 we'll see our more socially awkward guy and our just plain nuts guy show up. I have to say i've never been looking more forward to a make over than Party Alpha Male Dude's, that hair cut is absolutely hideous and doesn't do his face any favors. It looks like he styled his hair with sweat.
  19. Between that, Tara's offscreen death and Alcide leaving the show quickly, I wonder how many regular cast members were like 'just get me off this train wreck so I can start doing movies/TV already'.
  20. It could also refer to Peter's new Alpha form the season trailer already showed us.
  21. I think that would only matter if Ms Yukimura knew Parrish is a supernatural, since the Oni were hunting people on her orders.
  22. With the twins it was mentioned that banishment to Earth was the punishment for undesirables and since you require a key, be it serpent or Ingrid, to get back they were all stuck there(and with the two keys on our side of the portal, Asgard couldn't open it after the Beauchamp family came through). Being the undesirables would explain why all the other witches we've seen have been kind of creepy or weird(besides Alex, but I could easily see her exile being political).
  23. Overall I was very pleased with the work this episode. Nothing was quite fall on your face horrible(even if the Banyan and Sequoia were pretty mediocre) and the two top looks were really good(and IMO, the Willow with the branches was quite beautiful as well, even if it lacked heavily without them). I was a bit disappointed in Dina and Keaghlan this episode, while they both hit safe I felt they fell down in some of their previous areas of skill. Dina's form work was just sloppy and the paint job was muddy, while Keaghlan's was almost monotone forest green... which isn't the color of any part of the tree her team was using. One thing I noticed about the losing Sequoia look, the paint job was /really/ shiny. I don't know why they did that since it looks both really bad and sells it as terrible fake.
  24. One thing I find funny in a 'the people who get the contestants their props aren't very good, are they?' kind of way is that looking at the photos of this challenge on the website, Keaghlan's Egyptian alien's robe is covered in crysanthemums and lotus flower symbols.
  25. I think that guy is probably mid season cannon fodder which is why we're not seeing anything about him. He's not early season cannon fodder, so no reason to spend time on his creations when you have total disasters to spotlight, and he's not a late season contender, so no reason to build him up. Right now i'd put him, beard guy, red hair girl and dude voice guy as the ones likely to only get a spotlight mid season when they start getting bumped off.
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