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Everything posted by snakenax

  1. Be Puerto Rican, I guess. Though outside of Yara, I always felt the Puerto Rican queens were around way past their expiration date.
  2. Rajah. I mean Rajah is like the most fashioniest of fashion queens ever. And I guess to a lesser extent Tyra and Bebe could count as well(Ru obviously had a much higher preference for that kind of queen than the viewing public).
  3. I don't mind Michelle telling queens to change their look up.. she's just incredible inconsistent about it. She's never told it to a glamour queen(despite them often being the most repetetive), but she was really down on Sharon's contacts but okay with Coco and Yara's etc. I don't think it's wrong to expect queens to be able to give highly different looks, but how it's thrown out there seems mostly aimed to snap at non-glamour queens for not being glamour enough. Or in the case with Max, Michelle's oddly specific running theme of believing drag is all about making a man look like a younger woman and getting really huffed about middle aged or older drag styles.
  4. They've only mentioned it a few times before on Face/Off, but there is fairly significant shrinkage capabilities in a foam or latex appliance. Especially for a gigantic solid piece like Adam's head this week. It came up a lot more on Jim Henson's Creature Workshop, which Adam's creation was really more in the wheelhouse of. But at that size, several inches of shrinkage once the whole thing cured up wouldn't be unheard of.
  5. I like her in the Untucked. She was harsh as hell in her criticisms, but not bitchy or mean about them. I could see her becoming the drag mama this season, because while she isn't nearly as nice as Chad or Bianca, she's the kind of harsh these young queens need.
  6. I could see Pearl making final three, but mostly on the same way PhiPhi and Adore got there: unreasonable levels of praise for relatively small levels of improvement in a young messy queen who needs a lot of work. Hmmm, I wonder who the Miss Congenialty will be. Other than Ivy Winters, it's always been a fan favorite who gets kicked off in the final stretch. Right now i'd place my bets on Max or Ginger(if somehow Ginger isn't a top three lock).
  7. Well, generally the show has a spectacular failure at Snatch Game and I think that is what Miss Fame is going to be. But i'd say Miss Fame is still there because the show put her on there because of pre-existing fan base, so a Youtube celebrity gets to have a longer shelf life than a working Drag Queen from the middle of the country(which I think covers every elimination we've had so far).
  8. The season is making me think a lot of season 2. A lot of quieter, but more bitchy, personalities. A lot of more introverted, low energy queens. A lot of young queens defined primarily by look. A lot of bad performances in the performance challenges. A certain interchangability of a lot of contestants. It does feel like a step back after three seasons that were primarily defined by high energy high personality highly performance based often older queens with a much stronger ear for comedy. Though the show is also having a lot less non-challenge time, the work room is almost non-existent. At this point we've had queens comment on at major friendships(Kandy with Jasmine/Kennedy and Trixie with Pearl) that you would have had no idea existed until they decided to bring them up as part of Elimination Drama. The show seems to be leaning heavily on Untucked to fill in the blanks, but the new format Untucked is both shown in a different format than the main show now but also seems even more heavily geared towards people sniping at each other.
  9. Personally, i'm kind of surprised that Miss Fame wasn't in the bottom. In the video she was still incredible stiff and having difficulty with choreography and that whole 'being entertaining' thing, which would seem bigger issues than sinking into the background like Kandy, Kasha or Trixie.
  10. Oh she's definitely way better than PhiPhi, but PhiPhi is bad enough to make some sections of season 4 nigh unwatchable(especially the last few Untuckeds where she seemed close to being the first contestant disqualified for murdering and eating another contestant).
  11. She's giving me more PhiPhi vibes, in that she just seems to have a run of the mill bad attitude and unwillingness to be pleasant while Laganja was all off her meds obnoxious(but insanely quotable in her nuttiness).
  12. Oh and did anyone else think Jaidynn was totally robbed for the win? Kennedy did the best singing, but she was largely in a non-comedy role, while Jaidynn perfectly played the primary comedic performance in her video.
  13. I think Trixie looks really good if you have access to BoyTrixie in the work room and talking heads like we do, where he is charismatic, funny, energetic, very cute and has presence. If you have to rely on Trixie in his drag persona alone, he just doesn't bring any of that with him in the show, where he appears to just be a Fame, Violet, Pearl or Sasha with a more camp look and generally poorly fitted clothes. At the same time.. well the show is totally fixed y'all. If you guys didn't see that last season, or season four, then I just don't know. It's great fun TV, but it has little interest in reality or being a drag competition compared to being a entertaining drag media sensation. Trixie didn't have a storyline, Pearl does. So Pearl stays and 50/50 whether Pearl's storylines completes in the next 2-3 episodes and she goes home or she stays to make top three as their hand out to the younger, look heavy queens who are never going to win.
  14. I think her concept was good, just the robe needed to be knee length to give a more action hero look.
  15. From what I gathered from Alyssa Edward's review of the Meet The Queens, Kennedy is extremely popular in Texas drag circles and the pageant circuit, being the one who first crowned Alyssa.
  16. One challenge i'd love to see is one where they're provided a animatronic frame and they have to sculpt the covering for it.
  17. Well this is what they mean when they talk about visual language, does something immediately read troll? Does the sweeping forehead you gave your character make it read more alien than intended? Is your lion closer to a tabby? When all you can really judge on is visuals, the ability for something to be instantly associated with what it is can be very important. As for why some people are dinged for not reading as the concept and others are praised for going outside the box, well that has a simple enough answer: if something works, it's good, if something doesn't, it's bad.
  18. I think the overall concept of the challenge was a bit wonky in that there are very few superheroes that require any make up effects, they're primarily defined by wardrobe. Which is why the people in the top all did the super hero mask, it's the one sculpted bit you'll see in super hero costumes(and why it was boneheaded for Stephanie to decide against doing one, since it's about the only way to read super hero in visuals and still be sculpting),
  19. Eh, Violet doesn't shut up about his waist size and has made numerous digs at other queens about their appearance, including in his first meeting with them, which totally makes his own body a ripe arena for shade. But then i'm not sure what there is to be jealous about there, Violet has one of the grossest looking bodies ever on the show IMO, as my brother put it when he came out on the nude runway "I didn't know they were doing a Schindler's List challenge".
  20. Generally no Queen has won on aesthetic since the final fan vote was implemented in season 3. Unless Pearl busts out performance chops that have been unseen so far, the only way I see her winning the fan vote is if it's Pearl, Violet and Fame in the top three. But the other front runners like Max, Ginger or Katya? Not a chance.
  21. I'd say that is because last season the only real drama they had was Laganja(and to a lesser extent Gia being a shit stirrer in the early season). This season there are definite cliques forming with drama coming from conflict between cliques and also from the outsiders of the cliques(Violet being the biggest one getting a sandy vagina about being a outsider).
  22. I do like Pearl because she has a funny dry personality, somewhat like Willam but more hipster and less bimbo. I probably wouldn't pay to go to one of her shows, but hey I have actually seen Violet in performance and blegh is all I can say there.
  23. It would be funny if they populated the season mostly with young fashion hipster queens and then made all the challenges force them out of that comfort zone. Kind of like how season 5 was the fishy season but the challenges were built to gut those fishes ruthlessly.
  24. Make up related allergies can be really severe, depending on what was used on him it could have been anything from standard allergic reaction to kidney failure.
  25. I don't find it surprising, last season we really started to see the influx of young, pretty twinkies who are only questionable professional drag queens with drag(and often out of drag) personas of 'over it hipsters' and they played extremely well to the fanbase, heck one of them made it to the finale. The current crop is even more heavily in that direction and Pearl is, besides maybe Violet, the very personification of that style. It's not my favorite style by a mile, but it's the current drag trend and is really heavily favored by the show's audience(and at least IME, the style is largely born out of the increased interest in drag that Drag Race spawned). It's one of those areas where as Willam has pointed out, 'good Drag Race contestant' and 'good professional drag queen' are two different things that don't always overlap well.
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