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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. In that photo Bin looks like a semi-poor, three-mistresses-removed, fourth cousin of a Saudi prince.
  2. That stockpot and colander those kids are playing with... 1) look very expensive 2) look like they’ve never been used.
  3. That poor undernourished brainwashed fearful twit...and I only lasted thirty seconds because her voice really upset my dog. (That makeup???? OMG. Your average drag queen wears less glop than that...on stage.)
  4. Well done, Zahdii! I doubt Michelle at gunpoint could have come up with half that information about her own litter.
  5. Anyone else keep reading this episode title as, “Baby Number Two—But Why?”
  6. “Mommy, what’s ‘Homeland Security’?”
  7. Yes, Churchie...that’s probably exactly what happened. Since it’s not specifically about him and I have long suspected he has no time for anything other than himself and his props, he reflex-clicked and went back to his mirror.
  8. I’m hoping our legal experts will weigh in, but I think LLCs limit civil liability but not criminal liability. From LegalZoom: “If the LLC acts as a “veil” protecting the LLC’s owners from the business’s liabilities, a court may “pierce the veil” and allow an owner to be named as a party to a lawsuit in certain circumstances. The court will pierce the veil when the LLC is being used to do something illegal or if there is no real distinction between the owners and the LLC. So if an owner commits fraud while acting as an officer for the LLC and then seeks to use the liability shield to protect himself from being personally liable, a court will generally not permit that. This issue also arises if the owner interacts with someone on behalf of the LLC but does not make that clear to the third party; if the third party brings suit related to that interaction, the owner can be named as a defendant.”
  9. Whoa. Back the truck up. If RFP is tacitly cheering on his in-laws’ downfall he’s really, really dumb, arrogant or both.
  10. They’re due for a really high-maintenance baby next time. For the kid’s sake, I can only hope it’s photogenic or Datty will gift it to dear friends.
  11. Beelzebub’s Car Wash and Pizzeria. (Featuring the Hellzafire Special: a large deep dish with ghost pepper sauce, jalapeños, blackened shredded goat and extra Pepper Jack, served on a flaming platter.)
  12. Sixteen months and she’s giving serious side eye to her lightweight parents. She and Sam give me hope.
  13. I did wonder about all this when I read about those two chemistry professors in Arkansas who were arrested for manufacturing methamphetamine a few days ago. Then I read “liberal arts university” and realized that any or all three words ruled out Duggar involvement completely.
  14. Hathorlive, thank you!!! It’s wonderful to have people like you on the thread, who have actual expertise to share. It’s very much appreciated by someone like me, who has exactly nothing to offer except enthusiasm. 😁
  15. He’s only related by marriage, aka “kin” but not “family.” Plus he lets everyone push him around. He’s not even a beta male. JD is my bet. He likes to throw his weight around and he has aspirations to power. He’ll use Austin as the enforcer.
  16. And he always said great, magnificent things about JB...
  17. I feel like you’re our reporter on the front lines...our own Christiane Amanpour!
  18. And looked through some stuff. And borrowed a couple of thumb drives. But we gave them banana muffins and sang for them! Yay!
  19. Is the original source the local news channel? I find it hard to believe that a local news channel would run a story made up out of thin air given the local prominence of the Duggars. They did cite an unnamed source who “wouldn’t deny” a raid had happened but parts were bracketed as if they’d been paraphrased. If it turns out that the HSI source was faked or if the actual comment was, “I can’t confirm or deny” or words to that effect, someone is getting fired, at a minimum. Would People run with it given the local news channel source? Probably. I don’t think of People as being a bastion of journalistic standards. As for Crystal Ball whatever...that’s just internet chatter. It’s that local news report that really got this rolling again. Now do I believe the Duggars would lie? Hell, yes.
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