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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. Apparently they share the same “faith” that he should boss her around and she should enjoy that because Jesus. ETA: What could go wrong? 😱
  2. How about Cade waiting until she actually is a mother? She’s what, nineteen FFS. It’s just pukefying. The end.
  3. Jill has zero clue what hashtags are or what they’re designed to do. #influencerfail
  4. That wedding dress...yikes. It looks so uncomfortable. I would have spent most of the evening shoving the girls down and yanking the dress up. He’s going to “lead.” Alrighty then. Baby by Labor Day if not Fourth of July. I give it five years, max.
  5. Would someone please explain to that fluffhead that merely being someone who likes to eat doesn’t make him a “foodie” ? A career foodie has perspective and expertise to offer... 1) They know how to cook on a near-professional level and/or have gone through culinary arts training. 2) They often have traveled extensively and have in-depth knowledge about indigenous cuisines. 3) They have written about food and/or worked as a restaurant reviewer or food writer. RFP has none of these things. My Golden retriever really likes food, any food...that doesn’t make him a foodie. FFS.
  6. I think that whole thing is cruel and unfunny. Back to Duggarville...Jill lives an ordinary little life. Nothing wrong with that. It’s the seemingly desperate attempts to make it look like something else that are often pitiful.
  7. There is NFW the Huntley Hotel comped them a damned thing. They’re just squatting their lobby. (Unless one of their rich idiot benefactors MacArthur buds owns that place...but most high end hotels aren’t all that thrilled with their lobby looking like a high-end day care.)
  8. They’ll name it after MacArthur or whoever it is who’s lending them the house. They’re like stray cats...feed them and they’re yours forever.
  9. Question...if RFP were to retire, how would anyone know the difference? ETA: Ha! Zella and I are mind twins....
  10. Who is “loveDuggarsforever,” the photographer? I looked at his/her Instagram page and it’s...interesting.
  11. Why is Prop dressed like a gender-fluid lumberjack?
  12. She’s SIX, FFS!!! She can’t even spell “sin.” She’s just learning that the path to her parents’ approval lies in ignoring her own feelings and fears and letting them waterboard her because it makes them look godlier in front of the other cultfucks. I hope her parents die ugly. This is just WRONG.
  13. I’m sorry, I just can’t with this shit. Poor little skinny waif getting dunked by her father to cleanse her of her “sins”? That is just ALL KINDS of fucked up. 😡 P.S. Where’s CPS for this kind of crap?
  14. Anyone else think it’s somewhat peculiar that MacArthur’s headquarters are in Southern California, of all places? Given what he preaches, he is swimming upstream at best.
  15. There’s zero possibility that Mrs. RFP was going to that gig without RFP and Prop, both dressed to the nines. That may have been where the MacArthur dots got connected...
  16. That’s possible, but it’s hard for me to picture RFP turning down ANY influencer gig, let alone one associated with an upscale brand. He’s probably shedding tears into his silk pocket Rembrandt (85 €) as we speak...
  17. There’s one other possibility...that the old white boys who currently own RFP got wind of Jinger’s gig and tightened up on RFP’s leash?
  18. You know things are out of control when your family’s belief system is too oddball for Scientologists...
  19. Not necessarily? It’s a way for both sides to save face, IMO... I love this so very, very much....
  20. If he does, he’s poisoning the brand even worse. There aren’t many businesses that cater only to hardcore fundies and most businesses in general are disinclined to purposely alienate customers. The hateful tenets may have slid under the radar of the other LA places they’ve grifted, but if he makes a big deal out of this, it’s out there. As we’ve all said, branding themselves as Fundie Hipsters is oxymoronic, at best. They’ve done a pretty good job of hiding their affiliations and what RFP does at the seminary behind pretty Prop photos, but this was going to happen eventually. The internet giveth and the internet taketh away...
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