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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. You could throw in twelve random strangers and they’d never notice.
  2. Not unless they plan to stand up...no way that tub accommodates two people. Which will knock that crap off that shelf almost immediately... Sorry. Brain bleach all around.
  3. 😱 Anyone know how that compares to the rest of the spawn?
  4. You know, though, that her real objective is getting the leghumpettes to post their own Hobby Lobby Magnolia knockoff photos. She’s trying to generate traffic any way she can. This is why I don’t completely buy into the Jillage Idiot theory. She does just enough stuff like this that semi sorta makes sense, given her probable goals and target audience.
  5. But she’s kinda picky, y’all! I do not get trying to make a bathroom “cozy.” I want it clean. I do not want tchotchkes that gather dust and floating bacteria. A nice plush washable bath mat, a pretty painting under glass I can clean (a theme here) and that’s plenty. That’s one tiny tub? Wouldn’t it be too easy to knock that stuff down stepping out or in?
  6. You put up a hanging shelf. Then you put some stuff on it. Yay!
  7. Was this taken before fönageddon or do we know...I’m guessing before? I’m sorry, but that bag still has a price tag on it and if I’m paying too much for a basic roll-on suitcase, I don’t want sticky little hand and buttprints on it. A store is not a Chuck E. Cheese, Jer.
  8. If that’s true, she’s the Fundie Forrest Gump but without his inherent decency. So Derrick, shut up with how smart she is and stop assuming she’s qualified to home school your kids.
  9. Does she never ever read anything? Talk to other humans? Watch anything and I mean ANYTHING having to do with, I dunno, life in the last twenty years? Her besthubbyevah delivers food ordered...wait for it...online!!! She’s pulling content out of her behind, as usual. I can’t decide which is more annoying: if she doesn’t know it’s crap or if she knows it’s total bullshit but thinks if she does it it’s somehow special.
  10. ONLINE SHOPPING? THIS IS A DRAMATIC NEW BREAKTHROUGH!!! Honestly. Every time I can work up the tiniest bit of sympathy for her cheerful simpleton self she posts something like this.
  11. I love “Grace and Frankie” and wanted to like this. But damned if Lorre doesn’t just have to dump his junior high mindset over everything...the woman’s dying of cancer, Sandy finally goes to see her...so they’re making sex jokes? Or are they ironic, I can’t even tell. Talking about jerking off during her eulogy? Lorre’s shows always have to take everything from sexy to just plain crude. I like the daughter, I love the Alan Arkin character, but Sandy’s just a tad smug. Everything seems to just fall his way so far and he’s not very relatable because of it. Dunno. For those who have watched more, is it worth continuing or is it just “Two and A Half Old Men”?
  12. She will be in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent. It would make a great drinking game...every time he falls back on “Jesus,” “the Bible tells us,” or “my faith,” drink.
  13. These children are taught nothing but religious dogma that says there is only one path and that if they stay on it, everything will be just perfect and magical. The transition to adulthood is hard for most teens. I can’t imagine how disconcerting it must be to these brainwashed brood sows to be in extraordinary pain and fear after being fed all of these lies about how this is their only purpose in life.
  14. Ha! I just caught that... I see what you did there!
  15. I would suspect RFP doesn’t think twice a week about his own supposed ministry, let alone Jinger’s. I also suspect they may be staring at almost no income, no place to live if the freebie expires, and no help to speak of from either JimBob or the MacArthur Old Bros, especially as they are already gifting him temporary housing, tuition, and some kind of semi-sorta job that isn’t. If Jinger is pregnant...yikes.
  16. So I didn’t look...how did she shape those Plop Rolls? At first I thought she was making crescent rolls and using the pizza cutter to cut the pieces. But instead of rolling them up, she apparently hurled them one by one into the pan from across the room?
  17. What’s with this recipe, while I’m at it? I have a dinner roll recipe I can make in my sleep...with BUTTER FFS not Crisco. It’s not rocket science..some slight variation on this recipe probably ends up on tables in 90% of US homes this time of year. Their PR person is really, really bad. Must be a sweet friend.
  18. Actually, my take is that he’d love his family to be all admiring little girls, so I’m hoping for a boy Sam-equivalent who has Datty’s number by six months and an eyeroll perfected by seven months who thinks sports are stupid and wants to study quantum physics.
  19. Is it just me or in that first photo does she look cross eyed?
  20. 1) She looks deranged. And a little desperate. 2) The rolls bear a remarkable resemblance to what I clean up in the yard after my 76# dog. 3) They’re also overdone. As is her whole shtick. As for Prop & Company photos, yet again...yawn. Whatever, Mary Lou.
  21. Have these two criteria been met in reality or is it just more made for teevee bullshit? Derrick was some halfassed missionary. RFP was an ex-jock in search of a flock to fleece. Did Bin ever have a job that didn’t involve his now father-in-law? Austin comes closest, with the flipping?
  22. Michelle left alone to care for four of her grandchildren for a week, all of them three and under. Jill forced to cook an entire meal without a can opener. Josiah walking into a leather bar at 2 a.m.
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