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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. He’s not even close to fish-size. He’d have to be ten times more famous just to reach protozoan.
  2. I’m curious about this...RFP is what, 30? Supposedly he has a degree in business? But what has he done, work-wise, that could lead to anything resembling a career, outside of mumbling his way through sermons in some backwater church somewhere?
  3. Except that I believe to my core that if JB’s fortunes suddenly took off and he ended up with some kind of famous fundie television church or the equivalent he’d have RFP’s lip prints all over his ass. RFP is all about fame and doesn’t seem to have any moral dilemmas about going after at.
  4. Some of those poses are borderline pervy. Just saying. I saw the first one and thought Abbie had swallowed a flashlight...or it was some kind of fundie DIY ultrasound.
  5. I just wonder if the power dynamics didn’t change after the JB show was cancelled and it morphed into “Counting On”...and JB would have been the last to recognize it. Jeremy entering the picture just about that time is...interesting.
  6. Was the Duggalo merger before or after Joshgate and the Fertility Follies was semi sorta cancelled?
  7. To the extent JB thought about it at all, past the basics of male and Christian, he may have seen in RFP the big old famewhore that he is and assumed that thirst could be used to help further Duggarworld and the teevee money. Besides, there’s nothing like a big white wedding for ratings. What I doubt JB realized is that RFP’s hunger for fame would lead him away from the family instead of toward it.
  8. She was “meek,” she was a virgin, she’s attractive, she had some secondary “fame,” she’s a conspicuous Christian, her daddy has money. On paper, she’s RFP’s dream girl.
  9. At least he’s okay... No, he isn’t. Someone will now figure out that it was 70 degrees up there in the tundra....his life is just a cheap theatre production.
  10. I wonder more and more if he’s no longer the flavor of the month at MacArthur park...he never mentions studying, going to class, or anything new he might have learned. MacArthur is a misogynist bigoted pompous asshole, but I suspect he didn’t get rich not knowing when to toss someone by the side of the road as a bad investment.
  11. Wow, this really couldn’t be much more of a neener neener to the rest of the family. “While it’s challenging to stand out in a family of nineteen yahoos and their hillbilly hookups, we win! Eat that, bitches!!!” Okay, I paraphrased a tad. ETA: While I’m at it...WTF about Jeremy as one of the breakout stars? Jinger spent her whole life in that shitshow. He shows up for a wedding episode and to donate sperm. The arrogance is off the charts.
  12. I would be far more impressed if she were doing this by choice. Fact is that something went down ugly with TLC and/or Jim Bob Un and #besthubbyevah that got them kicked to the side. Now she’s struggling to understand Adult 101 with zero learning skills. Zero. Her feedback loop seems to be non-existent. Not her fault, so thank you SOTDRT and shitty parents yet again. I think it’s telling that Derick so angrily defends her supposed intelligence...I suspect he veers back and forth between being infuriated and being sad for how limited she is.
  13. Not a single mention of MacArthur or the scholarship or “job” he gave RFP. And Jesus comes in last. RFP’s suckup skills are slipping...
  14. “He is passionate about being a husband and father, as well as modern men’s fashion and the culinary arts.” There are so many things wrong with that sentence...
  15. “The ever-fluctuating changes of life.” As opposed to the static, unchanging changes? Is that JOSIE? That’s the Duggar they show? SMDH.
  16. Well, I do have a Cook’s illustrated recipe that I love...homemade chicken broth, celery, carrot, onions, fresh thyme, peas...it’s still mostly beige. But it is DELICIOUS. Now I’m hungry, which just might be a first for me after reading one of the Jillage Idiot’s recipes.
  17. They list only one bedroom available at a little less than 800 sq ft...top floor...$4150 per month. Yikes. No way they’re handing out freebies to anyone, let alone the RFP.
  18. But she was reading about toxic friends? So she’s down to one?
  19. I think he enjoys the ego worship and probably the lotion time, although it’s probably become something she uses just to have his undivided attention for four whole minutes. But how he manages to concentrate on studying with her around all.the.time is a wonderment. I would be snarling.
  20. My thanks to both of you for your thoughtful responses!
  21. It’s the POSING. It’s especially the posing as if he’s deep in intellectual thought when there’s zero evidence that his thought processes 99% of the time are any deeper than, “I look good in this.” He needs to either own the fashionisto clothes whore career or start acting like he really has any interest in the ministry. Have we ever seen him interacting with, you know, people who aren’t kinda sorta famous or otherwise useful to him? Family doesn’t count.
  22. My dogs don’t hang wistfully out of the window, watching me go. Is there an adult person in the world who would find this anything other than creepy pathetic? I bet Derick debates every morning as to whether this is the day he just keeps on driving.
  23. I’d get all dewy-eyed and whisper, “Mom, I’m Jezebel, why don’t you remember me??? How can you say that???” And then Michelle could spent the rest of the day until her next klonopin trying to remember if she’d actually named a child that... 😈
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