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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. As someone who has a psychotic neighbor, I feel so bad for that couple. Their bucolic, peaceful life in the country is about to be blown to smithereens. OTOH, if anyone is likely to recognize the problems with how these whackos are raising these kids, it’s close neighbors who are highly educated.
  2. Well, I’ve never tried...😇...but I don’t remember the online application process being too rigorous on that part. It accepted a mailing address in a different town than where our house is, because we got a UPS box while we were moving around and building our house and then just kept it.
  3. Depending on the demographics, they might get lower health insurance premiums or more options in a different county...at least that’s true in Washington state. It probably would be fraud, though...
  4. Yes. They put a package slip in the box that you hand over to them and they eventually find the package out back somewhere. Any chance the PO box is in a different county than where their actual house is? Because I can think of some reasons if so...
  5. This whole post office box thing is bizarre, unless they’re angling for love offerings in cash. Sometimes I don’t think either one of them is all there.
  6. I’d pay actual money to see the 43 outtakes...
  7. Yeah, Punchable probably caught RFP drooling into his bowtie mid-ceremony.
  8. Dear RFP: Some guys can pull off the bowtie look. It helps to be very handsome, under 30, and look as if you have a sense of humor about yourself and thereby are wearing one ironically. Being gay is also good. As you have none of those things going for you, all a bowtie does is make you look like the forty-something used car dealer who is president of the Hooterville Rotary Club because you ran unopposed. Seriously. No.
  9. The nurses should have kicked mom and her phone out of the room. They needed to concentrate, not worry about some idiot filming them. Good grief, do NONE of these people have any common sense?????
  10. Apparently the paps got it wrong and that’s one of MacArthur’s daughters with Prop... it’s far more likely she would hire Jinger as a nanny than the other way around, financially speaking.
  11. Please tell me that “shit” is metaphorical???
  12. Anyone else wonder if that isn’t a very expensive toupee? It’s riding awfully high on his scalp and it’s suspiciously perfect. P.S. Way to suck up, SiLauren. No shunning for you...for now...
  13. Maternal genetics. Michelle’s shitty hair genes won, handily.
  14. Remember, she’s a Duggar-by-proxy. It’ll be, “Bella! Why aren’t you watching your seven brothers and sisters??? Get them away from me! I’m drinking my gluten-free soy milk no foam latte!!!”
  15. I can be fair sometimes... I think this is really well done. Nothing about it says it’s a nursery for an actual human infant, but as vignette/staging goes, it’s beautiful. Now once he can start to crawl, get various childhood illnesses, and throw things, all that is going to be destroyed in days, but for now it’s pretty. Although if that’s a changing table with that bucket of cotton branches on it...has she never changed a baby? They’re not known for lying there serenely and admiring the decor.
  16. But it has to be GOOP jade with a 1000% markup, right? I will begrudgingly admit that I am jetlagged and on muscle relaxers having severely strained my back, so am crankier than usual. But when ANYONE tries to make women feel less-than in order to make money off them, let alone regarding the manner by which they give birth, I get stabby. Did the mother end up with a baby? That’s a beautiful thing. The process is completely up to the mother to decide, and the judgers bleating about what’s “natural” or “beautiful” can just get back to their own lives and STFU. Childbirth is not a competitive event.
  17. Gwyneth can take her smug rich white privilege and choke on it.
  18. If I’m in the hospital and a gaggle of Duggars reeking of sanctimony and self-congratulation gets anywhere near me, I don’t care how sick I am, at least one of them is going home with a Bible up their ass.
  19. She believed what she was told to believe and said what she was told to say. But what if she is now remembering more? And realizing how sanitized the public version was to save the brand? Total speculation, obviously. But it’s somewhat odd that Derick seems angrier now than ever?
  20. I wonder what he thinks he’s accomplishing by posting this stuff? If he’s really planning to sue TLC/JB, it’s not a good idea to tip them off. Is he trying to guilt them into buying him off? Because I’m certain neither entity has enough of a conscience to be bothered.
  21. I don’t believe it for a second, not least because it made MOTY and UberSperm look bad. Guys like JB are all about what they look like to others. “Yeah, our first kid felt up our other kids plus some stranger and then tried to screw around on his wife but he felt bad about it so that’s all fine because Jesus” is NOT a good look.
  22. Mean old Christian-persecutin’ TLC not letting them continue their godly work of God-pestering the heathens is a much better “donate” pitch than, “Jill freaked the fuck out in Danger America and the heathens laughed their asses off at interpretive dance so we came home.” I truly believe Derick got bamboozled by theDuggar Christian Family Bullshit, but equally I believe he’s not above shoveling out duplicitous bovine excrement of his own.
  23. I think Derick fell for the Made For Teevee Duggars as much as any leghumper ever has. Finding out that in fact 1) JB is a big old lying control freak, 2) the only regular money coming in was from TLC, 3) they covered up Josh’s predation, and 4) Jill was essentially an uneducated brainwashed fembot forJesus were all bad enough, but then getting stuck with a pile of medical bills after assuming they were covered...yep, pissed. That said, he was pretty naive/stupid to believe that “no contract” volunteer ministry story...he was obviously thinking with his hormones and not his brain at that point. He strikes me as a pretty angry guy in general and having his idealism and religious zealotry bite him this hard in the ass would be rage fodder for a lifetime.
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