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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. Of course it was. It does occur to me that maybe Jinger lost that cosmetics gig in large (or all) part because that video was just that crappy. I’m trying to remember...in all their attempts at the influencer gig, were any of them even halfway decent?
  2. Has Jinger ever expressed any opinion on anything that would indicate she thinks differently than RFP and the MacArthur bros?
  3. I thought she picked that paragraph up elsewhere and just reposted it without attribution. Because that’s the Way of the Duggar.
  4. Anneb67, I understand what you’re saying and I have occasionally thought the same way. But for me, it comes down to this...if they were honest and forthcoming about their beliefs...women stay home and suck up to the headship, gays can’t marry and should be reprogrammed, men know everything, sexual predation is the victim’s fault, pregnancy is sacred but unmarried mothers are sluts, poor people deserve to be poor, trans people are mentally ill sinners, every other member of every other religion, including the “wrong kind” of Christianity, is going to hell, there’s no such thing as climate change, etc etc... I would be just as disgusted but if some right-wing whackjob company wanted them as the face of their brand, well okay. Their business. But they reveal none of this. It’s all pretty girl faces and cute babies and burgers and baking and bowties and shopping. So if their true beliefs are outed, that’s on them for not owning them in the first place.
  5. I was trying to analyze the approximate date of the photo by evaluating the relative recession of RFP’s rapidly diminishing hairline and then I determined, empirically and definitively, that I need a life.
  6. And he packed two suitcases just for the shot? I can’t with these people and their bullshit.
  7. We have a distant banjo-playing relative who spent several years touring in folk circles with a very talented cello player. As someone who fake-smiled through several lengthy and unprompted performances when they came to visit, I can tell you emphatically that there is no song with a banjo and a cello in it that wouldn’t sound much, much better without the banjo. I am kinda surprised more of the fundie grifters don’t play the banjo...you’d think it would be right in their target audience’s sweet spot.
  8. Ah, I love the smell of schadenfreude in the morning...
  9. That photo is NOT in LA. Look at the trees...no leaves...mostly dormant grass. I don’t get why these chucklefucks have to lie about the tiniest, least relevant things. It’s bizarre.
  10. Where to begin... She looks deranged. You can’t even tell she’s wearing blush...she looks pasty. Major chin break out...never a good look for a makeup endorsement. DAYUM they’re bad at this....
  11. Jane looked FABULOUS at the Oscars... https://www.prevention.com/beauty/hair/a30854672/jane-fonda-gray-hair-oscars-2020/ I wonder if Grace will be rocking the silver do in season seven?
  12. No Punchable Aunt Cade? The Headship will be miffed.
  13. This is the problem...every time they start to seem the tiniest bit sympathetic they do something dickish like this. What does this accomplish? As for the carrier thingie... I didn’t have human children, but my last puppy was a holy terror and this would have come in handy. 🤔
  14. There is one other major consideration these days...the out of pocket cost of kids getting injured. Back when I was a kid, going to the ER wasn’t going to cost my parents a month’s paycheck just for the deductible. If parents are being more protective now, they have legitimate financial reasons on top of the obvious emotional ones, like not wanting to see their child in pain. If Sam does slip backward climbing on that toy truck and comes down on his upper jaw hard, they could be looking at reconstructive surgery. Given how much Derrick bitched about their medical bills, you think they’d be a little more intelligent about avoiding the obvious risks.
  15. Okay, so maybe it’s just me, but “I love wrestling on the carpet with my little lady” just skeeves me right out.
  16. I’m sure she does, but I suspect she’s a bright enough child to sense the difference when she’s being displayed for the camera versus when it’s actually life. ETA: Is it just me or does she look like she’s just been crying or is about to?
  17. Don’t influencers also need to be at least somewhat inspirational? Isn’t that part of the hook, that by buying whatever shit they’re shilling it will make you more like them? There is nothing these two do that makes them at all admirable other than having a cute baby, which isn’t a replicable skill and no one can buy. I get why Jinger believes that just showing up Duggar should be enough to be endlessly and lucratively entertaining, because that’s what she grew up with and she doesn’t seem to have the mental ability to recognize that. But WTF with the RFP? Most kids grow out of that delusion long before they’re 20, let alone 30+ with a wife and child in a very expensive zip code.
  18. Because her father is EXACTLY the same way? What else does she know?
  19. The app looks reasonably useful. What I don’t believe for a minute is that Jinger has anything to do with managing their finances...that’s only for the penis-blessed. RFP would be thrown out of MacArthur park if he let the wifey manage their money. I mean, what’s next? Independent thoughts?
  20. Doodlebug, you are a very cool person. Just needed to be said!
  21. She’s a pretty girl. Yawn. But shilling some kind of financial planning app? Oh please.
  22. Didn’t she just get her roots touched up? Why does it look so crappy? Sincerely, Born Brunette and Knew Not to Mess With That
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