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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. There’s another reason I hope Izzy stays in school. He strikes me as a child who needs approval and having other ways to succeed other than trying to figure out his inconsistent parents could really help his self-confidence.
  2. Education = options. That’s why cult leaders fear it and avoid it.
  3. Well that’s ever-so enlightened. So in other words, learn how to be a belligerent macho dickhead. Nothing about compassion? Caring for the less fortunate? Loving thy neighbor? HAVE NONE OF THESE FUCKWITS EVER READ THE NEW TESTAMENT????? I give up.
  4. Maybe RFP is more on the hot seat with the SEC more than we know? Or maybe their free housing situation blew up...
  5. FFS, Jill, read something else for a change. Only reading one book your whole life is just pitiful. ETA: And you can’t fool anyone...you KNOW you skipped over all of those “begats.”
  6. Jill is a spotlight leech. If anyone else is getting attention she’ll insert herself dead in the center of it. It’s not like Nurie is going to tell her to knock it off. Just wait until the wedding...my money is on a simultaneous vow renewal with Jill and Nurie wearing identical dresses.
  7. I woke upon the cynical side this morning...a lot can happen between February and September. For those who are familiar with this process, do kids usually register this far in advance?
  8. But that’s what God wants!!! I need an emoji that indicates a trillion eye rolls for their patented variety of utter bullshit.
  9. I remain completely skeptical about this potential book...he and his sketchy publisher will tease the crap out of it being “the real story behind the Duggar story” and then it will turn out to be 198 badly-written pages about Pistol Pete and Derick finding Jesus for $19.95 preorder and $0.25 used two weeks later. As for the Josh thing... I don’t believe the family deliberately kept it from Derick or Ben or whoever else at all because they had buried it just that deep. If you’ve ever lived in a family that 100% denied anything they didn’t want to admit was true, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Nobody in the family allowed themselves or anyone else a second thought about Josh’s little hobby until they had no choice because it threatened the cash flow.
  10. I am sure it was a complete coincidence that there just happened to be a beautiful stone window and a photographer there when that surprise proposal happened totally out of the blue. 🙄 Most of the time SM doesn’t bug me that much. But this faux staged re-enactment crap is just...wrong. ETA: And while I’m at it, he looks like he could be the son she’s dropping off at JV soccer practice.
  11. As if... WTF is hubby whose name I’ve forgotten wearing around his neck? A Valentines Day garrote? And wouldn’t it be easier if they stayed in one place and just got regular jobs? Or wouldn’t that feed Jill’s histrionic personality disorder sufficiently...
  12. Seems like that would require far more initiative than the RFP is capable of. I’m thinking timeshare sales guy is more his speed...
  13. He’ll just get pardoned. He’s the right gender, race and net worth.
  14. Another alternative...donate to this charity In Israel’s honor... https://www.kinf.org/ This is just me, but they have enough money to buy a house, put Derrick through law school, and own two vehicles. Plenty of parents do better by their kids with lots less. Getting donated money for educating their children...not so much.
  15. I really have to wonder if Ma and Pa even give a rusty double damn anymore. The kids have fulfilled their purpose, which was to make them wealthy and fawned upon, and now that they’re out of the house? Who cares? Other than the occasional photo op, I don’t think most of their kids even cross their shallow little minds on a daily basis.
  16. “Does this man love Christ more than anything? How does he care for the weakest around him who can never repay? What are his priorities in life? How is he currently living out these things he speaks of now?” 1)Well...no. European fashion, dontcha know... 2)He hits them up for free coffee? 3) Himself, his mirror, pretty baby, pretty wife, fashion. Also, fashion. 4) So far, he’s grifting his brains out for freebies. Seriously Jinger???
  17. And now he’s 32-year-old virgin who lives in our basement and has never had a job but he’s a warrior for Jesus!”
  18. I very much doubt that Jill has the intellectual capacity for nursing school...it’s hard. And she was never taught any kind of study discipline or time management. Her fuckwit parents quite effectively crippled her intellectually and kept her from ever developing the ability to live or even think independently. I believe it would be many bridges too far to have her get a real degree. But at least she’s giving her kids the chance to grow up to be functioning, thinking adults. So kudos, Jill. Yay!
  19. Well, holy crap. Who would have ever thought Jill would be the breakout Duggar?
  20. "The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.” Um, Jill? “Things that offend” is a pretty loose description...I wouldn’t get too cocky on that one. Just sayin’.
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