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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. Okay, so I need some opinions. I recently ordered some seeds from a seller on Etsy.com. They arrived... with an additional slip of paper describing how Jesus was the answer to my salvation and a Bible verse. I am an atheist. I could also be a Buddhist, Moslem, Jewish or Taoist, for all they know. I found it...offensive and presumptuous. I ordered tomato seeds, not a tract. Am I off base here? If not, do I leave feedback and/or contact Etsy to complain?
  2. A fool with a five o’clock shadow...that’s always aspirational for a makeup company...🙄
  3. I have to believe this virus and its effect on discretionary consumer spending is going to kick the whole influencer gig right in the teeth, even among actual, successful, established influencers. Which these two aren’t, not even close. It wouldn’t surprise me if they are tossed to the curb, especially as marginal “products” generally are weeded out pretty quickly post-mergers.
  4. It’s probably just the jacket...suede doesn’t conform to the body very readily and she’s wearing it unbuttoned. I suspect her chesticular enhancement is now third on the priority list behind RFP’s hair plugs and his tooth veneers.
  5. See? A color. She looks much better. Although the “come hither” facial expression is a bit...incongruous...with the whole meek Christian helpmeet schtick.
  6. Right? What is it with these fundie boys? They’re all short, dumpy, balding and look alike. While the brood mares fundie women are almost always pretty and often downright gorgeous.
  7. Okay, I am generally completely immune to babies...Duggar babies for sure, but also just babies. Not wired that way. #shrug But that little Queen Of All She Surveys just makes me all smooshy. Rock on, gorgeous darling. And don’t you ever let a single soul tell you otherwise.
  8. I actually guffawed. Thanks. I needed that!
  9. That’s it! That’s who he’s been reminding me of... Well done. Now must go wash out my eyes.
  10. @Jynnantonnix, you have my complete sympathy. If I had ever had to live with my father longer than a week I would have been injecting tequila straight into my skull. Nobody can push buttons like family! Big hug...
  11. Now that sounds like an exhausting topic these days...like we’re all not already dealing with political psychology 24/7 and mostly in complete horror... But you know you are a really good writer! Your posts here prove that. So maybe just read the movie reviews and then just use that plot to compare to the current horror show? Might be therapeutic! Big hug...
  12. Anybody else have a sudden case of the “fuckits”? I normally eat super healthy, don’t eat added sugar, exercise quite a bit and weigh less at age 62 than I did in undergrad. For the first six weeks of this mess I stayed reasonably on track. Now? Yet another vodka and soda? Fuck it. Half a Snickers? Fuck it. Eating everything on my plate and going for seconds? Fuck it. Baking white flour rolls and using every bite as an additional butter delivery vehicle? Fuck it. I forced myself onto the scale this morning and found I have gained four pounds. My reaction? FUCK IT. Anyone care to slap some sense into me? 😬
  13. They are out of their damned minds. Of course, I keep forgetting that JB and Madam Xanax still hold the purse strings so their “adult” offspring are still competing to see who can suck up to them the most.
  14. They boys are drones. They will never leave the hive because their life’s purpose is to serve the Queen Jill.
  15. But, but, “prayer IS the work”!!! (Gospel according to the dubious wisdom of scrawny, hormone-wracked, pubescent Saint Nathan.)
  16. Big hug, Awaken. I’m sorry for all you’re dealing with.
  17. I am pathetically happy there are new comments on these episodes! Sincerely, In Lockdown For Six Weeks
  18. She needs it in a different color. As in, an actual color. This just washes her out again.
  19. As much as it truly grinds me to defend any portion of the whackadoodle spew that Jill emits, I believe that “Englisher” is in fact a term used by the Amish to describe non-Amish people. (Hating myself a little right now.) But poor Renee looks like twelve kinds of emaciated hell. Give that poor child a double cheeseburger or six.
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