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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. Did neither of them notice how that photo lovingly highlights the zits on her chin?
  2. First good laugh I’ve had all day, thank you!
  3. What is a child doing in a bar to start with? Somehow wearing a mask has become politicized, which is insane. But wearing one now makes you a target, in some places, for scorn or worse...my husband has been glared at several times. Somehow wearing a mask to protect yourself and others makes you a wimp? That’s fucked up.
  4. That poor fried hair...it’s going to just start breaking off at some point, if it hasn’t already.
  5. Some hoax, hmmm? I have zero, and I mean zero, patience with the hoax conspiracy theorists and the media criminals who mislead them. Hey, yes, absolutely, every country In the entire world decided to get together and create a non-existent pandemic and crash their economies in the process just to “own” the USA. Ten countries can barely hammer out a mutually beneficial alliance, but they’re going to make this up and somehow get all of their governments, industries, and citizens muzzled and on board with this? FFS.
  6. Thank you and all your colleagues for your extraordinary service in these extraordinary times, Bewitched. I am so grateful to all of you.
  7. Jill? Buy five pounds of sugar. Boil one cup sugar with four cups water for ten minutes. Voila...hummingbird food at a fraction of the cost. God she’s dense.
  8. This. I also feel that for people like myself...retired, no children to care for, no real need to go anywhere other than necessities and most of those can be delivered...it’s my responsibility to stay home and stay healthy. Mr. Wiser and I are a tad on each other’s last nerve as we’ve been doing this since March 12, but it’s what we can do to contribute. That and donating to shelters and food banks. So IMO the people who can need to suck it up and make it safer for those who have no choice but to go out.
  9. That’s some world-class assholery. So it’s supposed to be okay to spread contagion because of that??? I’d drop that sizest, ageist, rascist, elitest individual like a hot rock. SMDH.
  10. Maybe that’s the card you play? “As heroic and selfless as you are to volunteer, with your delicate health it’s a risk no one in the family wants you to take. We’d never forgive ourselves if you got sick.” If she persists... A subtle reminder
  11. That whole thing was hysterical and sad and so true...but this was my favorite part. 🤣
  12. In a way, I wish they’d include this as part of the hospital triage guidelines: ”Did you wear a mask and practice social distancing? No? Back of the line, pal. See you in about six hours, if it slows down a bit.”
  13. Ugh, crazy8s, that sounds messy. I have a Facebook Drama Vulture in my extended family, too...it’s tough to manage sometimes. Maybe you could get her to agree first that protecting your father’s health is the most important thing, first? Then go on from there. Can you get his doctor to weigh in? I would think that virus avoidance would be part of discharge instructions these days? Hell, lie if you have to. “His doctor says strictly no visitors for the foreseeable future.” The end. Given that Michigan got clobbered, you’re right in that she would need to self-quarantine for two weeks after she arrived in Florida, anyway. Humans. We are one complicated species.
  14. Like, actual real world EMT training? Or they watched one episode of ER?
  15. Sigh, Sew Sumi. That’s tricky, but you could go with the truth. “I’m afraid of getting the virus, or worse, giving it to someone else.” Hint, hint. I try to remember...”no” is a complete sentence. In only slightly related news, the grocery delivery guy showed up today without gloves or a mask. WTF. Mr. Wiser, who meets these guys out in the driveway for the distance dropoff, kept backing up and offered him one of our masks...he turned it down. 👿 He wasn’t a kid, either. So I called the manager and in the nicest possible way, ratted him out. We haven’t done this for two months so that some moron can come breathe on my husband.
  16. That’s a really good point. I will admit that I often zone out on the Solbert bickering...was that when they were talking about the FaGaWe ( where the fuck are we) trip? A boat trip might have more stringent requirements than a cruise, which is just a giant floating petri dish hotel, but that’s a reach. Honestly, I gave upon Solbert when Robert got pissy about Sol having gone on the cruise alone. It was Robert’s idea, FFS, and then he bailed to be in Music Man. The Roy storyline ickiness didn’t help.
  17. Okay, I have exactly zero athletic ability (I still kick ass on the dance floor, though...just sayin’), so is it possible that during his soccer “career” he had coaches telling him exactly what to do so that no independent thinking was required? I just wonder why he seems to have zero understanding of how to look at a goal, career-wise, and then evaluate the huge gap between his own abilities and that goal and then figure out steps to get there. Why he lacks this basic ability is another question altogether...
  18. I am enjoying this latest gaffe to a degree that might be the tiniest bit unhealthy. 🤣🤣🤣
  19. That’s a shit ton of shrieking to be complaining about others shrieking. (And if any of this is actually true we are so completely fucked...)
  20. “Kaylee already beat me to it.” Nope, no competition here as to who can kiss Jill’s ass the most, not at all... 🙄
  21. This seems like a pretty blatant suck up to Ms. Barrymore...is he fishing for celebrity likes?
  22. It’s entirely possible that “Jinger is the spunky rebel” was mostly created and scripted by TLC. Without a script, she’s got nothing.
  23. Thanks everyone for the feedback. Etsy is pretty much washing their hands of it, which means I can be a bitch in my review or directly to the seller, thus confirming their martyrdom for Jesus and that Godless liberals do suck, or I can say nothing. I resent being in this position.
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