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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. Well, that’ll be interesting when Publicity becomes the runner-up. She may not care for that much. ETA: And I posted that before seeing her expression in that photo!
  2. Okay, I never had children, but crayons, walks and snacks? This is groundbreaking parenting?
  3. Where do I get that filter that magically removes her zits, pores, freckles and fine lines? Oh, right, filters don’t work in actual life...
  4. It’s my belief the “buddy” is fictional...
  5. If I turned to my husband of 30 years every night and asked him if he had anything on his heart... 1) He’d look frantically for a possible insect. 2) He’d put me in a home. 3) We would never made it this long, because having no sense of humor or a working bullshit detector is a deal breaker. 4) All of the above.
  6. Would it surprise anyone if JRod announced she was pregnant during Nurie’s wedding reception?
  7. Agreed. Which is against code in most places. No way they’re carving this warehouse into itty bitty rooms with an actual building permit.
  8. There is no way any instructor at a Christian college would throw out a Bible, ANY Bible. Jill is making shit up again.
  9. Thank you, all. I think what threw me most is that to her, my father’s death was the most devastating and therefore memorable thing that’s happened in her life. Ever. He had always been “the healthy one” while she had had multiple hospitalizations and surgeries for heart disease over two decades. Him dying was a huge shock to her...I honestly don’t think it ever occurred to her that he might go first. To have that memory become muddled was just a total shock and I guess while we all knew that she was losing short-term stuff more and more, she’s been very clear about older memories. This was something of a watershed moment, and not one I saw coming. I really appreciate your advice and your kindness. ❤️
  10. Okay...you’re a smart, compassionate group...did I do the wrong thing? My 92 y.o. mother has been in Assisted Living for 3 1/2 years. My father died 2 1/2 years ago. In general, she is a cheerful, ridiculously optimistic person (clearly I take after my father) and she has handled it all pretty well, although her dementia has increasingly progressed. Usually when she comes up with something completely nonsensical, she’ll snap back to reality in a bit if you just let her keep talking. Usually. For the first time two days ago when I called her, she was talking like my father was still alive. It was like she’d gone back to when they first moved into AL and my father hated it, and she was saying that she was okay with it but she wasn’t sure he’d stay. I just...froze. She was saying it all so factually that I had to pinch myself to remember that this is in fact, 2020. But I kept quiet, thinking she’d come back to reality. But it went on. After a while, she started saying she didn’t know where he’d gotten to, like she was going to call him to the phone, and I just blurted, “Mom, he’s dead.” She sort of shifted back into the present then. Sort of. Should I have just let her stay in her memories? Honestly, if I’d heard her start calling him I was going to lose it. It was close, anyway...my father and I did not get along and she refused to see it or acknowledge his part in it when she did. So this hit a pretty hot button for me. What should I have done? When someone is that far down the road, is it kinder to let them keep walking?
  11. Call 911 and ask? If you’re concerned about it, don’t be...my latest lockdown hobby is listening to the local EMT/Sheriff’s transmissions on a scanner app and the huge majority of 911 calls are just silly (my personal favorite is “fall, no injury.” WTF?) Can you get a cup of herbal tea at Target (ours has a Starbucks) and just focus on breathing for a bit?
  12. Breathe, sweetie...you’re safe right now. I’m so sorry for this latest nightmare! I am sending you a huge hug. Is there a neighbor you can call to find out what’s happening? Or call the landlord? You can also call 911...if there’s a fire they’d know. Deep breaths. We’re here for you.
  13. I really really hope that’s true, because no adult should be this naive...
  14. Is it possible that dress was her mother’s or grandmother’s? It looks like something from the late 60s sales rack at David’s Bridals... ETA: Vintage 1960s gown...
  15. It won’t. The reality of the internet means that the competition to be noticed at all has never been more fierce. The other reality of the internet is that everyone’s attention span is down to maybe 30 seconds, and that’s only if something has grabbed our notice somehow. Otherwise it’s maybe five seconds or less. They aren’t pretty enough, entertaining enough, hot enough, unique enough or religious enough to capture anyone other than the show’s leghumper crowd and that won’t last long as they age. Jinger isn’t that spunky kid anymore. It’s an even bigger leap from getting a follower to getting a follower’s money, so that’s out...and all of their sponsorships have been monster fails. And call me a starry-eyed optimist 🙄, but I like to think that actual substance might come back into style. The KardashianTeenMomSurvivor era has to eventually...right?
  16. Hee. That is what they’re known for...
  17. So for his birthday cake he got half an inch of something unidentifiable in a giant pan and a bunch of random candles leaning in it? Seriously...that’s a cake?
  18. How do you say pretentious thirsty grifting famewhore in Greek?
  19. It seems to be a rule that Jinger rarely wears anything that’s an actual color in these shots. Is this an influencer photographer thing, like the faces show up better If there’s nothing to visually compete? It does her zero favors...with her coloring she just blends into the background while RFP is far more pronounced....oh wait.
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