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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. I hearby move that Reverend Fancy Pants’ name be formally changed to Pretentious Twatwaffle. Second?
  2. Actually I like the color of the bridesmaids’ dresses and the cut is Fundie dowdy but not entirely awful. Pairing the red roses with that color, though...not so much.
  3. Damn, Nysha. You are Superwoman. I’m just so sorry you have to be. Applause and a big socially distanced hug.
  4. I have run out of eyerolls on this putz. Has no one in his entire life told him he’s full of shit?
  5. She has been pregnant, twice. She has a gajillion relatives who do literally nothing but turn out babies. She couldn’t come up with one other outfit? Or, here’s a thought, RFP could cough up some of his menswear budget to get her another maternity dress.
  6. This is genius. Bravo. What’s MacArthur’s mother’s name? Suckups gotta suck.
  7. I only have Southern on my mother’s side, but it’s my understanding that if you include an actual adjective, it becomes sincere? Bless my heart...
  8. Sigh. I can’t believe I’m still looking at that, let alone analyzing it...the pubic bone in cross-section?
  9. If one were actually to eat this bizarro thing, one would eating cookie feces. Why stick at eating a cookie baby? (Running away screaming into the night...)
  10. Hold up...I am begging you all to tell me that’s not a real cookie cutter. I mean, there is a rectum with...contents.
  11. If she gets sick and loses that baby? How would you ever forgive yourself?
  12. So...pregnancies, miscarriages, babies. Rinse. Repeat. People will actually watch a whole season of this???
  13. Kudos to all the pregnancy whisperers here...every time someone here said Jinger was pregnant, as it turns out, you were right!
  14. Personally, as I’m 62 and my husband is 73, I am not going to take any risk that I don’t have to. Yoga I can do at home. I run on my treadmill. We get everything delivered...groceries, etc. I so badly need a haircut, but as this would be 45 minutes in a small older building with multiple others in close proximity, I’ll live with looking like a deranged porcupine. I think it comes down to number of other people, time of exposure, and type of activity. Anything involving lots of deep breathing? Not so much!
  15. That seersucker schmatta just cost her every LA cool point she ever scraped up. Ho hum. A Duggar is pregnant. A Duggar where neither parent has an apparent job is pregnant. Again. The hell? (I will give them points, ever-so begrudgingly, for not milking the miscarriage publicly for drama and clicks. Yes, I’m looking at you, Lauren.)
  16. So she’s pregnant and taking risks with Covid?? Dumbshit.
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