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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. Exactly. It might as well have been hash tagged #whiteprivilege
  2. Well, as long as we’re gossiping (yay!) I once had a billionaire boss who rented a villa at a Hawaiian resort next to one where Tom and Nicole were staying. Apparently they fought loudly and bitterly and pretty much constantly, and this would have been several years before the divorce.
  3. Yeah, but Jinger has to coparent with Reverend Pretentious Twatwaffle. You can do sooooo much better! Group hug!
  4. The full beard is a mistake. It spotlights his nose and his butt-esque lips while hiding a semi-decent jawline and cheekbones. Combined with the disappearing hair, it’s very aging. (Full disclosure: thanks to Covid, I have not had a haircut in five months and now look like this... which is one of the many reasons I don’t do selfies.)
  5. Sweet Jesus. That’s insane. NOBODY can afford that. A thought...I have Kaiser in Washington state and I have never met a single person there who wasn’t kind, helpful and doing their best. Try calling the billing office of the Kaiser facility where you were seen and asking if they can help? Big hug.
  6. Has Rev. P. Twatwaffle’s nose always had that weird curve?
  7. Please don’t exhaust yourself wondering “what happened.” Chances are nothing did...he just decided that his...appendage...was in charge of his brain. It’s rather common. I’m just glad you aren’t married to him with two kids and a shattered life...better to know now, yes? I get that your friends are angry for you, but racist shit is racist shit. Feckless horndogs exist in all colors and sizes. As someone who has been around for a long time, it warms my heart when I see multi-racial couples and families, especially on television. That’s new in my lifetime and it gives me a tiny shred of hope. Because having the “other” become “us” is a path that might help us start to fix this. Have another hug...
  8. Damn. Given her circles, that’s BALLSY. Assuming she knows its significance. Kindergarten, jeans, this...What next? A job???
  9. He should court that poor girl with The Nose. As most of his sisters and his mother have a hefty amount of nasal appendage, he’d feel right at home.
  10. He has a six-note range and that’s pitched waaay too low for any it. I kind of feel sorry for him.
  11. Well, the good news is that he’s really, really self-centered and none too bright so at least that’s out of your life. And I’m an old cynic, but, “let’s stay friends” is usually just a way to lessen their guilt and/or keep you around as a potential backup plan. I know there are incredibly mature and grounded individuals who in fact remain friends after a breakup but they are aliens from another galaxy and also probably bullshitting themselves. I never could, that’s for sure. Hold your head high, Queen Chu. It will get better, I promise.
  12. Oh, sweetie, I’m sorry. His loss, of course, but I know how that hurts. Big hug.
  13. DangerousMinds, thank you for posting that. It’s horrifying and powerful.
  14. Way to exploit a tragedy, you pretentious asshole.
  15. Since the women are evaluated as breeding stock, she’s probably at a disadvantage. On the other hand, she may be smart enough not to want to spend her life churning out babies and simpering up to her headship.
  16. IIRC, King Arthur Flour has a higher protein and gluten content, so it’s great for yeast bread recipes because it develops a stronger, chewier texture. For biscuits, you’re looking for a softer, more tender texture and baking powder operates via a fast chemical reaction as opposed to yeast organisms slowly metabolizing carbohydrates to make dough rise. So certain types of low protein flour like White Lily are better, but you can’t always find it outside of the Southeast. I’ve baked bread for years and always use King Arthur if I can get it. For everything else...cookies, biscuits, etc.... I use Gold Medal All Purpose. And this concludes today’s completely unasked for lecture on “Flour As We Know It.” Class dismissed.
  17. I have an ongoing fantasy where we send Churchie and Zella over to the TTH on “Family Night” with huge Bibles tucked in their bags, have them pretend to be missionaries and then record them demolishing the Duggars with their wit and knowledge. 😈
  18. Well, hell, Magpye, you’re absolutely right. Mea culpa. That should teach me not to skim so quickly through their posts...but it probably won’t.
  19. I predict that Felicity is going to be one little hell-raising, pugnacious spitfire in the not-too distant future. Bright kids have pretty decent bullshit detectors at a remarkably young age, at least until it’s shamed out of them. It’s my belief she’s smarter than her parents put together.
  20. And she’ll swear up and down that Nurie and Nathan INSISTED because she’s so special.
  21. Well, Jinger said she’s having “thought’s,” so....
  22. If they’re challenged by one, just wait until there are two...bwahahaha 😈
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