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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. That should be billed as “Dueling Egos.” Kanye’s bipolar mania versus Osteen’s megalomania. What could go wrong?
  2. If I’m one of the poor deluded schmucks actually paying tuition to these clowns I look at all the freebies given to this half-brained asshat just because his pretty little bland helpmeet’s family are on television and I either quit immediately and loudly and/or start MacArthur’s stupid pretentious library on fire. This is some serious bullshit.
  3. Wow, it’s like someone is desperate to push Jana to the forefront and she’s deliberately sabotaging the effort by dressing as shleppy as possible. (Or should it be “shleppily”?)
  4. Cue shilling hair product in three...two...one...
  5. Aw, sweetie. Bless your kind heart, thinking he might be “so into his studies” or better yet, that he might actually pick up a “wise tidbit.” Ever. You are so much nicer than I am!
  6. Because RFP never really got over wanting to be a male model.
  7. You mean until forever. “Lauren could have died delivering you” is a family tradition, after all...
  8. 😳 See, I think I have baby blindness. What I saw looked mostly like the rogue lizard I removed from my husband’s office floor the other day and returned to the wild...only redder. Now, show me a newborn puppy and I’m your girl.
  9. Anyone else have the suspicion that Derrick’s Grub Hub hours driving around by himself are the happiest part of his day and also just might involve weed?
  10. Really? I don’t know nothin’ about babies, so my first reaction was...not positive, shall we say. But she’ll look much better unsquished, yes?
  11. Wow. Just wow. I am actually embarrassed for her.
  12. So...other than the fairly creepy Kanye latch-on, has RFP posted anything, and I mean ANYTHING about his studies or his supposed vocation lately? I don’t recall anything past Prop in the big expensive library photos....
  13. It’s an interesting idea...I’ve thought more than once that Jill’s best branding bet would be “dorky but trying hard fundie mom.” The problem is that for every “oopsie!” post there are ten “we have the bestest marriage/date night/lotion time/ look at my new clothes/new house/best hubby evah!!!!” preen posts that obliterate the likeable doofus positioning. Then Derrick trots out some of his scornful passive-aggressive crap and that just makes it worse. If they do have any SM help, whoever is providing it is terrible at it. Which makes me think they’re just winging it on their own.
  14. I’ll concede (begrudgingly, because the whole inbred arrogant braindead crowd of them makes me snarly) that it’s really, really tough to have absolutely everything you were ever told you should have to be happy...and yet be miserable anyway. Hard enough to be depressed...worse when you have been taught you have no reason to be. But Derrick is still a mean, arrogant little man and if I were married to him I would be gargling antifreeze.
  15. It’s someone else’s hand, maybe two hands...probably shoving the happy couple into position for their all-important SM engagement photos...”you’ll smile, thank Jesus, look happy, and LIKE IT or Momma will smite your asses.” It’s all just creepy.
  16. And while I’m at it, that guy is a better match for Josiah than “Nurie.” Much, much better.
  17. Speaking of things I regret, I scrolled through those photos and those were the most self-conscious, fake and sad “proposal” porn I ever saw. Are they really fooling themselves or are they just faking it for SM?
  18. I suspect I’m going to regret this..,but what the hell kind of name is “Nurie”?
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