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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. In what world is a child loaned out to the Smuggar household of all places for a year???? Like she’s a toaster? They’re all insane.
  2. Okay, the Scandinavian/minimalist mashup I can visualize...but throw in Boho and my head explodes.
  3. There is huge part of me that is hoping it isn’t a wild rumor as long as it involves financial shenanigans and not some Duggar’s sex weirdness. Money laundering, tax fraud, anything like that I’m doing the karma dance, NGL. Josh or anyone else molesting or trafficking innocents...hell no.
  4. There’s really only one Plan D I can think of, other than being some snotty salesman at some designer boutique Rodeo Drive. Real estate. He’s just the kind of shallow, lazy superficial showboat that gives realtors a bad name. He’d get killed out there in the high end markets, but he could create a little niche among the kind of Christmas Christians he’s cultivating. Even then he’d have to work really hard, develop the ability to focus on details, and be out there seven days a week, evenings and weekends. So...never mind.
  5. It’s no wonder RFP’s anniversary post about Jinger led off with how wonderfully humble she is 🤮 I want Felicity to grow up driving her Datty crazy... I want her to be a militant activist Buddhist gender fluid feminist who hates makeup, runs a weed farm, has a girlfriend, and can kick his prissy ass sideways.
  6. Oh, absolutely because the old white rich men have done such a bang-up job running things...and I don’t know where this nasty bastard is looking, because I sure as hell don’t see the young and the female running the show. I wish they were. You know, intellectually you realize that underneath the candy-coating of ignorance and doofery there’s the ugly reality that their religion is essentially a prison for white women and children run by white dicks and I mean that literally and figuratively. Churchie has been hollering it to the skies, after all, and Churchie knows. But to read something this ferociously insane...fuck this guy. Fuck the Duggars and their braindead women and their creepy asshole men. I’m done feeling bad for any of them for any reason.
  7. This is a recent quote? Because if so, RFP can stop pretending he’s anything other than a flaming asshole aspiring to be an even bigger flaming asshole. Seriously...it’s not even funny anymore. P.S. Would one of our more tech-literate snarkers put this quote on the Vuolo feed, oh, twice a day or so? It would make me ever so happy...
  8. If JB controls who gets what, and reading between the Derrick bitter lines that’s exactly what happens, then what keeps them all “sweet” is whether Big Daddy will cut off the cash. As the family gets bigger and the post-Joshgate checks get smaller, this could very well get ugly.
  9. It’s probably Derrick’s way of threatening someone while pretending he never threatened him. Now why does this tactic sound so familiar today? Hmmmm...
  10. Sounds like he thinks he’s going to get a big fat settlement. You know, if he were twelve you’d excuse this kind of dumbshittery. But the guy is thirty and has a wife and two kids. Selfishly, watching him flailing around taking on TLC and/or JimBob would be all kinds of fun.
  11. Exactly. Add in the we’ve-been-married-for-a-whole-hour marriage advice and the our-Godly-sex-life-is-so-so-better-than-yours when there’s little evidence that they have any clue what normal couples have to do just to work two jobs, nurture their kids, and pay their bills... They know NOTHING and act like they know EVERYTHING. And this is why I so often want to slap them upside the head.
  12. See, RFP, when you post that about yourself you look like a giant asshole.
  13. Okay, CH, I’ll see your Dickinson parody and raise with a legit Dorothy Parker: “Hollywood is the one place on earth where you could die of encouragement.”
  14. I keep forgetting that Jinger was raised in a bubble in which being Duggar was a career. Just eating, sleeping, procreating and babbling on cue was enough to keep them in very nice circumstances. She doesn’t know any other way and it’s scary that no one taught them otherwise. WTF excuse RFP has I do not know. He has siblings with actual careers. He’d have to be six kinds of stupid not to look down the road and see that “influencer” is not going to keep him in style when he’s forty. Yeah, supposedly he’s becoming a hotshot minister, but that’s clearly not something he has any real interest in. His SM brand shows zero evidence of any of that since they got to LA. Supposedly one of the favoritism scholarship criteria was “academic excellence.” Is there any evidence that he qualified? I suppose it’s possible that he was that rare student athlete who managed to excel at education while playing sports, but if he has that kind of drive and determination, he’s hidden it quite well.
  15. I suspect Lauren is still on her swooning couch with a cold cloth on her forehead while Josiah is running around like a lunatic trying to do everything. I hope for his sake this is an easy baby.
  16. All likely. Although I suspect he might also throw the word “pissant” in there somewhere...
  17. I wonder if this is part of her Stage 5 Clinger problem? Derrick seems awfully salty for a guy who got extensively lotioned last night.
  18. I’m no lawyer, but if JB created a family company that TLC negotiated the contract with over the years I kind of doubt that it would have been TLC’s inclination or responsibility to say, “hey, your kids are eighteen now so maybe we need signatures from them, too.” It would have been tough for any of these brainwashed kids to challenge JB’s iron grip on the headship/patriarchy, even if they wanted to, especially since he has control over the money the family earned over the years. And, as Jill and Josh found out, no single Duggar offspring is indispensable as far as TLC is concerned. There are plenty more where that came from. Derrick’s threatening TLC from the depths of his first year of law school wisdom is kind of comical. Like TLC’s lawyers couldn’t tear him up and spit him out. But Derrick’s putting this out on SM is...interesting.
  19. So she’s supposedly baking healthy muffins but eating churro donuts? Or is she eating one of those muffins and pretending it’s a donut? Inquiring people want to...oh, who am I kidding. Nobody cares, except that the unnecessary deception is just annoying.
  20. Donuts will do that... Wouldn't surprise me at all if all these “spontaneous” photos aren’t from the same photo shoot. And Jinger, obviously your favorite donut flavor is Free.
  21. Really interesting article, Zella, thanks for posting: ”Capitalizing off one’s daily life, and what one loves in their life, is “an unsustainable business model,” says Heather Armstrong, the Dooce blogger who recently published a book about her own depression, The Valedictorian of Being Dead. “It’s completely demoralizing. The constant need to track and document what you’re doing for people—the burnout is real.” This quote caught my eye...it seems like a fierce conflict between a curated life and an authentic life is inevitable....except unless you’re a Duggar? Would Jinger (or any of them, for that matter) know what an authentic life, with all those actual thoughts and complex emotions, would feel or look like? They’ve been posing for an audience all their lives. They’re perfectly trained media bots, really...essentially blanket trained from birth to perform their roles in the Godly Duggar Family Diorama. All Jinger has done is change theatres.
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