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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. She may have figured out she’s married to a gay man who’s trying very hard to not be. But I may be giving her too much credit for insight.
  2. Oh, oh, oh and can we deprive each of them of one thing? For Jeremy, Lauren and the rest of the Fundie Narcissists, no mirrors or blowdryers. For Michelle, no Starbucks and none of whatever mood enhancers she’s on. For JRod...no social media, no phone. For JimBob, no hairspray. For Josh, no snacks and only single helpings. It would be Fundageddon.
  3. To paraphrase a quote from the movie “The Jerk”: He doesn’t care about the money! He cares about the stuff!
  4. Wow, you so much nicer than I am or ever was. This isn’t cold-hearted, this is the damned truth. And if that makes us jerks...then I’m a charter member of Jerks Are Us. And I’m good with that, at least where these people are concerned. They’re hypocrites of the highest order and I believe that always deserves to be called out, especially when they have the public reach that they have.
  5. @cleo, you have my sincere sympathy. This show somehow hooks you in emotionally and then season six comes along and kicks you in the face for it. Stars Hollow was my happy place for months (I only watched it one episode at a time...mostly...when I was on the treadmill) and now it’s taken me ten times as long to get through seasons six and seven. Too much Christopher, April and that whole stupid thing, too much Logan. And I have severe doubts that I’m going to bother with the revival. Have you tried Great British Bakeoff? Beautiful scenery. Lovely music. Sugar. British people being kind to each other. It’s the best de-stresser I have at the moment!
  6. Oh that just makes me so happy on about twelve levels. Immigrants, transgender, HBO Latino...if it takes off, The Rev’s cognitive dissonance with his MacArthur hate creed is going to make his head explode. Of course, I am convinced there’s not much cognition in that head, so maybe not... I am so hoping his brother’s career goes stratospheric. 😈😈😈 And maybe he can give RFP a job keeping the craft table stocked with Twizzlers on his movie sets.
  7. @QuinnInND, I reread my post from last night just now and I wasn’t clear as to what I was trying to say. So I’ll try again, but shorter! You do what you believe will be most consistent with keeping your hard-earned good life happy. I know that I am not very good at any sort of conflict and tend to obsess and obsess about what I said when I do finally speak my mind. And obsessing just uses up valuable time left on earth. But if you know that letting her have it would be freeing for you, by all means, go for it! I’ll hold your beer. Do whatever is best for you.
  8. If you think that would help you, hey, go for it! And please remember I am available for freelance shin kicking and vicious glaring. My husband says I could glare paint off a wall...he’s not wrong. 😈 But maybe ask yourself this? What kind of reaction would you be expecting, or hoping, or dreading? If all you want is to speak your mind and it doesn’t matter what happens in response, that’s one thing. If on some level you want her to feel some of the pain you’ve felt, that’s completely understandable and justifiable. But sometimes revenge doesn’t feel as satisfying as you’d expect...if at heart you’re a kind person and I think you are, you have to weigh the catharsis from screaming your hurt against how you might feel later about causing hurt to someone else, no matter how justified. And she may just not be capable of feeling anything much, anyway. Some people are just emotionally stunted. In the end, it’s your decision. Please remember your virtual posse here...we’ll have your back no matter what. Big hug!
  9. Only tangentially on topic, but at one point in my life I lived across the street from a couple whose dog AND their baby were both named Bailey. Now there’s a profound lack of imagination.
  10. Oh, sweetie. What a terrible time. Please take good care of yourself. I send hugs and cookies.
  11. Harlem for the next boy. That would make my YEAR.
  12. Jill won’t give a rusty damn about the baby except as SM fodder and a way to get more attention. The second that baby cries, grabs her thinning hair, requires a diaper change or messes her makeup, back to Nurthan he’ll go.
  13. Even worse, she won’t be the center of attention anymore. That’s walking death in Jillandia.
  14. My current conclusion is that RFP is a not very bright, low-grade narcissist with shiny object syndrome. He only relates to things that are new, pretty and involve him. I suspect that post about that Canadian pastor was either mandated by MacArthur’s cabal or an opportunity to suck up, but then, “oooh, look! Funny fruit!”
  15. She looked down and said, “you don’t even feed the kids I already gave you, fool me 13 times...” (lightning bolt)
  16. Seriously? Not a single photo of Felicity and/or whatsername? Something is amiss... I have a hard time believing he’s strategic enough to be doing this as some kind of marketing ploy, because he would be teasing it. He wouldn’t be able to stop himself hinting around about his cleverness. So...thoughts? New baby is unattractive? Felicity has been dethroned and is now acting up 24/7 plus has entered an awkward phase? Or is it just that home life with a pissy toddler, exhausted wife, and a screaming newborn is so beneath RFP that mentally he’s just checked out?
  17. @Mindthinkr, I’m convinced birthdays past age eleven are wildly overrated. I hope you do something lovely for yourself!
  18. Ah. Thank you! I really, really needed a cute dog duo photo today!
  19. Maybe you did, dude, but I’m guessing Jill didn’t.
  20. Well there’s a big old fat surprise...young couple has unprotected sex for eight months. Pregnancy ensues! Who would have thought????
  21. He’s such a tool. Isn’t the baby three months old today or hereabouts? No photos?
  22. Not at all... I’m just glad your husband came to his senses. I guess we’ll cancel the group kicking...for now 😈😈😈😈😈
  23. I’m sorry, but all of Jessa’s kids have a bit of a creepy thing going...like they’re aliens disguised as what aliens think human babies look like. Very Toddlers of the Corn...
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