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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. Is it wrong that I’m hoping they’re the same person? It’s really safer for society that way...
  2. Oh...my...God. How messed up do you have to be to think Smugger is kind or handsome???
  3. Oh FFS Jill, the ONLY thing you have to offer is a lot of energetic young people who could HELP WITH THE STUPID BOAT CHORES. Why does that never seem to occur to her? She makes my head hurt.
  4. Well, that’s a singularly unfortunate name right now...
  5. Either Nathan is totally oblivious or he’s impressively devious and about to drop an anvil on his greedy MIL. For Nurie’s sake, I hope it’s the latter.
  6. So he’s through the T’s, hopefully. What’s next, U2? The Untouchables?
  7. Holy shit, J222. What was he thinking? If your place doesn’t have a carbon monoxide detectors (and with new construction it certainly should) please get a couple ASAP! That’s really, really scary. So glad you’re okay!
  8. Sorry, @Scarlett45. As long as nobody got hurt, it’s pretty common to have some inter-species miscommunications. Heck, Nervous Dog bit Griffey hard in the face after too many weeks of New Puppy Griffey acting like he owned the place. As in, trip to the vet bite. It’s my belief the other three dogs and the cat we had at the time had a meeting and drew straws as to which of them won the opportunity to nail the cocky little shit. Today they’re best friends. They’ll work it out, especially since Blake clearly understood the message. But it’s scary to see.
  9. And that “sweetest friend” requires a link? To their business? Someone needs to explain to Jinger what “friend” means.
  10. Interesting. However, I will confess that in the very, very small and pathetic thing that my life has now become there are days when the lone highlight is finally getting hold of that little chin hair stub with a pair of tweezers and yanking it out while muttering, “HA. TAKE THAT, MOFO.” I know. There are no words.
  11. Oh, well. It’s fun to imagine...it sounds like a Disney cartoon world where all the animals get along!
  12. They already have...look at poor Nathan. That’s the most expensive sex he could have ever had. It’s nice that he seems to genuinely love Nurie but at some point, throwing all his hard-earned money at feeding her family is going to get old.
  13. Isn’t he supposed to assume that heart failure is God’s plan for him and just wait for heaven? A million in donations. Every time I try convince myself that the human species isn’t entirely stupid something like this comes along.
  14. Okay, so we’ve been snowed in for five days and I think too much. But I was rewatching the very first episode when Grace is in front of her mirror...she removes the wiglet and starts brushing her hair. Is it even possible that hair is a wig? I know nothing about them, but her hair looks gorgeous. If that’s a wig, I may need to research financing one!
  15. I’m going to need a photo. Please please please? 🙏🏼
  16. I’m delighted to think you might get a new kitty...there are so many cats and not enough good homes. Your concern about big vet bills is conscientious of you. You might want to look into pet insurance? I had it for my Golden Retriever for his first five years mostly to help cover costs if he had hip, elbow or knee dysplasia or a seizure disorder, which are not uncommon in his breed and can show up later in life, no matter how good the breeder is. It cost $25 a month and he’s a big boy. It didn’t cover routine stuff and it would only cover 80% or something like that over the deductible, but at the time, it was good to know. I had exactly one claim in those five years when Mr. G ate a metal carabiner (not kidding...worse, he threw it up somewhere along the line when my back was turned so we never did find it) and they paid the claim promptly. I would think insurance for a kitty would be less? Just a thought. Hey, everybody needs something to love, right?
  17. @ChiCricket, you are so funny! But I hear you on the crabby thing. I just figure my turn is coming soon and I plan to be a nightmare. 😈😈😈
  18. Did she do better in a different role?
  19. It says something sad about my relationship with Season 7 that it’s taken me this long to get to the long-awaited dumping of the Christopher episode...but hallelujah, that useless crapwad of self-absorption and entitlement is finally gone. My joy is tempered by only two things... 1) “You’re the man I want to want.” WTF, Lorelai? Why? Why? Let me help. Let’s go with, “I’ve known your petulant, selfish ass for twenty years...and somehow, magically, you’ve managed to avoid maturing one iota. Inside you’re still the same fifteen year-old putz you were then and hiring a nanny with your inherited money to take care of the second kid you accidentally sired doesn’t change that one bit. You let me down and left me alone and made it all about you when I needed you most yet again and I don’t need that shit, thank you very much. NOW GET OUT.” Now THAT’S the way you dump a Christopher. Jesus. 2) May I say that the actress playing April is so bad it’s almost tragic and I alternate between smacking my forehead and actually feeling sorry for her. It’s like they hired some random girl out of a shopping mall, plunked her down in front of seasons 1 thru 3, said “Copy Rory, but without the ethereal beauty and slight shyness that made it tolerable.” Leave her in New Mexico. I’m begging, here. She’s happy, we’re happy, her usefulness as an utterly terrible plot device is over...bye, April. Consider other careers. Thank God for Michel. I must confess...I actually cried during his dog’s memorial. Sniff. Also I need the name of whatever hair product Gil started using this season, because his hair looks fabulous.
  20. @beckie, I’m glad to “see” you. How are you doing?
  21. I don’t know how cold it is in their part of the state, but he’s probably running around trying to stay warm and keep the pipes from freezing. No way that building has sufficient insulation for all the plumbing they added and those blower heaters don’t do much. The Rods must be on every form of Ebil Govmint assistance there is, because they’re continually on vacation from...nothing. I don’t begrudge those poor kids anything they get but funding date nights for Shrek and Queen Narcissism makes me growl. We’re reasonably comfortable and we don’t spend the kind of money these two do...and we don’t have kids to feed.
  22. Sweetie, please don’t be passing judgment on yourself. There are no grades given for mourning a terrible loss and no timetable you should meet. We’re all here to hold your hand and make you virtual brownies as long as you need it, not how long you think you should need it. I know in our culture we seem to have this bizarre attitude toward grieving, like it’s something we can and should choose to just overcome and get back to life as we knew it. But we can’t. It’s not the way it works, not without having it re-emerge somewhere else. My mother died last summer. In January I had a terrible fight with Mr. Wiser...and we don’t fight. I was in hysterics, really...and underneath it wasn’t about anything other than I just missed my mom and even more, missed who she once was before the dementia set in. I thought I was okay with it. Not so much. You feel how you feel. Honor that, yes? Have a brownie.
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