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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. So it’s my belief the same fate awaits the Plexus MLM eventually... Luluroe case
  2. What isn’t? As you all know, I am a dark and cynical soul. Also I know diddly about TikTok and I’m okay with that, but are we convinced whatever that Tik or Tok is wasn’t filmed six months ago? You know how they love to pretend that time doesn’t exist and put stuff out there from a year ago like it’s brand new. Many people might call that a tad...disingenuous. Personally, I call it the closest you can get to actually lying without actually lying.
  3. Ha. Dogs have the most accurate internal clocks in the universe...NASA could learn a thing or two. Ours get dinner at 4. They start agitating at 3:50 p.m., come rain, shine, blizzard, or power failure. And don’t get me started on the aggravation that is Daylight Savings Time, which dogs do NOT believe in, thank you very much. Fall back? Oh hell, no.
  4. Feeding them stimulates their digestive systems so they often need to poop shortly after their meals, especially as they get older. You might try taking him back out for a short “we’re out here just to poop” about fifteen to thirty minutes after he eats? If you’re an incredible morning person and feel up to having his daily walk before you start your work day, he’ll probably snooze the rest of the day. And I had to laugh, because dogs train us so very well, but no more treats after pee/poop trips. If he’s learned that outside then inside equals treat, he’s going to want to go out twenty times a day. Ask me how I know...🙄 ETA: This is a pretty big adjustment for both of you, so it’s going to take him a while to really settle in. At the shelter we usually said three days, three weeks and three months are sort of the “settling in” benchmark times.
  5. @Scarlett45, What does he do at 9:30, pee, poop, both?
  6. Jana already raised a family. She may have decided one was more than enough. Smartest one of the whole bunch, IMO.
  7. Honey, no. Just no. In your later years you will be so grateful you didn’t waste those precious brain cells when you could be wasting them on, oh, if you’re like me, the lyrics of terrible 80s sitcoms or worse, 60s cartoons. I’ve had the lyrics of “Felix the Cat” in my head for three days and am considering DIY surgical intervention. Save your self!
  8. They are just so...peculiar. That candle is creepy. Here’s a baby’s foot, severed at the ankle and set on fire! Tres adorable! Weird.
  9. I honestly thought from looking at her face that she meant, “completely cut my hair in half” and she was furious and planning to sue.
  10. I was thinking it might be Trazodone. It’s an odd drug...I can give my lunk of a retriever Valium, Benadryl, Tramadol all day long (well, I wouldn’t but you know what I’m saying) and he just giggles and humps the couch. Doesn’t seem to do a thing. He had surgery in September and the vet had me give him 1.5 Trazodone the night before and I was supposed to give him the same dose two hours before the surgery the next morning but he was so completely gorked I was afraid to repeat it. On the other hand, Trazodone makes my BC even more frantic...it has the opposite reaction of what it’s supposed to do. There are other behavioral drugs for dogs...antidepressants, Anxitane, Valium...that she might tolerate better. So if the behavior returns, definitely call your vet and ask for another type of meds, yes?
  11. I’m so glad to hear she’s feeling better, @rue721. If you don’t mind my asking, which drug did he prescribe for her? Some of them really will knock the daylights out of some dogs, particularly sight hounds and some of the herders. I’ve tried every drug there is on my wiggy Border Collie rescue and honestly, Benadryl works as well as anything because he just goes to sleep. But that’s not something I’d be comfortable giving him every day. I’m thinking your girl had her reasons. There are some critters out there that they smell/sense that we have no clue about. Shortly after we moved up here I looked out the window one fine morning and there was a very very large cougar trotting up the road twenty feet from the house. And it’s not like we live in the wilds. Here’s hoping she stays happy!
  12. @rue721, how’s Portia doing with her nervousness?
  13. Ha, Scarlett45...watching you become a dog person just makes me so happy for both of you. The reason he needs you really suck, but he is an incredibly lucky boy to have ended up with you. Sometimes beauty shows up in the most unexpected places.
  14. I appreciate all of your input here...it’s helping me think things through. I just remembered an incident, maybe 20 years ago after my maternal grandmother died, when my mom, for reasons that escape me, decided to make copies of every letter she ever sent to her mom and give them to me and my sister. The first first one I pulled out was describing how awful I had been behaving (I was 14 at the time, people, it kinda goes with the territory), but that I was much behaving much better just recently and my grandmother wouldn’t recognize me. It sounded very much like she was cringing around about her awful daughter...me. I remember nothing I ever did that would have required this kind of groveling. You would have thought I was knocked up with out of wedlock twins and selling meth. In short? That hurt. I have no interest in getting hurt again and I don’t know the exact timelines of these diaries...and I don’t want to know. Into the shredder they go. My thanks to you all...
  15. I have nothing to offer regarding the genealogy topic, but it does bring up a question I am hoping for some feedback on. After my mother died late last summer, my sister and BIL moved all her stuff out of her AL apartment and sent me some of it, mostly artwork I had done that she had hanging in her rooms. Along with it, they sent three of her diaries from when she was in her late teens, early twenties. I‘m not even sure how they ended up with her in AL, because I’m the one who handled most of their move out of their house of forty years and I know I didn’t see the diaries then. And I packed up literally TONS of stuff. I don’t know what to do with them. I know my sister sent them to me because she didn’t want them and I know none of her kids would be interested. I don’t feel right about even reading them, so I haven’t...I wouldn’t read someone’s diary if they were alive and it feels like she should still have a right to her privacy even in death. Thoughts? We had a...quirky...family and I’m not a history buff in any way. If anything, I try not to think much about that part of my life.
  16. @ginger90, Happy Birthday, sweetie. You’re a star!
  17. Ha. I was absolutely and literally just showing that video to my husband. It’s one of my favorite songs anyway... I told him to give me an exercise ball, a laundry basket and a pair of drum sticks and I don’t care how old I am, this girl is gonna get down.
  18. So I was out of town for a week and just returned to Stars Hollow today. I swear Lorelai tells the Pestilence-That-Is-Christopher that she loves him so often that I have a sore throat from the gag reflex and I think she doth protest over much and by “much” I mean she’s continually propping up his petulant ego and I don’t get it. At all. He’s exhausting. However, watching Luke duck that snotty rich boy’s first attempt at a punch and then clock the living daylights out of that expensive orthodontia made me just a little too exhilarated to be entirely healthy. Oh, show. I loved you once. ETA: I say we fix up Pestilence and Anna. She’d have his genitalia for earrings after three dates and she’s pretty much Lorelai’s clone physically.
  19. Sign me up for the Dr. Fauci Fan Club. ASAP. If you’re bored some time, google what John MacArthur has had to say about Joel Osteen. Let’s just say that it may well be just jealousy at work, but MacArthur does come up with some impressively Christianesque synonyms for “fake-ass grifting motherfucker.” If RFP is aspiring in Osteen’s image, he’d better keep that to himself. MacArthur will toss his toe-kissing behind right out the door. ETA: I’m sorry, but when I was in grad school I barely had time to read a newspaper, let alone fiddle-fart around playing cards and mainlining designer cheeseburgers. Either this seminary program is total window-dressing or RFP is going to turn this into a ten-year program.
  20. Just wanted to say good morning to all of you...I have been out of town (we went to the ocean for a few days...which used to be relaxing but now is fraught as hell because I have to make sure to pack enough food, wine, drinking water, cleaning supplies, dog food, towels, everything so that we don’t have to go into any stores or go anywhere but the funky little cabin...it’s like an Apollo mission). The good news is that Mr. Wiser has his vaccine appointments in March. I am “too young.” Honey, I ain’t young. Just saying. @Scarlett45, you should be a television writer. I swear I could see that scene as you wrote it...your mom is awesome. I see where you get it. @lookeyloo, thanks for checking in. It’s lovely you have a good friend as an option for later on. Mr. Wiser is 12 years older than I am and we really don’t know anyone here...we just moved here a couple of years ago and then Covid hit just about the time we finally finished up building our house. I would probably have to move back to Ohio to be closer to my sister and her family, but I hate the idea of being an obligation to any of them, even living on my own somewhere. “Gotta go visit crazy old Great Aunt Wiser”? Yikes. But FWIW, the PNW is pretty decent much of the year :). I have all kinds of shoots and buds optimistically leaping out of the flower garden...in January. Beats the Maine winters I was used to by a mile! I send you all a hug and hopes for more vaccines for everyone...
  21. My sister got her vaccine in Ohio because she volunteers for the Red Cross. She’s had the first...she said it wasn’t bad at all, better than the flu shot or the shingles vaccine. I hope it works out for you!
  22. I hope that book sells exactly 12 copies. Maybe 20, given how many relatives might pay up. But they’ll just want free copies or not even bother. Yes, that’s probably mean-spirited of me. But there are so many zillion people out there with actual writing talent who can’t get noticed enough to be published that this piece of ego fluff for Jesus getting published makes me crabby.
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