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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. @CouchTater, your kitties are so pretty...but your room caught my eye and it is GORGEOUS. Love the art, the plants, love the furniture. Yum. Okay, dog owners, I’ll see you rabbit poop and raise you bear poop and bobcat poop. When we lived in the wilds in Maine, my dogs would sniff anything canid (foxes, coyotes) and decline...but bobcat? Bear? Apparently a rare delicacy. 😝
  2. Ha. Good for you! And no, they don’t call traveling. Ever. Drives me crazy...another reason Mr. Wiser watched his Celtics games solo. JillRod would die of jealousy. Literally.
  3. Told you we are related! Oh, yes. In my corporate life the CEO had the fleeting idea that maybe the company should sponsor a race car. This led to three of the longest, hottest, smelliest, noisiest days of my life somewhere in central Florida watching cars go around and around and around...until somebody crashed. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. So stupid and environmentally disastrous. Fortunately, I put together a potential budget for that sponsorship and by then the CEO had lost enthusiasm. Whew.
  4. May I just say that the thumbs up sign is forever ruined for me and it looks particularly stupid in that Nurthan photo.
  5. Isn’t she supposed to be still riding the pink cloud of potential grannyhood? Did some gay person she accosted in a parking lot refuse to be saved and instead told her to fuck off? Because that I would pay to see.
  6. I can’t deal with the shoes squeaking. Drives me crazy. And hockey is the same...back and forth, back and forth, and then a fight breaks out.
  7. Well, wasn’t he the prize moron...what an asshole. Glad you’re away from him!
  8. There’s a Pet Peeves forum???? (Insert sound of angels singing)
  9. IIRC, she’d had it up past here with his numerous mistresses (his rep at the time was that he was this devoted husband and father when actually he was a very, very busy guy) and there was one text too many. She snapped and went after his car with a golf club while he drove away into his first car wreck. I have to say I was impressed...with her.
  10. And turn signals mean, “I am going to turn soon,” NOT “I’m turning as we speak” or “Might turn some time, might not, we’ll see.”
  11. Anyone else absolutely over all of the gushing, melodramatic coverage of Tiger Woods having yet another car accident? Yes, he’s a public figure, yes he’s a good golfer, yes it’s too bad he got hurt...again...but good grief they’re acting like he is a combination of Jesus Christ and Princess Diana. Also, he’s NOT DEAD. Also, not that great a guy. But I have read half a dozen hushed, reverential articles today on multiple news sites that would be over the top if they were eulogies. And he’s NOT DEAD. Honestly, the way we revere sports figures in this country is seriously messed up.
  12. I’m with you...but that’s pretty dark for Life in Stars Hollow. But April moving to New Mexico was a missed opportunity to never see her again...same with Christopher getting Sherry (was that her name?) pregnant. He could have gone back to a fictional phone call every once in a while. Stupid writers...
  13. Or, you know, actual actors. Neither Smirky One Note Pretty Boy or Painfully Stilted Girl (every line she delivered sounded like she was reading the script out loud) qualified, IMO.
  14. Given the blithe disregard the showrunners seemed to have for their viewing audience, would it have mattered? Although the show might have survived an Emily swap...but losing Scott/Luke? Probably not.
  15. Well, damn. I just started watching the early seasons and was just getting over the Noel/Prue/Sue/Mel transition hurdle...and you’re telling me it gets worse? Oh, the humanity... P.S. To get more on topic, at least GG never swapped out, say, Luke or Emily, for another actor and tried to pass them off.
  16. Holy shit, Charles is older than RFP? In that photo RFP looks almost old enough be his father.
  17. Speaking as an old person, it’s been my experience that people capable of doing that kind of stuff (or ignoring it while someone else did it) are always victims in their minds. It’s never their fault, because (fill in blank here) made them do it. From what you’ve say about that letter, I’m guessing she’s one of those.
  18. If she had, she’d have posted them, IMO. She’s never been one not to brag about any type of tribute she gets (or extorts) from her offspring.
  19. I’m trying to envision his brother trying to introduce RFP to his tolerant, liberal, artistic, talented network...”So there’s my brother Jeremy. Yeah, he married into that television family that has a zillion kids. And if you check out his SM, um, yes, he is in deep with that asshole MacArthur. I know, I know. But he could use a job and well, he’s family, so I felt like I had to ask...no, sure. I understand completely.”
  20. @Tikichick, you’re diabolical. I like that in a person!
  21. Good point. How about Josh only eats after everyone else is finished and only what’s left? 😈
  22. 1) Didn’t Bin already try the Christian rap thing? 2) In his dreams. 3) He could try...but who would produce and market them? 4) Now my eyes hurt. And he’s not nearly hot enough at this point. Mostly he’ll chew his nails more and get hair plugs.
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