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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. Grieving is such an individual thing. It could be that all her hopes were pinned on a baby. It doesn’t seem like she’s all that thrilled with her marriage and these women aren’t allowed anything else but JESUS. So as much as I think this is a private matter that should not be talk show or People magazine bait, I have to try to remember how hard it can be when hopes are taken away.
  2. If that’s true and not “made for teevee” bullshit, that’s really sad. A couple’s first kiss (or anything else) is their business. Selling it for ratings is one short step from prostitution, IMO. If even the guests are just there for cheap thrills, elope FFS. It’s just gross.
  3. So I did some searching (we’re snowed in) and it looks like there are at least some homes and cottages on Normans Cay and at least one luxury home. I can’t tell for sure because internet is crap right now. So there would have been some options. Enough for 6000 attendees plus 400 influencers plus staff? Not likely.
  4. I am willing to bet that an embarrassingly large portion of the target audience didn’t know squat about Escobar’s murderous history. They just assumed drug money = opulence plus maybe a little hint of badassery-by-proxy for those basement-dwelling losers Billy was targeting. It was important enough to him and/or his marketing bros to include it in the promo despite being told not to. Either that or it was just another screwup. I’m really surprised anything at all was accomplished. Billy and Ja looked drunk and/or totally stoned most of the time. “Fell asleep on the beach,” sure. He passed out.
  5. I feel sort of bad for her...she’s a teenager in an arranged marriage in a cult that bases a woman’s worth on how many babies she produces. Now this happens. Statistically, someone in this vast clan was going to have fertility issues. I can only hope the cult is supportive.
  6. Oy. It’s that crinkle gauze crap fabric from the 90s. I suppose “broomstick” gauze skirts are now back, too?
  7. Showing up and/or giving a damn is for the little people, not for Fundie Royalty.
  8. ODG. You are absolutely right and now I can’t unsee it.
  9. I am also weirdly fascinated by all of this, in part because in a previous career I was the client dealing with the “creatives” for ad shoots and was frequently chided for “bringing negative energy to the process” when I did silly things like insist we meet deadlines and not obliterate the budget. So the “we’re not a problem oriented company we’re a solution oriented company” horseshit hit home. Wankers. Does anyone where I could pay for watching this version without having to sign up for Hulu? Seems like it’s quite painful to cancel Hulu so I would like to avoid that...
  10. “McFuckknuckle” is just my new favorite word. Bravo! I kinda loved the one model saying, “I’m not gettin’ in no water” and the other saying, incredulously, “We’re coming in there after you?” Because the last unspoken word was clearly “losers.”
  11. None of that made sense, either, which makes me think Billy was just making things up at that point AND maybe testing loyalties. Dude ain’t right in the head. ETA: Maybe it might have gotten the customs dude to release the water without immediate payment, which happened anyway. But does Billy know the customs guy is gay or bi? And if that’s what he’s betting on, send someone younger and hotter? No offense to Andy, but... Nope. It still makes no sense.
  12. This interview was FASCINATING, thank you so much. This guy is the best of this next generation...analytical, thoughtful, ethical and aware. It made my day. He’s the AntiBilly.
  13. That’s a really good point. So they were screwed from the jump.
  14. The very thought of that combination makes my stomach heave.
  15. Said this on the other thread, so forgive the repeat... I think Billy has lived in bullshit world for so long that he just thought it would happen if he bullied people enough and/or blinded them with bullshit. They were liable to the investors if they canceled so the only thread of hope was getting people wasted enough to think it was a cool experience, a la Woodstock, so that they didn’t care. That didn’t happen.
  16. Anyone else think it was weird when the Bahamian guy right at the end got a phone call from Billy? Why didn’t he rip him up? Maybe he’s just super laid back and figures he’s never going to get paid anyway, but still. Or the call was bullshit just for the film. Given that they were on the hook to all those investors if they canceled, they boxed themselves in. Their only hope was to get people convinced that the experience was cool enough despite the reality to not care. Billy is like every richie rich kid I ever knew...obnoxious, entitled and amoral.
  17. For all the religious blather, the Duggar children are just experiencing the identical fate that most child actors do. They were brought up believing that just being Duggar was fascinating and lucrative. Their family had their collective asses kissed everywhere just for showing up and being filmed. Then add in the twisted belief that babies are God’s merit badges and these kids could not have been raised with a more dysfunctional world view. So the effort-to-reward math is completely out of whack and apparently none of them is bright enough to figure that out. Jill showing up in CA and finding out that just showing up Duggar does not constitute an actual mission should have been an eye opener. Instead she fled back to Duggarland.
  18. Um, Jill? Are you baking it in the bowl? You missed a step.
  19. Sacrificing Jeremy only gets you half a good hair day; not enough prize, too much bull.
  20. Or at least that’s what he’s going to hold over her head for all eternity... Begrudgingly...I had mid-December in the pool for “date Derrick flunks out and claims God is calling him to do something else” so he’s made it a month longer than I thought he would...
  21. Putting on my “not even close to a lawyer” hat, it would seem to me that when they would have been negotiating for “Counting On” they would have been in a piss poor negotiating position, given the Josh Debacle and the original show being cancelled. Unless it’s standard boilerplate, I can’t see TLC giving enough of a damn to pay them for any kind of noncompete. I’m sure it’s possible JB would give that away under the circumstances, though.
  22. IIRC, Chip and Joanna Gains left HGTV and started their own network “in conjunction with” the Discovery Channel. Which seems like it was already a network, so I guess it’s a network network. Or something. I think once a contract is over, it’s over. But I also don’t believe for a hot minute that any of the Duggars has enough initiative, management skills or ability to learn what they don’t know to make their own “network network” successful.
  23. It hurts me deeply to defend this weasel, but if someone took my picture while I was desperately trying to concentrate that phone is going down the disposal.
  24. What’s with the pronoun shit? ”She is six months old.” ”She loves a good book and a cup of tea” or however that posed photo of Harvard shirt wifey was captioned...like “she” was reading up on astrophysics and string theory. They both have names, Jer Dude. It’s just so...precious...and not in the good way.
  25. Well, she has her father’s hairline, that’s for sure.
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