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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. It’s Duggarville’s version of the royal “we.”
  2. Okay, my religious training ended at roughly age eight, so what do I know. But do any of their Bibles include the New Testament? IIRC, Jesus wasn’t real big on rebuking, correcting or telling others how they’re doing life wrong. Yet that’s all this flavor of Christians seem to care about. It’s perverse.
  3. Church, doesn’t it seem like Pastor Poser might be overplaying his hand here? Very few powerful, vain and older leaders look kindly on greedy, grasping upstarts, as they might be all too eager to stage a coup. Jeremy’s blatant lust for expensive stuff far outweighs any trace we’ve seen of an actual calling. If I’m MacArthur, I don’t let the arrogant little shit anywhere near the throne, SM presence be damned.
  4. “She just pooped!!! JINGER!!! Quick before she soils my look!!!”
  5. Sometimes I wonder what they would have done with a homely or difficult baby.
  6. If someone has that kind of money, give it to the poor, FFS. I’m reminded of that old bumper sticker: “Jesus is coming and he is PISSED.”
  7. He mentions nothing about the Bible’s history or that the company recycles, which is actually a good thing, I agree. What does Poser Preacher highlight? “Totally custom-designed.” He has now passed Derrick in my personal rankings of most disliked Duggars and adjacents. Congrats, you preening goober. Getting past Derrick the Hatemonger wasn’t easy.
  8. “Custom-designed lux” designer Bibles????? Jesus wept.
  9. Where to begin... 1) Is he really posting this photo of himself, because there are some places (like a church pew) where selfies or the equivalent are just freaking inappropriate. 2) Cade? Your man crush is getting a wee bit...creepy. I just do not understand their world. At all.
  10. Oy. Poor Israel is looking more and more like his father, just with a sweeter disposition. The best photo Jill ever posted of herself was the Bug Killing Maniac shot. She was experiencing an authentic emotion for a change and it makes an amazing difference in how she looks. All the phony smiles just look dead.
  11. I find it weird distasteful tacky that she’s shilling for Fruity Sacks and church services in the same breath.
  12. It’s official...People has jumped the shark, turned around and jumped it again and then dove in with it. A new low for total dreck has been reached, ya’ll! https://people.com/tv/jill-duggar-dillard-defends-killing-insects-in-home/
  13. I had that once. I was 45. (Doctor, in tone of wonder, “Adults hardly EVER get this!”) I hope this isn’t what the poor kid has, because I was pretty miserable.
  14. Duggarspeak: “We’re different” = “We’re special and much, much better.”
  15. Disclaimer: I don’t have much experience with small children. That said, I remain gobsmacked at how casual they seem to be about basic safety. My impulse is to swoop in and grab him off that stool ASAP. No? I’d be freaked if one of my dogs was perched up there, but maybe that’s me. Maybe when you grow up with eighteen backup children, no one gets too worked up about just one?
  16. It rang pretty true to me, mostly because it does coincide with the observations people here have had and this is a high EQ group. Jer being full of himself is not a stretch. Jinger’s “testimony” has probably been polished over the years to be more compelling: she grew up on television, after all. Does anyone doubt that they weren’t indoctrinated from a very young age to see themselves as sinners? I don’t. It’s a way to keep them in line. ETA: Jer using “pastor” as a verb? Definitely him. ETA2: Haven’t we seen this before with Derrick’s tweets? Seems like in this culture bragging about yourself in the context of your service to the religion is perfectly acceptable. ETA3: Should not post pre-caffeine. I read his testimony as Jinger’s. Am knucklehead.
  17. He had better get started. At the rate his hair is departing his forehead, he doesn’t have many options in his future hair-wise.
  18. Michelle needs some yoga or upper body weight training STAT. She’s beginning to collapse forward. Must be that missing back muscle...
  19. Cue the generic self-congratulatory birthday tweet from the grandparents in 3...2...1...
  20. Well, clearly I am in a mood because she looks all Shirley Temple headshot to me: too much fake cute. And while I’m at it, tell me there’s a grownup hovering just out of camera range to catch her when she face plants off that thing. Isn’t she too young to be sitting up there solo?
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