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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. My Golden Retriever is more educated than Michelle’s daughters. And he’s attended school a whole lot more.
  2. Amen. if there’s anything worse than someone lazy winning the lottery it’s someone lazy who doesn’t understand that they won the lottery. It’s only by sheer dumb luck that Ma and Pa Fecundity tripped into a cultural moment in which being a freak show was a high-paying career. Instead of recognizing that, being grateful for it and using the windfall to ensure their kids are prepared for actual life, they’ve concluded that it happened because God loves them best. They’d be better off raising the kids to go stand out in a field during every storm so they might be hit by lightning; it has a greater chance of happening than another high-paying reality show contract. Duggars, if your cheese hasn’t moved completely, it’s packing up the Uhaul as we speak. Wake up.
  3. “I have to take this from a woman who spells “Ginger” with a J?” 🤣
  4. So now they’re going with an in-person gigantic suckup appeal for a parental handout. They must have checked LA real estate prices. (It’s almost Mother’s Day, so they’re probably just trying to beat the crowds to kiss the hem of Michelle’s ancient denim skirt.)
  5. I think she’s more than capable of jerking a knot in his tail, which is what he really really needs.
  6. I’m having a tough time mentally combining lemon, rosemary and thyme with jalapeños and hot sauce. It makes my tongue cringe. But hey, vegetables. No soup. Baby steps, Jill, baby steps.
  7. These bullshit quotes were in the back of my mind today (thank you to ChurchHoney for listening to this and taking one for the team)... In light of more of his colors being revealed recently, this garbage is really disturbing. He’s gaslighting her into thinking her television pseudo-fame is something he’s being good enough to overlook and move past. Never mind that it’s her TLC money and SM following that is enabling his “career” move to LA. It’s a classic power move by a controller/narcissist to convince his partner that she’s in his life despite his better instincts...that he’s being magnanimous in overlooking her “flaws.” It helps the victims become ever more desperate to please and more malleable. This guy now scares me. Derrick is an asshole and I suspect a rageaholic, but he’s not slick enough to hide it nor do I think he even wants to. But this guy has got the candy-coated exterior act down pretty well. Right now everything is going just the way JerJer likes it. Pretty wife, cute female baby, fame by proxy, attention, fancy clothes, perfect house. Heaven help Jinger if any of that changes. Yikes.
  8. So...a huge tricked out closet with maybe one shirt that looks like Jinger’s and a couple of pairs of her shoes. The rest? JerJer. He is one high-maintenance dude. I hope she can afford him.
  9. She can relax on one thing...he can’t divorce her. He might well cheat on her and she’ll have to do the Anna, but unless he gets out of Fundieland completely they’re married. More her loss than his, IMO. She could do better.
  10. I wonder what they’re charging in interest and HOA fees...that risk is being covered by some surcharge somewhere.
  11. Remember how there was some skepticism as to whether Jeremy would really brag about how he had led his church with wisdom beyond his years? He said that. Just look at him. Where does JimBob find these psychos? Derrick with his hate issues and now this narcissistic fop. Ironically, DoLittle Bin is looking pretty good these days, by comparison. ETA: Jinger is going to have a tough time keeping that dog on the porch, no offense to dogs. Guys like him need constant ego reinforcement and if he attracts any kind of female following in LA, he’ll go for it. Especially since it will be their fault. And Jinger’s.
  12. How’s that go again, Jer? ”Beware false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their $250 silk neckties.” Pretentious ass.
  13. I am baffled as to where this guy gets his confidence about his looks. He’s average-plus good looking with a receding hairline and a jawline that’s headed toward jowldom. You aren’t exactly turning heads, Jer.
  14. Good grief that’s $95 U.S. For a nonfunctional handkerchief. What an asshole.
  15. LMAO. Who does this jumped-up backwoods poser think he is? Oh, Jinger. I’m sorry, hon.
  16. It’s probably just that he can’t get around Jessa to look in the mirror long enough to shave.
  17. What experience did she really have at mission work? Showing up Duggar with a camera crew for two weeks while staying in hotels and having your ass kissed as you hand out lollipops and tracts would be zero preparation for actually living in another country, let alone trying to manage a household and raise a child there with only Mr. Sensitivity for family. She was raised to be daddy’s little snitch girl for Jesus, not to be a functioning adult. Even people who weren’t systematically crippled by their parents into blind cultdom have a tough time adjusting to adulting...I know I did. Some days I still do. But now she’s gone from being Daddy’s girl to being semi-shunned and off TV, thanks to the crabby fuckwit he hooked her up with, despite doing everything she was supposed to.That’s some major cognitive dissonance to someone trained to look to The Penis In Charge for every decision. On some level I feel bad for her. Then she posts and I’m over that.
  18. Beards just make some guys look old. Maybe if he trimmed it up a bit?
  19. I’m having fun imagining how Derrick the tax guy would work out... ”Your health care costs are how much? Jesus is all you need!” ”Childcare expense? Why aren’t you staying home with them, you shameless harlot?” ”You donated to Planned Parenthood???? GET THINE HEATHEN ASS FROM OUT MY CUBICLE!!!” I don’t see it going well...
  20. Anyone else want to slap the Social Media consultant woman (blonde ponytail) whining about how “brave” influencers are for “taking one for the team” in revealing their lives in social media? Brave, my ass. They get paid insane amounts of money for pretty pictures of themselves. They could all disappear from the internet tomorrow and society wouldn’t miss a beat. If anything, the world would be a much better place.
  21. I watched both documentaries again on the treadmill last week. I find them so fascinating in terms of groupthink and “positivity” gone nuclear. I remain buffaloed that JaRule came out of this unscathed, unless he really just was the stoned useful idiot he appeared to be and there was zero paper trail back to him. Did he even get paid at any point or was it all in weed? I heard a podcast with Calvin Wells the other day and he brought up something hiding in plain sight: who was Billy working with on the street drugs for this massive party? It’s likely he was dealing with some interesting and scary individuals. It’s amazing he’s not dead.
  22. If they have a mortgage, they have homeowners insurance. Banks want their investments protected.
  23. Billy will never stop hustling...it’s encoded in his DNA. He’ll lurch from boom to bust forever, living large the whole way off other people’s money. Now who does that remind me of... It did amuse me that he is being represented by “Dog Shit Media,” which is a terrible insult to dogs, really...
  24. Wow. What happened to them? They’ve aged fifteen years. Well, maybe only ten forJill. She didn’t look pregnant (or overweight) in that relatively snug washed-out blue schmatta she was shilling in that photo April 24. But her chest region was...perkier. The pregnant boob look in that cookie photo may just be a result of the same bra shoving things north and/or from holding her phone in the air to get the perfect cookie ripoff shot.
  25. Oh FFS. Couples had sex. Now they’re pregnant. This should not be some kind of cottage industry. Excuse me. I will be over there in the FFS corner pre-gagging.
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