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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. So it seems like there’s a massive kitchen on the main floor with another kitchen area off of that and yet another after THAT. Plus one downstairs. I don’t see how that layout lends itself to any kind of multi-generation living arrangement, although I guess you could put grandma downstairs. If the kitchens on the main floor were at either end of the house, then maybe, but annexed to each other?
  2. Good point. I believe the real estate rules vary by state but often if you heat/cool it, it’s living space. So that’s roughly 6500 sq ft non-garage...and only four bedrooms but nine baths and four kitchens of whatever variety. Nope, it still makes no sense.
  3. This. I have moved a zillion times and have kept almost zero mementos. My parents moved once in 50 years and kept everything (I know, since I’m the one who got to clear it all out when they finally went to assisted living), but they kept nothing about the children. I was in ballet for years, my sister competed quite successfully in dressage...nothing. It may just be an individual family thing. On the other hand, I can totally see Jerry keeping all that stuff and taking it out and fondling it all while murmuring, “precious” because he is that guy.
  4. Wait is that the realtor site description or People? Either way this makes it sound like they remodeled four kitchens, not added kitchens? Am confused.
  5. Okay, that Pickles blog has been a little hinky in the past, but “leads to the eternal question: WTF do the Duggar boys do for a living” is dead on.
  6. Good point...given the Duggarization, I suspect the garage has a kitchen.
  7. Once it’s warmed up, it will hold heat pretty well and release it slowly. Same with AC...one it’s cooled, it will help the house stay cool. The downside is when you have fluctuations in weather, as it doesn’t respond quickly. But I wouldn’t want those heating and cooling bills, regardless. And a heated/cooled garage is just silly in that climate.
  8. It would involve a bunch of demo to get stuff out...cabinets, counters, sinks, appliances...although if it’s done reasonably carefully most of it could be sold or donated. A tile backsplash would have to be pulled off or the drywall behind removed with it. Then you would probably want to strip whatever’s on the floor down to the subfloor for either carpet or hardwood, frame out a closet, cap off water lines and any gas lines, potentially move electrical outlets down, change out lighting and light switch placement, and replace any damaged drywall. Then painting and adding baseboard and any additional trim required. Plus any permits and inspections. So my guess is that it’s much cheaper than creating a kitchen but a whole lot more expensive than building a bedroom to start with.
  9. There is zero doubt in my mind that Jeremy saved all that crap as a monument to his brilliant soccer career. Is anything ever just about Jinger? I realize she’s the photographer but it’s all baby, Jeremy, or Jeremy with baby, with an occasional requisite nod to Duggar 1.0.
  10. See, now I totally believed it was theirs!
  11. So...you can’t drive into the garage? And someone not only laid sod down but planted a tree in the way? These people are dangerously stupid. As in, shouldn’t be allowed to drive or vote stupid. I would have added not being allowed to procreate, but that ship armada has sailed.
  12. Mr. Wiser owned a real estate company for a long time and some of his clients were...legendarily...snotty. I can predict just how that conversation with the realtor went down... ”I would recommend an initial asking price of $895,000.” ”I have $500,000 in it and expect a million in profit. We’re listing it at $1.8.” ”Um, you know this is Arkansas, right? And the market doesn’t care what you have in it. They care that it’s got 14,000 sq ft to cool and heat and only four bedrooms on a small lot.” ”That’s your problem, you’re the realtor. Do your job or I’ll find a realtor who has a penis. “Oh, and I want massive national and global advertising starting tomorrow. “And I’m only signing a 90-day listing agreement. That’ll be some incentive for you, sweetcheeks. And since my wife was once a realtor back before her brain liquified I will require a 20% commission referral off the top.” Minus some of the sexism, my husband has had almost this identical conversation and lots more than once. That realtor drove away grinding her teeth and headed straight to the liquor store.
  13. It may be that the realtor isn’t very good or more likely that she knows a big fat white elephant when she sees it and isn’t going to waste too much time on it. JimBob without a doubt told her what the list price was going to be, period. He’s probably assuming the Duggar name is worth half a million. Snort.. Why isn’t Michelle selling it? Does she still have a license?
  14. And while I’m at it, I can’t imagine how much a place like that would echo. I have a nervous rescue dog and he barks a lot and at a frequency and volume that I am convinced has taken years off my life expectancy. Fortunately I love him anyway. Can you imagine a barker in that place? Or a bunch of little kids? There aren’t enough area rugs in the world to make that anything less than hell.
  15. I can’t get past adding kitchens and all those bathrooms. Those are the two most expensive types of rooms to build out. Bathrooms (especially half baths) you can do fairly cheaply compared to kitchens, which are insanely expensive per square foot. Especially as those photos look pretty high end. I’ve seen houses with additional “kitchens” in bar areas or rec rooms, but four? It makes absolutely no sense. ETA: I wonder if the original floor plan had bedrooms they converted to baths and kitchens? 10,000 sq ft and four bedrooms. Bizarre.
  16. According to a link in that article, the median listing price in that area is $199k. And the lot is less than three acres. There’s more room inside the house than outside of it. I’m thinking Ma and Pa may have overshot just a tad.
  17. For a guy who spends as much time staring into mirrors as he does, he’s remarkably blind to what’s really staring back at him.
  18. Sorry, I wasn’t clear. The article was written like JimBob and Michelle actually got their hands dirty...which I doubt. As someone who has done a ton of DIY work with my husband over the years, writing checks is NOT “doing the work.” Pet peeve. It’s entirely possible JimBob supervised and that he roped in whatever male offspring and adjacents he could. It’s been a mystery as to what Bin actually does, for instance. But there’s no way Michelle ever put down her Starbucks long enough to do anything.
  19. Or maybe Jinger has some shred of common sense about whether it’s appropriate for the wife of a low income small town preacher to be swanning around waving silk pocket squares (priced in Euros, for crying out loud), fountain pens and Gucci loafers. Even if he is buying at the outlets, it’s just tacky, given what he supposedly does for a living. If he’s a used car salesman, he’s welcome to it. A spiritual leader? Not so much.
  20. My inner home improvement calculator is guessing they have about $500k in that remodel. (People, FFS stop writing about it like they did any of the actual work, okay?) If they can find a buyer, they would clear about a million. But are there really a ton of people with that kind of money there? And, Duggars? You’re going to pay capital gains taxes on that...right? ETA: Oh dear, I just now realized that when I italicized “People” to indicate the magazine instead it might have read as if I was being snotty to my lovely fellow snarkers on this forum. Yikes! Mea culpa.
  21. That way it’s all tax exempt. Otherwise Gothard is just running a travel agency. Shyster.
  22. Also maybe he’s trying not to burn that bridge any more than he has just in case he flames out in LA...
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