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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. There are five million people in this family and somehow she was alone when this happened?
  2. Begrudgingly, real estate is one of those things where outward appearances really do matter. As much as I dislike Reverend FancyPants, they staged it beautifully.
  3. His Headship could drive his skinny behind over to yon grocery store, procure actual food and, dunno, prepare it? Eat it? I got nothing for him, compassion-wise, but you’re a nicer person. Either the guy is running ten miles a day or he’s got some health issue lurking. He looks terrible. Sam’s baby arm is the same size as Derrick’s.
  4. If she was subsidizing them and Jill didn’t mention that even once, I hope Mary smites her ass.
  5. With all due respect, my answer would have been, “None of your fucking business.” But I’m ornery like that.
  6. Because if I’m one of the people Mary buttonholed with that highly personal and frankly narrow-minded inquiry (what if I’m Jewish or Muslim?) it would not have gone well. I don’t find that admirable in the slightest. Religious? Fine. That’s your business. But stay out of mine. Bless her heart.
  7. Um...what’s the polite amount of time before snark can resume?
  8. He’s also educated, compassionate and witty. Duggars...no.
  9. And while I’m grossing myself out don’t the Duggars have a tendency to car sickness?
  10. What haunts me is how it must SMELL. Curdled yogurt, sour milk, dirty people, two kids in diapers, a thousand snack crumbs...all brought to a crescendo of stink thanks to Arkansas heat and humidity. Gawdamighty. I could not handle riding in that.
  11. From Handmaid’s Tale...currently a television series (I think) and for certain a novel because I read it.
  12. Nah. They’d use her to raise all the little kids and babysit her siblings’ spawn, do the gardening and repairs, cook, clean and pretty much hop to it whenever her parents told her to, all the while pretending they were waiting for God to send the right headship for her. Now who does this remind me of...
  13. Maybe that’s it...I think many had high hopes that Reverend FP was “normal” religious, as opposed to BSC Duggar religious. And that he might, you know, have a job and know stuff and be more open-minded and worship the ground Jinger walks on for just being her. Instead, apparently he’s a superficial semi-employed grifter-wannabe hate-spewer with a lust for handmade silk pocket squares, $600 custom Bibles and faux library selfies. Maybe he does worship the ground she walks on...can’t really tell. But I think the concern is that Jinger just went from one Svengali asshole to another.
  14. ITA that dyed hair doesn’t make a person shallow. What’s different here is that we know that Jeremy is a Pretentious Famewhore for Jesus who is all about appearances. His “calling” is roughly a half-inch deep. Jinger seemed to be far more authentic and she was a naturally pretty and slender girl before she got hooked up with this tool. Now she’s gone LA blonde and seems to be getting completely sucked in to selfie culture. To paraphrase what someone up thread said, where is any evidence that their much ballyhooed religion is anything but a cheap branding tactic? Deeds, not words. As always with the Duggars, it’s the hypocrisy that grinds.
  15. I was just thinking that... Jessa has a girl, so Jill goes all Dr. Ruth, now this...what’s next? Tattoos? Margaritas? Visible thong line?
  16. Doesn’t Jinger’s new hair look ever so familiar...Lunera for the win! Guess Reverend FancyPants was having unrighteous thoughts about Cade’s girlfriend...or Jinger was concerned he was...
  17. Well, that’s what I think of Derrick, minus the “friendly” part.
  18. Nope. Killing someone is way too direct and hands-on for Derrick. He’s more of hide behind a keyboard and endlessly bitch kind of guy. Now I could see him Death Yelping him or unfollowing him on Twitter...
  19. Danger America held a referendum in a special election and, in an unprecedented and historic moment of unity, voted 99.9% in favor of never again allowing Freaky Dancing Man or Cheapo Banana Bread Girl to re-enter the country, in perpetuity. The few holdouts wanted to add “or any of their creepy relatives either” to the wording of the law, as this phrase was accidentally left out of the draft presented to the voters.
  20. I’d bet a ton of money that in Jill’s experience it’s ten minutes tops, including foreplay, until Derrick is snoring with his mouth agape. After all, Mama Fecundity told them “it doesn’t take long.” I still call bullshit on even that. If they’re having sex that often she’d have four kids by now.
  21. Here’s another reason this was all written by someone else...we’ve seen plenty of times when Jill has looked less than dewy fresh, especially her tangled, matted no-doubt smelly hair and filthy feet. If she really thinks she’s got a path to being the Anita Bryant of the 21st century by passing this off as her writing, she’s going to have to up her game.
  22. Mr. Wiser stays out all night his crap is boxed up and in the driveway. I look back sometimes on some of the crap I took from my ex during my first marriage in the early 80s and feel like a wimp. This helps me remember just how much garbage about a woman’s place was still around even then. My ex’s mother was a 50s mom. No wonder he was a sexist jackass.
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