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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. A lot of those books look awfully matchy matchy to be real. I had a ton of books in my younger years (I started to rethink this long about move #8) and they covered a bunch of subjects and genres. They did not have matching spines and covers. I can see a couple of sets of something or another, but this looks faked. There are actually fake books you can buy just for decoration out there, heaven help us. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit with this poser.
  2. Jill? How many flies are in your kitchen????
  3. Plus hospitals cost money. Why pay more when you can just call Jill? #sarcasm
  4. Hearing that was a satire site and Reverend FancyPants fell for it made my entire week! Thank you!
  5. What, no five hundred gushing words? In Duggarspeak, this is practically a snarl.
  6. Except you’re sane and not brainwashed into thinking that normal polite conversation should be an opportunity to proselytize. In the Duggardome, people asking about baby #1 is a golden opportunity to leap on a soapbox and blather about how all babies are blessings blablabla. Meanwhile, the poor innocent schmuck who asked finally escapes, wild-eyed and mumbling, “I just thought I needed to get another cookie for him.” And back to more important things: I’m so sorry you went through so much pain even once, let alone seven times. You’re a courageous person.
  7. So I finally figured out what Bin’s beard reminds me of... Joey as Freud
  8. Anyone else picking up a strange vibe in that first photo? She looks triumphant, but in a kind of “SO DEAL WITH IT” way as she’s looking at him. The poor guy is so screwed.
  9. “Asa” is pretty gender neutral. They may have gone with that name because they didn’t know. I try hard not to judge how people grieve, because it’s made me BSC more than once. And I really don’t have a frame of reference for being pregnant, miscarriages, or wanting children. I once was in a house of a very nice young couple who had photos of their stillborn five-month-old child everywhere, including closeups of her lifeless little face. I did not know what to say. So I’m sort of happy for JoLauren because it was clearly a huge deal for her and now Josiah is off the hook for baby making for a while. He will probably be a great father. But damn I’m tired of Duggar pregnancies. It’s not news, People Magazine. They are really circling the drain if they’re still paying Duggars to be knocked up.
  10. If he tells her that, she’s done something terribly wrong and it’s all her fault.
  11. Uh...did they miscount? They have nineteen living children plus Tyler...what happened to Jubilee?
  12. Who’s riding herd on the kiddie table, anyone?
  13. Warning: total supposition ahead... If we notice that J’Derrick are somehow living on and buying a house with essentially thin air, the rest of the Duggar Swarm (well, some of them) certainly can figure it out, too. JB may have gone along with handing them money but in exchange for writing them out of the will. Or he gave handouts to everyone who got married as a wedding present. But that doesn’t feel like him...it cedes too much control. I’m wondering if, after the main show was canceled, the “Counting On” contract wasn’t directly with the girls instead, given that they would have been legal adults then, I believe? If Anna’s smart enough to set up an LLC they may well have done the same. The rift may well have resulted in part because they didn’t give JB legal access to that revenue and Derrick was instrumental in setting that up. He’s not stupid, just icky. Dunno.
  14. “Urban Dictionary: FOP Fop might as well be an acronym for Fashion-Obsessed Prick. A fop is someone who is obsessed with (and thus always wears) expensive, fancy clothes, and with appearances in general and other meaningless bullshit. Sometimes a fop's clothing and jewelry simply appears expensive and is in fact worth jack shit.” Sometimes Urban Dictionary just nails it...
  15. BrianJ1962, what an ordeal for you. I’m glad you seem to be doing well.
  16. Options: 1) He lied. 2) instagram is on his laptop or tablet, so technically... 3) He has a second phone. I don’t like it when I think in stereotypes, but I’m beginning to wonder if RF is a least bi.
  17. What is wrong with this guy? His values are kinda fucked up for a preacher, or for that matter, for a normal person.
  18. The Reverend FancyPants genes are winning, handily.
  19. Is it wrong that I want God to speak to Michelle again: “DAMN girl, you are a MESS! Get that nasty-ass down thing off, chop a foot off that ridic skirt, find some scaffolding for those worn-out boobs, lose the bug eyes and WHAT IS THAT DEAD RODENT ASLEEP ON YOUR HEAD?? Peter, hand me the scissors this damn minute!!!” And I want Him to sound just like RuPaul.
  20. Oy. The world these days... Okay, so it begs this question: did any of those soccer shirts belong to Reverend FancyPants or had his mother used them for cleaning rags twenty years ago?
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