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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. I keep trying not to be a curmudgeon but then they make that impossible. Jessa. You no doubt spent 45 minutes on your hair, makeup and practicing your Madonna-with-duck-lips facial expression. TAKE ONE MINUTE TO CLEAN THE MIRROR, FFS. #facepalmyetagain
  2. Great. I have a large container of homemade tortilla soup at home in my freezer and now I’m going to have to throw it away or hope for selective memory loss. First my rug, now my soup. These people keep ruining things for me, dammit. YOU DO NOT EAT FOOD IN THE SAME ROOM AS THE TOILET UNLESS YOU ARE IN PRISON. That is all.
  3. Well at least my rug experience will be good for something... It’s a low pile off-white rug with a gray pattern. Those dark gray circles are part of the pattern. Some of the shadier spots are just nap being pushed the other way. But the tan parts closest to the camera? Dirty feet. There’s a reason mine is in the lowest traffic room in my house. But it’s polypropylene. Drag it outside and hose it down in the sun. Easy. Unless one just doesn’t see it and I don’t think Duggars really do.
  4. So TWO Duggars have the same rug I do??? I don’t care if it is just in the powder room, out it goes. 😱
  5. “Dude, I am manscaping. I am busy.” Churchhoney nailed it, as usual. Personally, I have no time for people who think what’s on the outside is so much more important than the inside and you’d think a pastor of all things would know better. He doesn’t want a congregation. He wants a stage.
  6. Welcome to the verbing of the English language. I can remember when “impact” was a noun. Then “impacting” became a thing...I blame The Weather Channel. “The storm is impacting...” whereupon I would interrupt to scream at the weather himbo, “AFFECTING, DAMMIT.” They never listen. Then they took it to past tense! “The storm impacted...” Me: “AFFECTED!!! WISDOM TEETH ARE IMPACTED!!!!” Once a noun has been verbed, it’s only a short step to being made an adjective. All of which is to say, pompously, yes, it’s now a damned word. Grouchily yours, Older
  7. They always look like a bad prom photo taken by a pissed-off parent.
  8. It’s so adorable how she’s still cradling her baby bump. Massive eyeroll.
  9. Tell me this is a typo. Please. Begging here. Although nothing would surprise me at this point...
  10. Don’t know about McManda, but I grew up there, went to undergrad there, and go back a couple of times a year because my mom still lives there. Her apartment is less than a half mile from Zingerman’s. It really is a small world...
  11. “The print on the wall of Ben and I is one from our honeymoon.” So this is MY grammar pet peeve because first, it sounds pretentious, and second, it’s so easy to get right. Would she ever say, “The print on the wall is of I,” of course she wouldn’t. Adding another name doesn’t magically change it from “me.” (I’m kind of grumpy today because I realized I own that same off-white rug. It’s only 3 x 5 and it’s in the powder room, but STILL. It’s indoor/outdoor and you can hose it off so it makes sense for them, but STILL. I am not taking this well.)
  12. Maybe fan will send her another Zingerman’s goodie crate...isn’t that what that full length mirror is precariously propped on? I thought the first picture was the “after” photo. Why are all these people afraid of color? ETA: I have now gotten myself all kerflumpt regarding the proper use of “goody” versus “goodie.” After twenty minutes of googling I have concluded that I should have written “goody crate.” Where’s the Tylenol...
  13. Okay so now I’m all twitchy because I think I should have an apostrophe after drivers because plural possessive. Maybe I’ll just go back to bed...
  14. WTAF...”cleansing” meaning they forced all the children to make up impure thoughts to confess or cleansing meaning they forced Jana to break out a mop and the vacuum? If this is recent, it’s a shameless Duggar ripoff of the Marie Kondo fad. The idea that anyone would buy this seriously scares me, because these same people also have drivers licenses and vote. YIKES.
  15. Anyone else find it hilarious that the book he’s shilling is an expose on ministries making money by bilking believers out of love offerings? (I have no clue how to put an accent on the second “e” in expose. Mea culpa.)
  16. Sam is my favorite. He always has some kind of baby eyeroll going on for these pictures. I do note that he looks far happier snuggling up to Tia Amber than he ever does with either of his biological parents.
  17. Sounds like MacArthur is just another power freak and they’re going to have to dethrone him over his cold dead body and not before, no matter what the consequences. Dunno. Jer is going to have to move up pretty fast to be positioned next in line when/if MacArthur finally gives up and there may not be much left at that point. Churchhoney, I really appreciate your insights on these things. I know you gained all this knowledge at a really high cost to yourself...I salute you and send you a big hug. I know nothing about church politics myself. As a survivor of a corporate executive job, I’m surprised at how very similar it all seems to be...greed, backstabbing and sucking up. You’d think the religious aspect would temper that but I guess power is power and money is money, no matter where.
  18. It has to be cheaper to base whatever demon spawn this show is becoming in LA than shlepping some poor film crew out to Arkansas every season. It’s also lots cheaper to fly whichever Duggar has pissed TLC off the least that month out for a “guest” appearance at Chez JerJer and they can do the “golly this shore is a big heathen city” shtick repeatedly, just with different subsets of Duggars. It’s all speculation, of course, but it’s interesting timing that the Duggar wives not named Jinger are all suddenly shilling their little selfies off. I could really see TLC deciding this is a way to recoup some of their scandal losses from this show and remove JimBob’s cold grifter fingers from around their necks at the same time. Win/win.
  19. They’re all just extras in the movie that is her life.
  20. Good questions, because it seems remarkable to me how often what God tells them is exactly what they wanted to do anyway but needed a better reason than that for PR purposes.
  21. Jer looks flashy, but it’s a compared-to-Arkansian-Duggars kind of flashy. Plus he doesn’t seem to have much entertainment value...some mild snark but it’s hardly the kind of dazzle that a big city church would seem to want. In LA, he’s at best a poser lightweight. A few months back he posted a photo wearing a bright pink cotton sweater with a polo logo on it that all but screamed TJMaxx clearance rack. Those who know the LA church-going community would know much better than I do, but it seems like LA has a sixth sense for sniffing out wannabe desperation. I would be shocked if he makes a go of this, but I’ve been wrong before.
  22. “In a week, maybe two, they’ll make you a star The weeks turn into years, how quick they pass and all the stars that never were are parking cars and pumping gas.” Somebody needs to play that song for Baabe about a hundred times.
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