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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. Pink wig, 80s prom dress and holding dolls at what, 50? 60? And somehow people actually looked at that for spiritual guidance? SMDH.
  2. “WASC's visiting team observed and received reports of a climate of fear, intimidation, bullying, and uncertainty among significant numbers of faculty and staff.[3] Furthermore, WASC released a statement stating its "extreme concern" that TMUS may be in violation of required reporting responsibilities under the Clery Act, the Violence Against Women Act, and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.” Sounds...just nifty. Seriously, what is wrong with these people????
  3. I had surgery a while back and the prep team came for me at 7 a.m. Every single one of them was wearing false eyelashes, lipliner, contouring and full on makeup. In a small hospital in northern Maine. Wearing scrubs and surgical hats. When did makeup become MAKEUP? To get back to topic: Jessa’s mouth scares me. She looks like a biter.
  4. I respect what you’re saying, but the fact is that a service animal would actually have a reason to be there and a service to offer. Jill has neither.
  5. So I’m bored, okay? So I tried to google Derrick and trapeze but instead could only find a Youtube of JB and Michelle yammering away (I assume, because I had it on mute fearing irreversible brain damage) while timing Bin/Jessa and Derrick/Jill climbing some kind of playground equipment while holding hands and wearing below the knee skirts FFS. I am...speechless.
  6. You can’t educate the unconscious. I agree completely that it’s bullshit to treat law school like an all-you-can-eat buffet on two-for-one night. I would have been MORTIFIED to have my husband tag along back when I was in school. It’s just completely unprofessional. I can only wonder what kind of freak show his classmates think he is. And I’m guessing it’s allowed because no one has ever ever ever asked before.
  7. All those crooked picture frames....as someone who has been known to straighten picture frames in public places...banks, health exam rooms, waiting rooms, assisted living hallways...way too often, I would go slap out of my mind in that room, #shudder
  8. He left out “without those messy noisy small humanoids around” after “when we get to see each other.” But that’s his implication. Just guessing but not.
  9. Is it just me or are the proportions way off? That’s some intense tomatoeyness for only six ounces of spaghetti and that’s a ton of sour cream and sausage. It wouldn’t surprise me if the sour cream curdled with that much acid from the tomato paste. But hey, I’m a heathen. What do I know from God’s special peoples’ casseroles.
  10. He is one arrogant s.o.b., that’s for sure. Let’s see how that holds up in ten years.
  11. Derrick is....THIRTY????!!! In Duggar years, that’s like 90. Especially as he has only two children to show for it. (And doesn’t have a job but not important in Duggar World so never mind.)
  12. This. Times a zillion. The Duggar children are pretty much screwed. The only way to keep TLC around is to keep churning out the babies. But with every new child, they’re even less able to support themselves any other way, let alone to the style they now believe they deserve. JerJer, Bin and Derrick are essentially unemployed. Their “helpmeets” aren’t supposed to work and are stunningly unskilled anyway. Maybe the less visible Duggar kids have a better chance at real employment but raising monster families these days is insanely expensive. Nice work, JB. Your kids are trapped in the prison you made for them.
  13. Sorry, not giving them any kind of pass on not knowing basic cooking. My mother hated cooking and it showed. The only thing I remember her teaching me how to cook was fried chicken...which I have never made. But I LEARNED. It’s all out there and was even before the internet and now it’s only a click away. Read something for chrissake. Jessa spent plenty of time online learning the duck-lip I’m-so-hot selfie pose...she can Youtube how to bake a cake, FFS.
  14. If my parents named me Vesta Sproul I’d be a serial killer.
  15. Sometimes I feel sorry for whatever sad schmuck has to produce these crap shows. I picture them lying in bed, drinking heavily, mumbling, “How can I possibly fill 40 minutes with these inbred ignoramuses? They do nothing. They have nothing to say. I’ve shown every wedding six times. AAARGH!!!!!” They can’t even get them drunk, put them in tight dresses and have a cat fight, like every other reality show. Although “Survivor: Duggar Island” has some real potential...
  16. If you’re having health problems, it’s probably best to talk a doctor about diet stuff. The whole gluten thing is pretty controversial because while there are certainly people with serious illnesses (like Crohns disease or celiac disease) that benefit from avoiding gluten, “gluten-free” also became an internet fad. FWIW, it’s not like gluten is a nutritional requirement. If someone wants to try eliminating it and see if they benefit from it, why not? There are vitamins and fiber in whole wheat foods, but there are plenty of other sources for those. Back to topic...I thought these people don’t really believe in doctors. Have any of them actually been diagnosed with a condition requiring no gluten, or is this more made-for-teevee drama?
  17. Hold up...did Derrick actually just say “grateful,” “evolution,” and “science” in a single sentence???? Expecting him to burst into flame in 3...2...1... (All kidding aside, does this mean there’s any possible tiny shift in his “LIFE BEGINS AT CONCEPTION IF NOT BEFORE YOU SLUTS” dogmatism or am I giving him much too much credit?)
  18. My mother raised me to be polite, which can be a real drawback at times, but I like to think I would have smiled thinly, narrowed my eyes, and said, “Thank you, but I only read nonfiction.” Their arrogance astounds.
  19. Oh, Jill. Now she’s got me feeling sorry for her again. I hate that. She looks like she’s trying so hard to please and do “adulting blogger” and it’s almost a complete fail. I have the impression that certainly part of it is trying to earn money or at least free clothes but I am also willing to bet Derrick is a complete controlling asshole to live with and she spends much of her time in appeasement mode. I grew up that way and it’s awful. Her face is so...”is this right”? But Jill, sweetie...no one with that high a forehead should be wearing that hair style. Ever.
  20. Let me help her out... 3 cans of cream of anything 2 lb grated imitation processed cheese product Starch, lots (frozen potato product, tortillas, or any white flour product) 4 cans of granulated processed “protein” marketed as chicken. (For special occasions, upgrade to any canned pet food.) Dump in bowl. Stir. Shovel into extra large baking pan. Cook too long or until the oil actually separates out from the cheese product and pools on the surface. Serve with a fictional but large green salad. Serves 20 enemies or 10 “old family friends.” You’re welcome.
  21. Why the washed out drab colors all the time? Was she frightened by a fuschia spider as a child? Both tops are hideous.
  22. Okay, so “stellar” apparently means “like a half-drunk vagrant” in Arkansian?
  23. Good grief. There isn’t a single recipe that’s come out of Duggarland that isn’t mostly processed crap and Michelle is pretending she’s all excited about spices being organic? I can’t with these people.
  24. Watching Billy during his interview was...maddening and illuminating. Sometimes at the same time. His blinking seems to his “tell.” The rate goes up as the question gets harder. Watching him it did occur to me...”Oh, look there’s Blink-182!!!”
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