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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. Como se dice “wank off sanctimonious mofos” en espanol?
  2. When a grown man needs his mother to step in in order to help him get a secret vasectomy, something is really REALLY REALLY twisted.
  3. He lacks one crucial thing: charisma. It takes a ton of charm to cover up the very special bullshit that is the “prosperity gospel.”
  4. LOSE THAT HORRIBLE TURBAN. She’s an adorable little thing but she looks like she’s wearing a bucket over her head. Just no.
  5. Well, they barely learned the most basic concepts of AMURICAN schoolin’...can’t expect them to waste precious minutes on all that furrin stuff.
  6. Wow. Good catch. So she just copied and pasted that from someone (another missioncationer?) outside of the US who doesn’t understand “rounding off” as a concept? I was thinking for a split second that she had converted it, because those three decimals have SOTDRT-type logic, but why would she have to convert anything? Unless she “cooked” this in Danger America? But where was she getting liquid smoke and barbecue sauce? P.S. Mississippi, my ass.
  7. That brisket is just boiled in liquid smoke. No steer should have to die to end up this way. As for the potatoes... I confess to mashing them with the skins on for more fiber and vitamins, but I wash them carefully, cut out any dark spots and dice them once cooked and before mashing. I don’t let them hang around until they oxidize and turn gray. We need to designate a brave volunteer to be the only one to visit her “cooking” blog. She shouldn’t make dime one off this unhealthy, unappetizing and/or plagerized semblance of edible substances. And also, blech.
  8. I don’t usually comment on appearance because I own a mirror and I am fully aware my adorableness days are behind me, but if I saw Derrick on the street and didn’t know him I’d think he was forty, maybe a well-preserved fifty.
  9. 1) We can add sarcasm to the lengthy list of things he can’t do. 2) I call bullshit on the existence of that offer to begin with. Asshat.
  10. Another stuffer here...I read an article s few years back that heating the stuffing before putting it in the bird helps everything heat up faster and is therefore safer. So that’s what I do as a concession! You are all way ahead of me...must get to work. Happy holiday, all my beloved fellow snarkers...
  11. As much as it utterly grinds me to defend Mechelle EVER, I wonder how much of this photo taking thing is first, generational, and second, driven by publicity seeking. When we were kids it was pretty much annual school photos and group photos at holidays, period. Taking a photo meant getting out a camera, putting film in it, and flash cubes, which might or might not work. Then you had to fill the roll of film, remove it, drop it off to be developed and then pick up the pictures a week later. No Facebook, no Instagram. So the Duggars wouldn’t have been that atypical in not commemorating all these milestones, especially with the older kids. This concludes my annual compulsory attempt to treat the Duggars like they’re not insane. Must go shower.
  12. 🤢 🤮 If people don’t want to have sex before marriage, that’s their choice and their right. But somehow implying that your hymen belongs to daddy until such time as he hands you over to some guy he picks out for you is just insanely creepy. Especially as JB will magically time her courtship to coincide with the most publicity. Someone explain to me how this differs from selling her for livestock, cash and a hundred acres of farm land?
  13. It’s a tee shirt under a sleeveless dress. I would bet big bucks if she turned around we’d see either a bunch of clothes pins or safety pins. Or maybe duct tape. These people. I have no words.
  14. Dunno...he’s the one pimping this sad CD. If Felicity had been born a month earlier she might have been swaddled in peach satin and propped up dead center. I don’t want to know how screwed up a person would have to be to spend money to listen to a bunch of little kids caterwauling under the watchful glare of Jim Bob.
  15. I would pay a thousand dollars to watch MIL Vuolo witness a violin concert as performed by the Duggar family orchestra, aka the Von Crap Family.
  16. Okay, I don’t speak Fundie, but “a woman desperately dependent upon God in prayer” is...weird. At the very least, it certainly doesn’t sound complimentary? I will never understand this mindset.
  17. “Yay! How to glop, all the way from beige to orange.” (Title of Jill’s new cookbook.)
  18. She would have to find a source for cream of yak soup though... The “look up” part is self-evident. ”Different?” If it’s not Duggar-derived, it’s not food, apparently.
  19. So I was trying once again to imagine what one of these festivals of sodium would actually taste like and realized yet again that I can’t and that all their “family” recipes have the same texture, meaning none. So I thought, “why is all their food baby food” and I thought...oh. Wait. At any given time 30% of the family had no teeth.
  20. So I don’t get it. It’s like someone yelling “don’t look!” First thing any sentient being is going to do is look around for what the hell they’re not supposed to look at. It’s counterintuitive. But these are Duggars. Never mind.
  21. Sometimes I wonder if Mr. Besthubbyevah isn’t a big control freak/rageaholic in private and all these ass-kissing posts aren’t attempts to keep him appeased. I grew up with that...Jill has a long, long road ahead.
  22. So at what age do babies learn the concept of “oh shit” because that’s the second picture we’ve seen with that exact look on her face. Her first “oh shit” was with Nana Narcissism...
  23. I think Derrick is too full of himself to handle the sheer hard work law school requires...not to mention having to be the ass kisser instead of the ass kissee. He’ll bail out in the name of Jesus somehow.
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