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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. Every time I see Brandon’s strap thingies flailing around I think of Isadora Duncan...that did NOT go well for her.
  2. Ergo, cult. Three generations of grubby brainwashed baby machines metastasizing. I look at that sweet little chub and just feel bad for how limited his life will be. But at least he’s not a girl.
  3. I think it’s a faux tile table...those are faux grout lines. I am going to tell myself the grout is supposed to be that color.
  4. Annnd....you would be exactly correct. All of this syrupy crap is “pay no attention to the filthy crowded brain-smothering baby factories behind the curtain, we’re super happy and so special. Go Jesus!!!”
  5. Only one “blessed” and zero “blessings.” Someone call the paramedics.
  6. Jessa. If you have time to put on six pounds of makeup, you have time to shlep the nasty diapers to the trash. The End.
  7. Do they have a random Jesus Word generator app that they just throw in names and it spits out a message filled with God word salad? I don’t even watch this show and I could have written that...it’s that generic and rife with Duggar cliches.
  8. Oh, I didn’t realize it was all of it. I was thinking more along the lines of when Bravo sold Project Runway to whoever has it now...Lifetime?
  9. Posting this in the right thread... https://pagesix.com/2017/10/09/the-real-reason-chip-and-joanna-gaines-quit-hgtv/ If this is true, did HGTV plant the blind item to poison a Discovery deal or did Discovery plant it to lower their price? I guess both could be true? ETA: apparently they have not sold the farmhouse... https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/chip-and-joanna-gaines-sell-farmhouse-after-ending-fixer-upper/ That beard...total fail.
  10. The plot thickens... https://pagesix.com/2017/10/09/the-real-reason-chip-and-joanna-gaines-quit-hgtv/ So...if this is true...did HGTV plant the blind item? Or maybe Discovery trying to drive their price down?
  11. So...sexual harassment? Scratch a television fundamentalist, find a pervert. But if he actually cheated on Joanna, he’s the dumbest man alive.
  12. I give them credit for not getting hooked on the cable TV fame whoredom and keeping their lives and values intact before it affected their kids (looking at you, Duggars). I would have enjoyed more insight from Joanna as to her design process and much less of The Chip Show and here are our cute kids, but it's by far the most watchable of these shows and I'm kind of sorry to see it go.
  13. Okay, back in my day (first time I've ever used that phrase...I am now officially old), a 19-year-old announcing a pregnancy was viewed as being an accident and/or something kinda sad because it meant the mom wouldn't have the chance to really enjoy being young and free to go to school, travel, meet lots of diverse people, try different jobs and move around before dealing with the realities of houses and babies and limits. It still is, IMO. Nothing against the innocent baby, of course...but children having children, especially since the Duggar girls are so immature, is still just...sad. Getting knocked up is not a vocation.
  14. Hey, they just managed to record five or six whole sentences with ZERO Duggar cliches or Godspeak. No blessings, no gift from the Lord, no season of life... They are so going to hell.
  15. Your typical dog breeder spends far more time, thought, and effort into finding the right match for their bitch than the Duggars do in finding their "partner for life."
  16. So I read it again. (I now hate myself a little.) Ten personal pronouns in five short paragraphs. Zero mention of any benefit the donor might receive, no matter how bullshittily non-existent. One thing is for sure...Asshat Boy knows zip squat diddly about marketing.
  17. I'm in for $25 if he pledges to stay off social media for the entire year. (Hey, asshat, go ask your father-in-law...he supposedly has millions because God.)
  18. Good grief. I agree with a Duggar. Well, a Duggar Lite, anyway. Maybe it is End Times...
  19. So Derrick got canned. Guess that deal with the devil JimBoob where he signed over his soul for a life of sloth, sanctimoniousness, and easy money didn't work out so well. Now he's stuck with living in the Duggardome, a halfwit clinger of a wife who wants another baby every year, and squabbling for dwindling TLC crumbs with the rest of the Selfies. I believe the term is, "screwed unto the Lord." No wonder Derrick's being such a stage four bitch on twitter...
  20. If there were a single thing wrong with the baby or Jill, IMHO they'd be milking it for all it was worth (DONATE). She's fine. The baby is fine.* * If you don't count "born into a cult of baby-making obsessed famewhores."
  21. When you're too looney for the Evangelicals...Derrick, seek help.
  22. TLC said screw this, we're done paying to ship you and entire camera crew down to DA four times a year. Nobody likes you that much...not the DAers, not the crew and apparently not the viewers. So screw it.
  23. This has been on HGTV all day and I dunno. The husband seems like a sweetie and maybe she is as well but I just keep wanting her to stop talking. Like all of these HGTV shows...more house, less mouth. Please?
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