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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. The major difference is that the posters on this board aren't celebrities. We aren't being touted as authorities on anything, let alone all things familial, spiritual, and ethical. We don't have television platforms that reach a million people and that give our every silly word gravitas, even if it's completely unearned the way the Duggars' is. Derrick is exploiting this celebrity by marriage to attack a minor on the same network in the name of God. He is not just insulting her...he's not calling her ugly or fat or stupid...he's negating her very identity that she is struggling to come to terms with and by doing so, displaying total intolerance of all trans people. Is he allowed his opinion of intolerance? Certainly. But why attack an individual, let alone a minor? He could have made his ugly intolerant little point in generalities instead of singling her out. He chose to go after her and he's now dealing with the fallout.
  2. Can I just say that this sanctimonious 20-something asshole telling me how to live and think makes me want to bitch slap him and tell him to STFU until he's had a few years' experience at actual life. Arrogant little shit.
  3. She doesn't have a heart for children. And if I had a baby in the NICU, I wouldn't want her anywhere near it.
  4. It finally dawned on me what's missing from their reno "estimates": plumbing, HVAC, and electrical. Speaking as someone who is currently building a house for the fourth time and has the sleepless nights and the gray hair to prove it, those things are Big Ticket items and while I suppose heating isn't such a big deal in Waco, cooling certainly would be. Most of those older homes are not going to have these basics up to anything resembling current code or required efficiency. I suppose it's possible these costs are implied in the room by room estimates, but most of their numbers don't seem like it. Why I continue to expect reality in reality television is another question!
  5. I have to say that in real life, I'll bet Joanna could be a lot of fun on a girls' night. Give her a glass of wine and she's probably much funnier than Chip. Chip. Gotta say one thing, there's a man who loves his wife. (Tomorrow I will read that they are splitting up and I read them completely wrong...)
  6. Wow. No. Just no. Not taking himself too seriously was the best thing about him. Sounds like he's developing the typical "I'm All That" syndrome that is the plague of reality television. The sound you hear is the clock striking ten on his fifteen minutes of fame...
  7. So, the Duggars but without the sanctimony. Yawn. Which raises an interesting question...if the Duggars hadn't been at the right place at the right time at the dawn of "reality" television, would ANYONE watch these snoozefests today? IMO, it's only some kind of weird sentimentality about having seen these poor trapped stunted children grow up into braindead adults and having their own trapped stunted children that drives any ratings at all. Problem is, the Duggars only know one way to make a living...having babies. This should NOT be a career path, let alone a cottage industry. But it's all they know and even if their cheese hasn't moved completely quite yet, it's definitely sliding off the plate. Does anyone think they're smart enough to realize that?
  8. My theory is that she's gay and went to her parents and told them so. This life of perpetual cloisterism and indentured servitude would be a very Duggar response to that. Free Jana!
  9. Mondrianyone, you are me. Maybe it's because I've done enough DIY work to know how much effort goes into creating what they're destroying, but watching them gleefully rip everything apart in ten minutes and create a giant dumpster load destined for a landfill for all eternity...it just depresses me.
  10. They seem likable enough, but wow don't they play fast and loose with safety basics. The stepson was doing demo without eye protection and when he pulled that chimney down...yikes. But please, HGTV...stop with the same promo over. "Eyesore" does not rhyme with nicer. And the stupid "teamwork makes the dream work" shtick is making me stabby.
  11. It would surprise me exactly zero if that whole "we don't do debt" thing was a Big Fat Lie. With that many kids and JB pissing away all that money on his futile attempt to get elected, the seed money for the businesses and the flips had to come from somewhere. Pin him to the ground and threaten to cut off his hairspray supply, I suspect the truth is something more like "but we only had two credit cards issued by the PTL club so counts as tithing" or "we borrowed money from other people in the church so it doesn't count." But it sounded good so that made it true. Duggar Truthiness (TM).
  12. They've managed to repurpose twenty minutes of actual footage into an entire season. Leghumpers are apparently easily entertained.
  13. The chevron is already dated. Bad enough to use it, bad enough to use it in such a "look at me!!!" black and white, but then to put in on the island? In two years, they'll have some TV couple wrinkling up their noses and sniffing, "This is all SO DATED. It will have to go!"
  14. I only recently started watching HGTV again after several years...where are all these women learning to talk??? The vocabulary consists of design catch phrases strung together with "totally," "literally," and "like" used interchangeably. Then the voice itself...nails, meet chalkboard. They spend a fortune on hair and makeup...they can't spring for a few sessions with a vocal coach? I had to turn it off, totally, and like, literally.
  15. I've always wondered if there is a Very Special Wisdom Booklet just for the Uteros called, "So Your Headship is a Moron..." (subtitle "Suck It Up...Girls Are Not Here To Think!")
  16. But a Jana wedding to just another JimBot is just another prison, but with two headships instead of one. Now if Jana crowdfunds moving to Paris, getting her own apartment, and or going to college or hell, trade school...I'm in for $50 in a heartbeat. ETA: As long as I'm throwing fictional money around...$10 says the People story will be something along the lines of "Our Secret Fears For Our Baby" and how they didn't even share their Zika concerns with each other but just prayed and prayed for a healthy baby and tried to have faith that God would come through because He knew their work in DA was so important to His Mission...and it came true!!! Because God is all Team Duggar!!! I just made myself throw up a little.
  17. I wish the BABY well. I wish him the freedom to use and develop his intelligence. I wish him the freedom to make his own decisions about his faith and his family size. I wish him a good education. I wish him a fulfilling and independent career. I wish him friends and acquaintances of all religions and ethnicities. I wish him the ability to joyfully scoot off that fucking blanket. I wish him the chance to become his own person, not just Duggar number thirty eight. His grandparents, parents, and all their siblings can eat a shit sandwich.
  18. The MasterBoob is probably still holding out for $$$ and People is saying NFW, you people having babies is the big so what anymore.
  19. I suspect between no longer getting pregnant and perimenopause, Michelle told him to get the fuck off of her and stop breathing his death breath in her face. If so, more power to her.
  20. Good grief. These comments...apparently spelling is from Satan. My favorite: "Children are a blessing and I understand why you are relaying (sic) on god (sic) because otherwise wouldn't have someone like god in control of your blessings." WHAT?
  21. There may not be any real publicity because "A Duggar Gives Birth" is now roughly on par with "today the earth continued to rotate." If there was something seriously wrong, they'd be maxing out the drama to the leghumpers. DONATE!!!! So I think the baby's fine, just a little roughed up from the unnecessarily drawn out labor. Not the last encounter he'll have with Duggar Ignorance, poor little guy...
  22. Forty hours. To paraphrase some comedienne whose name I can't remember, I don't want to do something that feels GOOD for forty hours. Sometimes I think they're subconsciously looking for one of them to die for the cause. And by the cause I mean, their wholesome Godly image that keeps the TLC money rolling in. Because there's nothing that wipes out the past like a tragic death. These are the people who televised the funeral of a miscarriage. Just imagine the circus if one of the Jbroodmares dies in childbirth.
  23. He tweeted that???? That boy ain't right.
  24. Adopt an au pair rather than pay one.That's just lovely. It's finally happened...I just don't care. It's not even good snark material anymore. They're incredibly dull people with unidimensional lives...Bible and babies. Boy, girl, twins, blablabla. Who cares? Let them breed themselves to ultimate extinction. Most unchecked populations eventually collapse inward. I don't even care enough to watch for that eventuality. Last blessing out of the TTH please turn out the lights.
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