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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. So about the last thing I would consider eating before what was presumably a “romantic” evening is a shit ton of garlic. I guess that’s Gothard birth control?
  2. Jazz he can’t shut up about, but children being separated from their parents at the border? Has any one of the famously pro-family Duggars said one word? Oh, that’s right. They’re only pro THEIR family. I did not think I could despise their smug hypocrisy any more. I was wrong.
  3. Dear Derrick: Kindly shut the fuck up. Sincerely, None of Your Damned Business
  4. I can give myself nightmares just speculating what that “advice” would have been. How do you “talk” about kissing? If ever there was a learn by doing activity, it’s this, so...how did they “advise” them? Show and tell? See, I have now squicked myself out completely and may have to go lie down to repress my gag reflex...
  5. Chocolate chip cookies and milk. Move over, Wylie Dufresne, that is some leading edge groundbreaking gastronomy right there!!! #eyeroll
  6. If the border was glued to unsealed drywall, it could end up causing major damage to the drywall to remove it. Cheaper to prime it and paint over it, assuming it was still in good shape.
  7. I was in a very nice restaurant a few weekends ago and a bridal party came in. The bride was staggering along trying to haul two massive armloads of full tulle skirt while yanking at her spaghetti straps to keep her backless gown from becoming frontless as well, mostly due to the weight of the completely sequined bodice. Seriously it would have repelled bullets. Amy could have chosen worse.
  8. Marry me. I kept staring at it thinking, “but they don’t go together!!!” And other than whatever hideousness Raj is wearing I rarely notice the guys’ clothes at all.
  9. The cape thingie does solve the “save the slutwear for the reception” dilemma, but wow... so black is the new white? Is that what you wear after you just offed your first husband? Back to Amy...blech. But she loves it, so... Sometimes I wonder if poor Princess Di didn’t look back at her dress and ask herself what she was thinking...and on multiple levels. Some dresses just don’t age well.
  10. On my rare generous days, I can almost feel sorry for these people. The Duggar kids were raised to believe to their core that all they had to do was be them and sunshine would radiate from their rectums and all the riches of the world would rain down on upon them because Jesus and leghumpers. They don’t have a clue how to work, let alone work hard. They don’t have a clue what consistent effort toward any goal would involve. They are essentially helpless to function as adults in any real world context. All they know is to keep putting their holy wonderfulness (and disgusting recipes)out there...but that’s slowly eroding as a viable way to stay fed, let alone live the lifestyle they’re used to. In short, they’re pretty fucked. They just haven’t figured that out yet.
  11. Buy used, save the difference... (Always suspected Jana was the only really intelligent one of the whole bunch.)
  12. Okay, so I only skimmed it because, eeeuwwww, but do they even once mention the d-word? Meaning Duggar?
  13. “Plant a church”? What the hell does that mean, dig a big hole and spread a lot of manure around? Derrick isn’t mentally ill. He’s just an asshole.
  14. Gotta cover up the smell of dirty house/used diapers/hygiene-indifferent husband somehow...
  15. How long before the Alpha Braying Jackass clashes with the aspiring Braying Jackass?
  16. Derrick’s ego is really fragile and he’s probably worse than ever now, what with no job and no missionary targets to patronize. Jill is kissing his ass so much probably just trying to keep him semi-pacified.
  17. So...I hadn’t heard about Jinger being pregnant. Sigh. Just once I’d like to see one of these brainwashed girls (they’re not women except biologically) get excited about something, ANYTHING other than pregnancy, birth, their headship, church or food. Maybe get caught up in a good secular book. Hell, a good MOVIE. Nature. Learning something. Going somewhere new...alone. Having a fucking original THOUGHT. They’re identa-bots and it makes me sad.
  18. Wow, patronizing much? So many stereotypes, so few brain cells...
  19. Is Robyn pregnant yet again or is she just eating her feelings of buyer’s remorse? Because that’s a whole lot more ofWifey 4 than I remembered...
  20. I’m sorry, Actor Who Plays Bert, but I’m over you. It’s me, not you, because I’m also completely over “the band.” It comes across like the writers are just utterly over it already and caterwauling a dumb song means three fewer minutes of dialogue that otherwise would have to be created. Just no. But Penny and Sheldon? Always a good time.
  21. So I had completely, utterly and totally forgotten these people existed. Ever. Then PT sends me a notification about a new episode. I will try hard to forgive thee, oh Previously...
  22. So their cookbook is on presale now...and by “their” I mean Joanna’s. She either is gifted with one amazing metabolism or she doesn’t eat her own cooking that often. The scalloped potato recipe calls for a stick of butter, half a pound of cheese and 2 cups cream...for six servings. The mac and cheese? A pound and a half of cheese, a stick of butter and a cup and a half of heavy cream...again for six servings. Yowza. OTOH, the origin of Chip’s dad gut has now been revealed...
  23. Was watching it on youtube on my phone...I just thought they were all really pissed off!
  24. Were Kentaro’s models wearing makeup at all?
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