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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. MOTY is no doubt in perimenopause and rapidly approaching the big M...let me tell you, that shit is like truth serum, anabolic steroids, and being one too many vodkas down all at the same time. One of these days some crucial hormonal rubicon will be crossed and thirty years of being pinned under the horny halitosis halfwit, churning out babies she didn't actually like, and keeping that stupid simper on her face is going to blow sky high. Now THAT would be must-see teevee...
  2. Honestly, the more time that child spends with Cathy the better. She might actually read him a book that isn't the Bible or one of those fun "See Bobby sin. See Bobby get bitchslapped by God. See Bobby repent." kiddie religious books. She might actually talk to him about what he wants to be someday and NOT use the term, "ministry mindset." She might actually put her phone down and pay attention to him. The second Duggar generation is a lost cause. Maybe the third generation has a chance if they aren't locked in the TTH gulag their entire lives.
  3. And since Jim Bob will have insured it all up the wazoo, that's a whole pile of $$$ AND 100 passenger souls delivered straight to the arms of Jesus!!! SCORE!!!
  4. Whatshisface: There's gotta be a way out of this betrothed thing...
  5. Those husbands were chosen specifically by JimBob for their spinelessness and quite possibly for their lack of any employable skills. Nothing turns a guy into a yes-man like a couple of kids to feed and a spoiled wife to maintain while being essentially unemployable.
  6. I keep going back to the fact that they're on record and more than once saying the molestation was no big deal and that it happens all the time. How are they then credible two years later saying that is caused millions' worth of pain and suffering to have it made public?
  7. I don't really remember the sequence of events as well as lots of people here and I can't recall exactly (and don't care enough to look it up), but wasn't the revelation that Josh had been a customer on the Ashley Madison infidelity hookup site the big factor in finally canceling the show? So if that was the straw...plus then the girls got their own show...where's their loss of income again?
  8. It's a conundrum, for sure...but there's another aspect to this. Not only would JimBob benefit...but Josh would, as well. You can't tell me he's making enough money by himself these days to support a wife, four kids and a hospital bill for poor kid number 5...so he's no doubt tapping the National Bank of JimBob. So...here we not only have the guy who perpetrated the cover up, victim blamed, and exploited their privacy for money getting a chunk of change, we also have the guy who actually molested his sisters getting a share of it. That's some messed up.
  9. Part of it is, "What's wrong?" What isn't...
  10. That gif of Michelle makes her look stone-cold crazy. Is that supposed to be her super-sincere face?
  11. If in fact JB made all of them stand up in church and discuss it (OMG, what an asshole) didn't the Duggars effectively make the information public as to what happened and to whom?
  12. Regular people who are working their asses off generally give the side eye to reality television being "work." From the outside, it looks like getting paid to do nothing. Add to that they've been hauled in for jury duty for the princely sum of $18 a day and many won't get paid that day because they're not at work. So they might take an even dimmer view of what looks like a grab for even more money because a cover-up of child abuse failed in large part because of their fame? JB must be counting on only getting fundies on the jury.
  13. As for the interviews...there are a lot of ways to assign the question to third parties while letting the interviewer still look all warm and kind... "There are those who might ask..." "How would you respond to people who might say..." "What has changed for you in the two years since this first became known to the public?" "As people in the public eye, how have you been able to use your position to help other victims?" "If you win this lawsuit, what are your plans?" I'd pay big bucks to have Barbara Walters come out of retirement for this, except that it would give it more attention than it deserves, by far.
  14. And I can name half a dozen people I've known over the years who had their first sexual experience...at Bible Camp. Bringing it back to the Dullards...where I live there is a huge new expensive office looking building called something like Nextlifetv which I recently found out is actually a giant Evangelical church. They currently have some kind of huge tent set up in their parking lot that is designed to emulate the harsh living conditions of third world children to help people "empathize" meaning donate. It's air conditioned. Now that's the perfect set up for these two. You don't have to actually travel to icky buggy slow wifi places...you can just stroll out to the parking lot!
  15. Well, you know, religion is a brand new concept in that area...nothing like a couple of Bible-totin' legging-wearing spoiled Amurican sorority chicks to bring them into the light... SMDH.
  16. When they've lost the leghumpers... Badly miscalculated, JB.
  17. If Mr. Honcho Lawyer just started his own firm and mostly lives in the Christo-fundie bubble, he may have only seen a high-profile fundie client with photogenic victims and a shit-ton of billable hours spent whining about fake news, the liberal media, and religious persecution and salivated. The really expensive ones don't care much if they win or lose as long as they get paid and get to strut their egos at the same time. My real question is how TLC is reacting to this. Behind closed doors, I suspect there's a fair amount of WTF-ing going on.
  18. Chip and Joanna were doing some interview on television last night as I flipped through...believe it was some religious channel. I listened to Chip talk for three straight minutes and none of it made any sense. The problem is he thinks he's a whole lot funnier than he is. He should let Joanna do the talking.
  19. Right...but then why not file 18 months ago? Why not after the show was semi sorta cancelled? Or more to their claim of moral outrage, why not that very second? If I'm that thoroughly and righteously pissed, I go after them then. It's not like they didn't have the money to hire some other Huckabee suckup lawyer two years ago.
  20. Good. They're zeroing in on the real question, which is why now? For all practical purposes, except for the leg humpers and the forum-following skeptics (raises hand), this was not only yesterday's news, but three weeks ago last Thursday's news. So if their bitch is that having this go public was so traumatizing...why wait until it's long over in the public eye to drag it up again?
  21. If they had filed that lawsuit two years ago, it would have made some sense to me. Again, it took them two years to get mad enough and feel exploited enough to get a lawyer? And now they're selling the opportunity to revisit their trauma in the most public way possible to the highest bidder? I've had some things in my past that it took me decades to be able to say to a therapist... I'd rather cut off my arm than discuss them in public, let alone televise it. It comes down to this...first, whether their premise that they're doing this to protect other victims passes the smell test...nope. Based on everything we've seen from these people, they don't give a rusty damn about others and teach that victims bring sexual abuse on themselves, anyway. Second, if in fact the girls deep down wanted nothing to do with this lawsuit or all the shenanigans two years ago and are being strongarmed by JimBob...then I hope he dies ugly and soon. But if that's what is happening here, they are far better actors than they've ever shown any bit of in the past. I get what GeeGolly is saying, but it's tough to feel any sympathy for victims who reject the molestation was bad, supported burying it and instantly forgiving the abuser, and are now bringing it all back up publicly for money.
  22. I can't speak to their local reputation specifically...but I lived in a small, rural, poor community for many years. Pretty much no one really begrudges anyone who does well, as long as they didn't screw over anyone local in the process, don't act like they're better than everyone else, and don't bring negative attention to the town. The Duggars, particularly Jim Bob, would fail spectacularly on all counts. Besides, he's a used car salesman and a landlord of low-income properties...both tend to leave a lot of people behind who feel pretty screwed over. Small towns also hate hypocrites. Enough said.
  23. Wow. They are so insanely tone deaf. Seriously, does TLC have a PR agency?
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