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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. Wonder what his ministerial bitch is...Ichabod and Baaabe already have dibs on abortion and masturbation, respectively.
  2. Her entire face is an inch higher. Either she had work done or her scalp is stapled to the ceiling.
  3. You don't have to see it, just rewind your mental tape to the last few engagement announcements: "best friend," "amazing," "relationship with the Lord/godly," and "excited." Check check check. Yawn.
  4. Well, it was probably better than his first thought, which was, "Are you kidding me? I'm a 22-year-old virgin. Another celibate six months and livestock won't be out of the question. Hey, they were at the manger...technically, that's Biblical."
  5. Why bother? It's not like they didn't have lots of extra kids. It's surprising they didn't name the last few Jbackup, Jredundant, PlanJ, Jreserve, and Jwhoareyouagain.
  6. JimBob's had quite the expensive overhaul of that cheesy grin since then. Frugality my ass. She's sitting on his lap!!! Cheek kissing!!! He has his arms around her waist!!! WERE THEY MARRIED????? I feel so very defrauded. No wonder this photo is in the bathroom.
  7. I've never understood why they don't just lend these people a scale so there would be more daily feedback on their weight loss (or that magical thinking "I've been really 'trying' but stress" weight gain). Yes, those high-weight scales are expensive, but compared to shlepping the 600ers to the hospital in a oversized ambulance, it would be chump change. Then I remember it's television and therefore 75% bullshit. Then I remember it's TLC and therefore 99% bullshit. So I slap myself upside the head and get on with my life.
  8. She's a piece of work, for sure. OMG the WHINING. But that kid of hers is a sadist. Gave me chills. Does he have perfectly valid reasons to hate his mother and the situation, of course. But he wasn't just upset and angry...he was playing with her the way a cat does with a mouse, taunting her and enjoying her reaction. Add in that the father is a dead ringer for what my alcoholic ex husband no doubt looks like now...let's just say I won't be watching the rest of the episode. #shudder
  9. Someone needs to tell them that cutsey shit don't play at their "season of life."
  10. Watched it today on the treadmill...this show is my workout motivator, especially when I can't run outdoors and have to run on the dreadmill. Her kids were just lovely. She may have a whole lot of bad going on (although as someone with a vocabulary that could make a sailor blush, I don't really have a problem with her letting loose), but she's also doing a lot of things right with them. I love how she asked each one of them how they were feeling and laid out her expectations as to how they were to behave with their uncle taking care of them...no threats, just this is how I know you will behave. I hope for their sake she makes this a real change.
  11. "Black, strong, and hot like her men." Now THAT would be ratings gold!
  12. Okay, so I went back through the episode titles and seriously, what hasn't been about her for pretty much forever? Ten bucks says this is nothing but recycled clips from all those other Jabe/Binger episodes strung together and trotted out like they're new news. Not that I'm going to watch to find out, as my Duggar Giveashit broke down a looong time ago.
  14. If Jessa girl doesn't epitomize the concept of "shit-eating grin," I don't know who does. Sweetie, if you practice in the mirror too much, it backfires.
  15. Jessa is clearly angling to be the next Duggar TLC-funded matriarch, complete with full-time J-slaves to raise the spawn, an ever-present camera crew, and adoring fundie leghumpers who will worship her mighty uterus. Bow down, bitches. There's a new matriarch in town.
  16. We stray off topic so easily because the Duggars are really, really boring and predictable. Finding new evidence of their insane hypocrisy doesn't even entertain...we've come to expect it. They don't even provide a halfway decent schadenfreude fix anymore, because even when they're staring straight at the metaphorical locomotive that anyone with common sense sees barreling down on their asses, they continue to insist their way works because Jesus. Stupidity has a low entertainment value. That said, will try harder to stay on topic. Michelle: Xanax or benzos?
  17. Makes you wonder how many of these women just learn to sleep through sex. It's not like a Gothard male would know or care.
  18. Matthew 19:24, JimBoob... "And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." That prosperity gospel garbage annoys the crap out of me because first, it's used to pass judgment on the poor, since God's got the celestial checkbook and clearly must think the poor suck, and second, it's the basis of some of the most evil scams in history. It makes my shriveled little heart rejoice on those few occasions when the Duggars' stunning hypocrisy gets called out for what it is.
  19. This. The people you really want to do business with don't need to drag God into it...their work speaks for itself. You have to wonder how often the Duggar "reputation" of being so devout and "blessed" (another red flag when used conversationally, IMO) has helped to bilk people into crappy deals. After all, they ran a used car lot and cheap property rentals, not businesses exactly known for their honest dealings. It's interesting that this next generation of spouses (looking at you, Bin) is going straight to the ministry instead of some real business cloaked in Duggar piety. Hey, cut out the middle man and that messy business of actual work and straight out hit the gullible up for money! I'm guessing Princess Jessa has expensive taste.
  20. My husband has run a real estate company for twelve years and you start to notice trends. The group that has screwed him and/or his agents most often by a huge margin has been the Conspicuous Christians...praying in restaurants, fish on the car, name dropping Jesus...including a minister and his wife who dragged him to every new listing in town and then went behind his back to the owners every time trying to finagle their way into living there free because Jesus. This type figures they answer only to God, so screw everyone else. In other words...the Duggar Creed. (It says something about how utterly dreary these people are that it's so easy to stray from talking specifically about them. There's really no there there.)
  21. The leghumper comments make me so very sad... But hey, spelling is for those heathen hellbound elites. "LOL!"
  22. I really doubt he's a CPA, as that certification is no cakewalk. In addition to exams it requires (in my state) a two-year apprenticeship with a practicing CPA. That's roughly 23 months longer than Manbun's attention span.
  23. "This unbelief in the Gospel’s power to rescue a sinner from death is the chief reason why we see so much pragmatism and man-centered gimmicks obsessively being pedaled among the church today." Enjoying the hell out of the mental picture of one of them new-fangled rock music ministers on a bicycle conducting Spiritual Spin Class. Morons.
  24. My husband and I were just talking about this expression. It pisseth me blue. As I read somewhere and I can't remember where or I'd give the writer credit, "People who say this have never had anything truly shitty happen to them." Amen. Back to topic...so is that sheet bunting across the stairs supposed to keep guests from going upstairs and doing the devil's work by, dunno, reading (because that's exactly how I'd deal with it) or is it to keep guests from seeing that no one bothers to clean upstairs?
  25. That "party"picture makes me wonder...are they all so bored they don't even know how bored they are? They don't read, they don't have careers or even real hobbies, they don't follow current events because worldly...WTF do they talk about, other than who's knocked up and who just delivered? I caught a tiny glimpse of their lives this year at a family holiday gathering that included four generations of normally intelligent, quick-witted, and interesting people...and this year, a seven-month-old baby and not even a particularly interesting, interactive, or cute one at that. Yet my God how his presence sucked all of the grown-up out of the room...it was just a Babytalkapalooza for two straight days. Literally nothing else was discussed. The kid threw a pottery salad bowl on the floor, shattering it, and you would have thought it was the most clever thing that ever clevered. Must be like that all.the.time in Duggarville. Oh, the humanity...
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