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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. Sorry, but they don't give diddly fuckall about anyone other than themselves. So we can rule out that explanation other than it sounds better than "Daddy wants to see if he can get some money out of this."
  2. Can anyone think of a credible reason that isn't just a naked money grab that JimBlob would wait two years before filing, other than he might view the victims as being somehow compromised as marriage material, because that one makes me want to projectile vomit. The idea that a father, any father, would view the molestation of his daughters as somehow being their burden??? I can't with that. So...why go after this now?
  3. The sum total of the family's comments about the molestation is that it's not a big deal unless people find out about it. So...is THAT a good message for other victims?
  4. Actually, in their religion having a mind would be a distinct liability. Cause having a mind means thinking, which might lead to analyzing, which might lead to questions!!! Oh, the humanity!!! Will no one think about the children???? In this, Bonehead Ben is definitely their boy.
  5. They're damaged goods because they were molested? But...but...it was over their clothes! #sarcasm If Mr. and Mrs. Duggar senior thought their daughters' marital prospects were somehow diminished because they were fondled by their Speshil Snowflake brother and now that they're all sold off like livestock they can drag all this out again looking for a payoff...there really isn a circle of hell low enough for them. I hope it explodes in their faces and even TLC dumps them once and for all.
  6. The thing is, they don't get to have it both ways. They don't get to minimize it every which way and say it was no big deal and they were asleep and it happens in most families, nothing to see here...and then turn around and say they were damaged and traumatized by the information leaking out. Should victims be outed by tabloids? No. But when the family IS the product and their brand is holier than y'all, outing the molester in this case also outed the victims. Fame is a magnifying glass. What doesn't make sense is the timing on this filing, unless maybe they have significant losses or anticipated losses they can now quantify in going after damages. Which would mean it isn't just about protecting other victims. With the Duggars, there's always what they say and then there's the real story.
  7. This has desperate money grab written all over it. If they thought they had a real shot at burying Joshie's Ebil Past and going back to milking TLC full time with a redemption arc, there would be zero reason to dredge this back up. All it does is remind everyone that Josh molested his sisters and nothing was done about it and they kept on smugging and proselytizing their magical perfect Godly family the whole time. Unless the shit's about to hit the fan with some other revelation, this makes no sense, PR-wise. Either JimBlob went rogue and did this solo or TLC needs a new PR firm ASAP.
  8. I read maybe three paragraphs and then my give a damn broke. There is nothing about these people that merits this kinds of in-depth analysis. They are unidimensional unthinking uneducated famewhores. The End.
  9. I dunno nothin about babies, Miss Scarlett, but why doesn't she have an arm or something under his butt? He looks uncomfortable being dangled by just a grip around his chest. Geez, you'd think they'd at least know how to hold a baby.
  10. I really need a life, but does anyone else think, "so you can buy this place for a third of your budget...maybe NOT go 'all in' and spend every last dime you can?" And when JoJo gives them the three options for the last few grand...why not SAVE it? They're old houses, overhaul or no. Shit's gonna happen. I might be taking this a teeny tiny bit too literally?
  11. Well, that makes sense. I suspect the provenance of 80% of the world's great lines can be traced to her!
  12. I have no idea what episode it was, but when the phone rings around here, "Oh, what fresh hell is this" is said rather frequently.
  13. Chip's shtick was pretty annoying to me but hey, reality television has turned better men than him into a freak show, so whatever. Show me the pretty house and I'll ignore him. Then last night I saw the clip show. First, the MAN ATE A COCKROACH. Okay, bad enough. But then watching him shove that shed snakeskin down his maw...AND THEN SPIT IT EVER SO SLOWLY BACK OUT???? Nightmares. Nasty, nasty, nasty. He's like the bratty little kid next door who won't stop screaming and always has his hand down his pants. No. Just no.
  14. So...more throw pillows. These are really pricey...Pottery Barn's stuff isn't this expensive unless they're silk or something high end. http://www.pier1.com/magnolia-home-london-blue-%26-ivory-lumbar-pillow/3187950.html?cgid=magnolia-home-pillows
  15. Okay, so they were coonhounds, not bloodhounds...but according to this, they just let their dogs roam. http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/chip-gaines-arrested-joanna-gaines-arrest-warrant-unpaid-animal-tickets-fixer-upper/ I have ZERO use for irresponsible pet owners. None. P.S. Sounds like this might have been a few years ago, so maybe they learned something but I doubt it.
  16. I do like her overall aesthetic, but The Inspirational Quote School of Kitsch Art is on my last nerve. That and bringing home puppies in multiples as a "surprise." Two of them were Great Pyrenees and two others looked like bloodhounds...those aren't easy breeds especially with four kids in the house to focus on. I'm hoping that was made-for-teevee cuteness and the pups were only on loan long enough to get the cuteness on film.
  17. As a former ballet dancer, I can say with painfully-earned expertise that those are bunions. My feet look like they're 90...thank you, pointe shoes. It does beg the question how Derrick got his, though...did any of his Jesus-through-interpretive-dance routines involve dancing en pointe?
  18. Okay, so I have never heard of this LLR stuff, even though I wear leggings quite often at home. However I have a serious llfelong hatred of prints of any kind, let alone prints that scream "preschool lunchbox on crack," so I am not exactly their target audience... Anyway, I looked on EBay, where most of the LLR leggings are unbid-upon and priced under ten bucks. The irony is that a single pair of "rare black LLR leggings" has 15 bids and is up to $52. Perhaps they need to rethink the stupid prints?
  19. So I was in a store yesterday and idly picked up a nice, small throw pillow to look at. Nothing super interesting, but cute...blue textured fabric on one side, probably a cotton blend. Then I saw a Magnolia Farms label. Then I saw the price...$79 bucks. Good grief.
  20. This woman's voice makes me want to put knives through my eardrums. Rusty knives.
  21. DEAR DUGGARS: THE ANSWER TO ALL OF LIFE'S QUESTIONS IS NOT, REPEAT NOT, "HAVE A BABY." It's selfish, irresponsible, and I can't stress this enough, A SHITTY THING TO DO TO A CHILD. Sincerely, The Human Race and Planet Earth
  22. He's got that John McCain jawline happening. John McCain is 80.
  23. "Cultivate your relationship." "So bring your shovel! We'll be spreading lots of well-rotted manure around!"
  24. Okay, I take terrible photos myself and as of yet I haven't seen enough of the poor bastard, I mean Austin, to hate him yet. I'm sure he'll turn out to be a flamethrowing gay basher or wall builder or some such soon enough. Then I'll catch up on my retroactive loathing. But dayum...that photo...his elevator doesn't go all the way to the top, does it?
  25. ITA. Hey, girls are easy to sell off. It's the boys JB's going to have a problem with. I picture him standing outside a Walmart parking lot with a cardboard sign, "Free to a good home. Virgin males, all sizes and colors. No returns...you court 'em, you keep 'em."
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