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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. Hee. Neither did I. Apparently she’s some form of Kardashian and is a model. So essentially famous for being famous. Which is pretty much what an “influencer” is, apparently. The internet has a lot to answer for...
  2. Exactly. And while I’m being all persnickety, Jill, you can precook that bacon all you want but once it’s surrounded by frozen beans and a ton of sugar butter, what you’re going to get is flabby bacon. Although precooking might at least render out some of the fat. Lose the sugar, cut back the butter... Nope, can’t do it. Still nasty.
  3. Christina87, I hope you told her to eat a shit sandwich. I had no idea...I naively thought that teachers would support each other, given how insanely hard that job is. Yikes.😱
  4. Okay, so if this turns out to be someone’s all-time favorite heirloom family recipe I apologize, but that recipe makes me sad. It turns a perfectly innocent healthy green bean into a salt-soaked, soggy, greasy, nitrate wrapped, sugary ick bomb.
  5. He liked the boobs-out pose when she asked him if he liked the prison onesie. He didn’t see much else. That’s my guess.
  6. I wonder, too...it would be all too human for them to be competing since birth for every scrap of food, comfort, validation, and parental attention they could get. In the face of continual scarcity, the human species wants to survive above all. If it wasn’t “Lord of the Flies, Jesus Edition” at the TTH more often than not, I’d be surprised. Would you put it past either of their parents not to use this to their advantage? Getting your kids competing with each other is a pretty good way to keep them in line if you don’t give a damn about their mental, emotional or physical health. Not a scenario for anything other than major sibling rivalry, no matter what they claim.
  7. Me, too. But in another color. Outside in the world? Never. ETA: The problem with that kind of flimsy knit fabric for a jumpsuit is that you stretch a seat pooch into it the first time you sit down. Then it drags around behind you like your butt is a foot lower than it is. Not great.
  8. A picture saying “I’m so hot and pregnant and you’re so not” is worth a thousand pseudo-sympathetic words. Jessa, you’re your mother’s bitchy child. Shame on you.
  9. That guy who started the Fyrefraud site said he had worked with some of the agents of these groups and they told them they hadn’t gotten paid any of the front money...that negates any contract pretty effectively.
  10. In real life, that’s still just a late period. If it’s me, I’m not even headed to the drugstore yet. Unless there was some premarital action going on...
  11. If it helps, Goodwill uses the proceeds from selling the donated stuff to fund programs that help people in need with training, support and job hunting skills to help get them back on their feet. So it’s for a good cause.
  12. Is there a domestic violence or women’s shelter where you live? Or is that what you meant by moms’ homes... There’s always Goodwill but at least here in PNW it’s gotten harder and harder to donate there. They want LIKE NEW on everything! I think it’s partly that they’re overwhelmed right at the moment by the people watching Marie Kondo...
  13. So I watched this again last night because my husband hadn’t seen it and it occurred to me...this whole festival was supposed to be the marketing launch for their talent booking app...but instead they had that 22-year-old who had never booked talent before trying to book the music acts?
  14. I was once on an airplane seated next to a woman priest (so that narrows down the denomination) who was deeply involved in training for would-be priests. It was fascinating, actually, even to this heathen. She talked about how difficult it is to weed out the people who were pursuing this role for ego and power, because they talked such a good game. There was one in particular she was troubled by, because he was snowing the other church authorities in the program and she was sure he was...she paused, and heathen me said, helpfully, “a total bullshitter”? She laughed and said, “exactly.” That’s Jeremy. He’s an Instagram Preacher.
  15. My guess is it’s a typo. She meant pears. I have GOT to get a life.
  16. Back the truck up...Jessa actually said that with a straight face? A) JimBob never used the phrase “stifle creativity” in his entire heehaw hyuckyuck life. I would bet my house on that. B) He and wifey were more than happy to stifle their children’s educations, social skills, independence, reasoning, diet, hygiene, vocabulary, earning potential, imaginations, etcetera etcetera etcetera, but “creativity” was supposedly the top of his concerns? Jessa, you are one shameless liar.
  17. They don’t. As long as the money keeps rolling in, thinking is unnecessary.
  18. Okay, I’m not a parent nor an “influencer” (gag). But do normal people post about their kid vomiting and take photos of them when they’re sick? Something else for poor Izzy to tell his therapist some day...
  19. When someone is charging you by the tenths of an hour, the last thing you want is them haranguing you at length. I went through this with a wildly overpriced lawyer my late father hired. She wouldn’t shut up and you couldn’t get a word in edgewise and much of it was just social bullshit, to the tune of $350 an hour. Derrick wouldn’t have many long-term clients, that’s for sure.
  20. Well, there’s also codependency where otherwise amazingly smart women (and men) somehow decide to rescue this poor person who’s been so misunderstood. Happens all the time. To bring it back to topic...Derrick has found a wife who’s too brainwashed to ever give him the side eye about his latest grand scheme so this could go on pretty much forever. ETA: I can only hope they actually bought all four of those mangoes they were handlng. Every time I see Josie the licker near a public food source I cringe.
  21. Yes, me again. I need a Fyre 12-step program, obviously... In five minutes on my phone I had contact info for private performances from anyone from Pentatonix to Barbra Streisand. Assuming money is no object, this is EASY. Billy’s entire business premise was total nonsense. None of these rich investors could spend five minutes googling before plunking down zillions of dollars? Having money is so wasted on the rich.
  22. Sounds like a homework assignment. “JimBob, it’s Valentine’s Day. Get your behind into your room, shut that door and don’t come back until you’ve written at least 500 words as to how amazing I am. Now, MOVE!!”
  23. Okay, I think way too much about all this but hey, we’re Snowed In Day Six and I have too much free time... About that Fyre app. I don’t get how that was supposed to work, money-wise. First, talent agents and management companies would fight it tooth and nail. Second, they do much more than just connect talent A with customer B...they negotiate riders, they arrange travel, they soothe big egos, they decide if a performance jibes with the talent’s career trajectory and brand. An app won’t do any of that. Third, if you’ve got enough money to hire Drake for your birthday, an extra 15% one way or another is no big deal. Maybe colleges and other small market venues would now be in the market, but does that add up to the kind of Amazonesque payoff investors were dreaming about? Finally... I don’t see how it scales, delivery-wise. Okay, has-beens like JaRule clearly have lots of holes in their performance schedules, but anyone with any real fame isn’t suddenly going to fire their agent and start playing bar mitzvahs in Dearborn twice a week. The festival as a launch for the app was bananas, even if it had worked. Thanks to that podcast with Marc Weinstein, I learned that most of these events don’t break even, let alone show huge returns. So the event to launch the app was another potentially huge expense against the app returns. Billy is insane. But all of his investors can’t be, statistically. I don’t get it.
  24. I keep looking at that sad faded taupe tunic thing trying to imagine anyone that color might look good on. I got nothing. It’s hideous.
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