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Everything posted by marceline

  1. Agreed. It's like a workplace comedy but with all this extra heart.
  2. Apologies if I'm doing this wrong but I was wondering about starting a general thread for discussion about season 2. I feel like this season is shaping up to have some interesting character arcs and I'm wondering where/how to discuss it. Just a thought. And yeah...Sophie's accent was a hot mess but something I found interesting is how Sophie did that weird voice all through the episode but at the press conference she used her real accent.
  3. With the holidays here I'm seeing a lot more perfume/cologne commercials and they all seem insane. Just random bonkers bullshit. The one I keep seeing now is this one from Gauthier. Is there any perfume commercial out there that isn't a ripoff of an 80s style, cocaine fueled MTV video?
  4. Jane Curtain rocks. Her, Katey Sagal, Metcalf...what an amazing group of talented women.
  5. This was a good one. I really like where we are with Sophie. Bumping into her old colleague clearly has her rattled but she's still in good form. The way she described Eliot's dad as one of his few vulnerabilities and how Eliot would be the collateral damage reminded me of something Nate would say but with empathy added. I also like that we didn't get a lot of wacky Parker. Pop's conversation with Breanna made me smile. It made me wonder what the future holds for her. Yeah, I'm just going to file that away as something that could only happen in the Leverageverse. Just like Hardison in space or Parker being able to hang on to a car's undercarriage without getting burned. Hardison welcoming Eliot to the cookout is going to be one of those scenes I rewatch over and over.
  6. This is probably my favorite episode of this season. Everybody on the team was working their role to the best of their ability. You could really feel how much they were doing this for Eliot at the beginning but then it became more than that. To me this episode showed how Sophie really, truly is the mastermind that Nate used to be but with a whole different skill set. Her talking about learning to take a car hit when she was a baby grifter made me hope this season continues to give us a look into her origins.
  7. This show is a lot of things but it's never been subtle. The close-ups of people faces talking to the camera drove me crazy. Don't get me wrong. The photography is beautiful. I love the way this show displays the richness of darker skin tones and the lush green of the surroundings but that talking to the camera thing is just such a film school thing. Hollywood and Vi's reaction to getting a foster made me smile cry. "She's perfect for us. She's perfect for us!" I wish every child in the foster system could be welcomed and cherished like that. I gotta say, seeing Remy again was nice. I will go to my grave saying that this show never truly grasped how exhausting Nova is. My only criticism is how rushed the Rah/Darla/Blue became. It felt unnecessary compressed. Almost everything that happened in this episode could've played out over numerous episodes. I think so. To quote Billie Holiday, God bless the child.
  8. That's what I was expecting: a recast Bishop or his son from last season.
  9. The fashions in this episode were awful. Especially everything on Misti. The acid green dress. That weird white jacket with the feathers. Everything about Misti just felt weird and off. Robyn is being unreasonable when it comes to Dee getting trained but she's right that the incident at school showed part of the issue. I took some martial arts in college and the instructors often said that newbies feel confident because they've learned some moves but they lack control. Dee could've seriously hurt that boy and then she'd be looking at assault charges. I have no interest in Mel's brother yet. I'll check back in February.
  10. This is what I was asking above. In ep 1 of this season, Hardison returns. Everyone welcomes him and Parker - dressed in a crab costume - gives him a weird dopey hug. We're supposed to believe he's been gone for weeks/months but she doesn't kiss him when he returns? Of course maybe I'm projecting a bit. When I saw Hardison again I wanted to climb Aldis Hodge like a tree. And now we have them both being sexy as hell and still no kiss. I have to admit that this version of Parker & Hardison reminds me of Nate and Sophie in The Frame-Up Job. They just know each other down to their bones and they have a sweet, weird sort of love.
  11. Have we ever seen Parker and Hardison kiss? Because I would kiss Hardison all the time if I were her.
  12. I'm not liking the clothing this season. That green suit on Sophie is atrocious. Whoever handled wardrobe in the final season on TNT should be brought back
  13. So how does this community handle Christmas/holiday commercials? Is there/should there be a separate thread? I've already got one ad driving me crazy. Where do I talk about it? 😀
  14. It's obvious they knew how much we missed Hardison. They brought him back in the best way. I need to know all the details about Eliot's sandwich. It looked like bread instead of an everything bagel. I'm still amazed that we're getting new Leverage episodes. I never imagined this. It is.
  15. I liked that Ava asked if the child was unsafe. Whatever her issues we've been shown that she cares about Abbott's students. God help anyone who hurts a child on Abbott's watch. That's a Very Special Episode waiting to happen.
  16. I do want to show some love to this ep for seeing Valerie Pettiford and Malik Yoba. I've loved both actors for so long. Pettiford from her time on One Life to Live and Yoba from New York Undercover. My Gen-X soul was happy.
  17. This. The idea that Bev was faking dementia just so Jackie would come visit is just so paranoid. Why wouldn't Bev just ask Harris to tell Jackie that she needs to see her?
  18. Except Darlene wasn't the whistleblower. Robyn was. Darlene has no such protections. I saw Parsons in August Osage County a few years back. She was amazing. I liked seeing her again even if this storyline bothered me. Jackie has turned into such an ugly character.
  19. I'm glad somebody mentioned this. This version of Janine works my nerves. I get that the character is supposed to be hopeful and earnest but this is where she borders on reckless. I just want them to dial back on her insecurity a little.
  20. Same. It's completely nonsensical. I truly wonder who developed this idea and who signed off on it because they both should be sent for a brain scan.
  21. I wanted him taken out. I just did. Having Athena ventilate the guy would be a good message to send to incel communities. I don't recall Darius from before but no biggie. I like seeing May be confident and capable.
  22. I'll admit it. I miss Bishop. Or at least I miss his vibe with Robyn. I miss having someone on the show who knows her whole history. I don't know what to make of this new boss for her. We'll see. I don't understand the big deal about training Dee. If it was up to me girls would start learning martial arts in grade school and at the very least Dee should learn about gun safety: how many weapons are in the house, the combination to the gun safe, etc... I don't agree with Robyn that it would make Dee grow up too fast. I'm pretty sure watching her friend get gunned down in a drive-by took care of that. What was it Vi said she was cooking? She lays out one hell of a table.
  23. My new most hated commercial are the Old Navy commercials with Jennifer Coolidge. I know they like to be quirky but this is just grating. Although I confess that Coolidge always rubs me the wrong way.
  24. Was Kai in this episode? If so I completely blocked them out which...yay me!
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