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Everything posted by marceline

  1. When exactly did it become standard for insurance company commercials to be "funny?" Progressive, Liberty Mutual, Geico, etc... they all seem to want to be wacky.
  2. S1 Brian is such a pain. He spends the entire season getting sick/injured/lost in the woods or asking people to tell him a story. 😃
  3. If this thread had a Hall of Fame, Uqora Lady and Dr. Shannon Klingman the Lume Loony would be on it.
  4. Ages ago I interviewed for a job where I would be editing and producing those pharmaceutical inserts. You are reminding me how grateful I am to not have gotten it. I remember when pharma companies got the right to advertise directly to consumers. I thought it would be no big deal. I was so wrong. I wish there was a way to put that genie back in the bottle.
  5. Ohh, of course. I don't do TikTok because I'm old but that makes perfect sense.
  6. I'm amazed that we're still seeing pandemic era, zoom/facetime style commercials. I don't understand why these companies haven't updated but even when some of them produce new ones they still use the old style. *waves to Lume* My new most hated commercial is "Betty the Barcode Beat Conductor" for Zyrtec. Does Zyrtec also contain cocaine? Because that's the vibe I get.
  7. Don't forget that she got picked up hitchhiking and got dropped off in Ohio by a truck driver then she and Van went to the cult compound. I just can't stop wonder who is taking care of Sammy the demon spawn and Steve the dog. Also, I guess Tai is lucky the hospital didn't need to consult with her about any aspect of her comatose wife's care. I'm sure her condition hasn't changed at all.
  8. I'll be an asshole with you. They took Nate someplace dark. We watched him do despicable things. Maybe the characters can forgive him but I can't. I've seen nothing that makes me want Nate to be happy. This redemption is entirely unearned.
  9. Right? It was so obviously a Target. I kept thinking "go out through the stockroom and escape through the loading bay."
  10. This was awful. Just awful. On every level. The CIA story was so convoluted and ridiculous. Did these people want Robyn to lead them to Fisk or Fisk to lead them to Robyn? Who knows? Who cares? And please don't get me started on those fight scenes. Overlong and insanely choppy. Please just hire a few stunt people so that the fight scenes don't look like something edited by a blender. Also, did we need multiple scenes of Robyn running where the camera focused on Robyn's feet? Wut? Then we had this wooden actress playing Michelle, a character we'd never heard about before and her role was pretty much that of a Batman villain. Did Mel, Harry, or Dante say "You'll never get away with this!" because that's the required trope. We also had Fisk doing the Lethal Weapon style nonsense where you goad your torturer. And the robbery story, oh chile. Imagine being the other people caught in this robbery and just standing there while Vi pontificates and plays armchair hostage negotiator. Did anyone else notice that none of the extras ever changed position? There was a couple behind Vi and Dee with their arms around each other who never moved. Also didn't the robbery take place during the daytime while Robyn, Dante, and the rest were running around at night? Ugh. Awful.
  11. Carlos and TK will be filing for divorce by the end of next season. Neither of these men is emotionally mature enough for marriage. Every other week one of them is emotionally spiraling and the other one talking him down with a bunch of flowery language. They're like teenagers. Carlos went from the wake to holding a gun on someone and accusing them of murder. Grieving or not, that is not the behavior of a stable individual. I skipped the wedding because I had no desire to watch these two emotional invalids joined at the hip pledge their undying codependency in front of all their equally codependent family and friends. This is the second TV show finale I've seen that featured an assisted suicide. I assume one of the daughters will claim that Owen murdered their father.
  12. I'm Black and my patience ran out even before the hostess'. This is supposed to be a fine dining restaurant that you have to wait months to get into. Everybody else in that restaurant also wanted to have a nice dinner out. They also had reservations and they deserved a peaceful evening. It was stupid to try and force Judd and Tommy to sit down at the same table in public given the tension between them. They should've gone Applebee's and fought about it there. And don't get me started on Tommy saying "Well if Judd would like to order...." Tommy, if you are going to do this dinner, act like an adult or keep your attitude and fake-ass braids at home.
  13. Was I supposed to feel bad for the guy with the aortic aneurysm? Because I didn't. Maybe it's my post-pandemic compassion fatigue but I'm not interested in people who have to be begged to get treatment. And apparently Teddy had gone through this foolishness with him several times before. He played stupid games and won the ultimate in stupid prizes. Richard yelling at Nick to go to Boston was stupid. Both Winston and Nick are still recovering from having made the mistake of falling in love with one of Ellis Grey's daughters and here comes Richard with his emotional blackmail.
  14. TK and Carlos just work my nerves. I know some people love them but today was an example of why I think they are are jumping the gun with getting married. We saw this with the fact that Carlos didn't mention he was married or when he and TK were on opposite sides of having kids. They don't talk about the serious stuff. Also, TK going full Olivia de Havilland just made me want to crawl through the screen and smack him (after I got done smacking Owen for not waiting until he had the test results and starting all this needless drama). TK wanted to give Carlos an out on marriage because he might have Huntington's as if he hasn't already nearly died a couple hundred times. Let's be honest, even if he had Huntington's, TK is very likely to die in some freak accident before symptoms would show up. Don't get me started on Tommy's braids. I doubt those were made of human hair. I shudder to think what would happen if they caught fire. I was so glad the hostess in the restaurant tossed them out. They were being ridiculous.
  15. Yeah, I got really ticked off at Dee standing their in her mother's palatial home looking down on a young woman who doesn't have the safety net Dee does. It's real easy to stick to her almighty principles when Aunt Vi is doing the cooking and Robyn has the CIA on speed dial.
  16. I had tonsil stones on and off for years but I didn't know that's what they were called. This episode actually answered a question that's been plaguing me for a long time..
  17. This show has always been a hot mess but I'm going to point out the things I think they did right in the episode: The discussion of assisted suicide/end of life care - we need to talk more openly about both issues Rome's conversation with his father - Rome: "Hey dad, don't forget to take your pills." Rome's dad: "Don't you forget to take yours." As someone on anti-depressants, that hit me in my feels. Theo - Stick with me here for a second. They didn't write him as five year old. He was somewhat age-appropriate and they tied it back to the conversation at the vet. The music in this episode. Things I didn't like: Rome and Eddie asking Kevin for drug in front of everyone. That was stupid and wrong. It's a perfect example of of the thing that's bothered me a lot about this show and it's how these Codependent Weirdoes run roughshod over everyone and completely ignore the fact that they could be fucking up someone else's life. Whatever my issues with this show, I think its done a LOT to broaden discussion around mental health and suicide and that's a good thing.
  18. This episode was terrible. Everything was awful. Jessie's obsession, the idea that one could easily break into a sperm bank with one person's stolen ID, the fact that Jessie was going to destroy other samples because her feelings were hurt, nobody in this episode was rootable.
  19. I think this was the first episode where I was thrilled to see the person go to prison.
  20. The Codependent Weirdoes really earned their name tonight. Sophie just deciding that she would join Gary & Maggie in Mexico was random as shit and then there was Eddie & Delilah getting a condo down the hall from G&M. Don't even get me started on which of these apartments/condos/houses are/have been wheelchair accessible. I need to see floor plans. I'll be honest, Gary's dying means nothing to me. It just doesn't. I'm a cold bitch these days. For me, Gary wore out his welcome a long time ago and no matter how much they want to turn him into ER's Mark Green, it's not gonna happen. The wedding was sweet and Maggie's dress was perfection. It's just a shame that Inez couldn't be there. She's just a phone call away, right? And Maggie's going to need her help when Gary's gone. Also, as a Star Trek fan I saw Gary and thought "Changeling!" It looks like the show just chose to offramp the story of Regina's run for City Council. Good. It was stupid to even introduce it. They would've been better off just sticking with the story of Gina trying to help her former coworker and his daughter climb out of homelessness. Okay, radical thought: what if it isn't just Gary who dies in the finale but Regina. What if her TBI "comes back" and she collapses just as Gary dies?
  21. That foolishness with the church worked my nerves. Tommy walking in in that red dress like the Whore of Babylon was so much overkill. The whole time she was speaking from the pulpit I kept thinking of all the people in the pews how had absolutely no idea what any of this drama was about and who couldn't care less who the pastor is dating.
  22. Add me to the list of people who have no interest in Eddie and Christopher anymore. And yes, I too thought Christopher died on the couch.
  23. I'm just assuming that was the writers room trying to play nice with the opposition to appease The Powers That Be because that was little more than a fairy tale. Every person they called would se even more committed to killing the people consider "abortionists" and "baby killers." I'd like to revisit the guy who went after Bailey. I want to see him in jail and suffering. I know this show would try to rehab him but I long for the day that doesn't happen. I know some considered Owen's scene to be too much but let's look at the character's history. He's an Iraq War vet who survived a mass shooting. Sadly, that's not an unrealistic thing. However clumsy it is, I appreciate this show calling out gun culture. We're doing a mass shooting every week. IMO, pop culture needs to reflect that reality.
  24. This episode was everything I hate about Amelia. This reminded me of when Meredith was leaving and everyone yelled at her about "How can you leave? You grew up here! This hospital made you!" Just all kinds of emotional blackmail. People moving on with their lives isn't abandonment. Loved Addison checking her because, yeah, we saw how this went on Private Practice. Addie, was like, "Nope, we're not doing this again." And can we please stop with the speeches and tantrums? Amelia's verbal abuse of Yasuda was way over the top. Meanwhile Owen's like, "Yeah, that's just her." No. That can't be her in the workplace. Don't even get me started on her being mad at Winston for Maggie leaving, How that man didn't just look at her and say, "Bitch, you're tripping" I will never understand. As someone who has been active in the reproductive rights movement for decades, that scene made me want to scream. Schmidt was telling someone how Bailey trained him, and I thought, they won't care about that when they are planting pipe bombs at the hospital.
  25. I will say that I liked a lot of the fashions in this ep. Katherine's wedding dress was lovely and I really liked Maggie's dress. But I feel like the MVP of this episode was... Carter Goddamn French. He's been the best part of this season. That moment when everyone just wanted to slink away and he ordered a vodka tonic was perfection. He was just like "Fuck it. I want a drink." He bent all these Codependent Weirdoes to his will and it was glorious! The scene at the end with him in the in the limo with Katherine and Greta was sweet and funny. It was a perfect capper to this ep.
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