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Everything posted by marceline

  1. I don't know what to make of this episode. Teak's story was so tragic. He would never find peace. Keyshawn still held prisoner by her abuser. I don't know what to make of Andre and Autumn anymore. I find them both creepy. Individually and as a "couple."
  2. Is anyone on this show married besides Andre? And we saw how that worked.
  3. Woddy taking out Rome was beautiful. I keep forgetting his family owns the funeral home. I hope Derrick gets a similar farewell. His scene with Keyshawn was horrible and he'll eventually kill her. It's telling that he first became violent with Keyshawn when she was pregnant. Pregnant women are at higher risk of domestic violence or murder. There's no way both Keyshawn and Derrick can survive this season. One of them has to die.
  4. That was a kind of whiplash wasn't it? "YAY for safer sex!! NOOOO not your teeth!"
  5. It is. I like her and I'm glad she's got a national commercial. I remember hearing from an actor on a podcast that his national commercial for Old Spice paid him $7k in royalties. And that was 10 years ago. Penney's is close to my heart. It was one of the few stores that sold clothing for tall women/girls. I was 5' 10" by the ninth grade back in '84-'85. The Penney's catalog was a lifeline for me and every other tall girl/woman who just wanted pants that reached to our ankles. I kind of like the commercial. Clearly "Shopping is back, baby!" was the line she was paid to deliver and she did.
  6. I've noticed that a lot of these TV hucksters are still making their ads like we're still in the first stages of COVID. I assume because it's just cheaper so they don't want to return to previous production methods. Personally I hate it because I already spend enough time looking at phone and Zoom screens. Seeing that format in commercials makes me tired. *waves to HungryRoot*
  7. I know the show gets preachy but I'm really glad they raised the issue of blood donations for gay men. They're right that this is a leftover from AIDS hysteria and bigotry and given the very real blood shortage right now, it's time to get rid of antiquated rules like that one. I have gay men in my life that I love, including one who is a surgeon. The idea that the Red Cross doesn't want their blood pisses me off and has for years. I've complained a lot about this show but I really appreciate when they introduce real issues in the healthcare system, like a few episodes ago when Linc got called out for he bias dealing with overweight patients or Owen's blind spot with Asian patients. Grey's is a whole mess but it still does a good job of showing what bias in healthcare looks like and I'm grateful.
  8. I do. It was such a quick send-off. I saw no evidence of a next season storyline being planted. I know him from his role on Nashville. He has a wonderful voice. I've been hoping all season for a "Linc sings in the shower" scene. Oh well, maybe next season. BTW, where are Megan and Farouk? I'd forgotten they existed until Amelia mentioned Megan when saying goodbye to Owen/Teddy.
  9. I'll say this for the show, they still know how to write patients that tug at my heart. Simon looking at his (fake) son and saying "Hello, Forever" really got to me, especially after telling the docs to take his blood to save his wife and child. I'm glad that Linc has finally been able to make some peace with his break-up with Amelia. I didn't like the turn the character took even if I understood it. It was nice to hear Chris Carmack sing even just a tiny bit. Kai and Amelia mean nothing to me. The best part of this was seeing that we've gotten rid of Teddy, Owen, and the whole family and that they left alive so we didn't need to deal with them going out in some tragic way. When I saw them packing I thought "Wait, are these assholes finally leaving? Yes!" Accreditation Lady was right. The whole hospital needs to be rebuilt. I do feel sorry for the residents though. Wherever else they land, they'll still have the stigma of having been in Grey Sloan's program. Any other program would likely give them the side-eye and expect them to start all over again. Quite a couple of master criminals right there.
  10. There seems to be a whole new round of Lume commercials out this week. I guess Shannon Klingman needs money.
  11. This show has written storylines for its Asian characters. Nico has gotten plenty of story. Way more story than he deserves. The fact is that the cast is ridiculously large. I know a lot of people think that this ep was overkill but those of us in marginalized groups, sometimes need this. I thought it heavy handed too in places but the attacks on the AAPI community are real and they're going to get worse. This episode reminded me to check in on my AAPI community, especially because the Asia Festival is coming up. Not to derail the thread but I'm a Black woman and after the Buffalo shooting and other political stuff this week, I've been really thinking what allyship looks like. I don't think Mer was painted as a white savior so much as an example of how white people can be an ally. That's how I took her "I'm sorry." She wasn't apologizing for all white people. She was just acknowledging the pain of people who got hit by racist violence.
  12. I totally thought the gangsters were real. I was expecting a drive by shooting when Wendell was sitting outside. (Did I say "expecting?" I meant "hoping for.") I still expect that he'll end up dead and Winston will get a phone call to identify the body. Amelia telling Maggie that she and Kai were late because they had sex twice was just tiresome. Amelia you're a grown ass woman. Not everyone needs to know when you have sex. These people are so emotionally stunted. I don't know what Kai's problem was but whatever, I'm glad they're gone. I want Linc in charge of the grill always.
  13. I've been thinking a lot about the general dislike of Theo - which I share - but I feel like Tristan Byon deserves serious credit. We wouldn't have this kind of visceral reaction to the character if he wasn't very good at making the most of atrocious writing. I could point to child actors on other shows who are terrible. *cough911LoneStarcough* I checked his IMDB and he's been acting for a while.
  14. I still wasn't feeling the way Rome talked to Maddox's father. It was pretty clear to me that Maddox's parents just didn't know how to deal with the situation. I won't pretend to know anything involved with coming out as trans but I feel like Maddox and his family simply needed counseling to figure out the new situation. They didn't need Rome trying to be a savior. The subplot with Tyrell was ridiculous. Gina just assumed that Tyrell didn't want to go to Yale because of Vali (who continues to be a snotty Gen-Z stereotype) but didn't actually *ask* him? This show really thinks Gary is much more charming than he is. His behavior in the store was just stupid. I give the show credit for hinting at Gary's cancer throughout the season and giving us a chance to revisit past scenes with new information. I didn't think this show was capable of that kind of subtlety. That dinner at Katherine's looked amazing. If Katherine's mom made that dinner, she has cooking skills on par with Gina's.
  15. I felt the same way. I thought that was meant to show that a lot more time had elapsed and I supported that as a creative choice. But in THIS episode the doc said 20 minutes. That doesn't work under any circumstances.
  16. I need to vent about the circumstances around Jack's death. There's something that's bothered me ever since the original episode but revisiting this brought it all back up again. I never understood how Jack died while Rebecca was at the vending machine and yet there was no code blue or attempt to resuscitate him. When Rebecca returns to Jack's hospital room, he's just dead. No doctors or nurses lingering in the room. Just the body laid out like Joyce Summers on the couch. And now we learned in this episode that the doctor was gone for 20 minutes. ("He was presenting normal not 20 minutes ago") the other doctor said Jack died because "Cardiac arrest. Lifesaving measures did not work." What lifesaving measures could they perform in 20 minutes?! Where was the call that Pearson in 107 was crashing? Where were the doctors and nurses? Why wasn't he covered with a sheet? I see nothing about those scenes that tells me they made even minimal effort to treat him. Not even so much as oxygen or intubation. I love this show but Jack's death has never sat well with me from a medical standpoint. He went from fine to dead in 20 minutes. Whew! It feels good to finally get this off my chest.
  17. Judd ends up in a building collapse but somehow it becomes all about Owen's experience at 9/11. Of course. I cracked up at "Is the lizard back?!" That experience clearly traumatized Carlos.
  18. So has the show decided to just drop the whole "Anna is an alcoholic" storyline? Was her attending Sophie's group meeting supposed to be the end of that and now she's "cured." Also, the way Vali spoke to Regina about Tyrell's decision to not attend Yale was way out of line. She was treating Regina like an overbearing mother-in-law. I would've tossed that child out of my house so fast it would rip a hole in space-time.
  19. I think he will. Or more accurately, he'll be fired and the students will do a protest and Maddox's family will change their mind or Maddox will move in with Rome and Regina and they will be one big happy extended family. Rome will quit and move on to his next quest.
  20. Rome went into the conversation with Maddox's parents with entirely the wrong energy. He was more interested in putting them in their place than being supportive of Maddox and Maddox will be the one who pays for it. Ugh, these codependent weirdos just keep inserting themselves into other people's lives and suddenly decide that they are social workers. Sophie did the same thing by pushing up on Peter's girlfriend/victim. Katherine is a mess. She shouldn't be in a relationship with anyone at this point. She should be in therapy. I like the swerve of Anna being at Peter's that night. I'm genuinely intrigued. I also liked the acknowledgement of the kind of discrimination that a person using a wheelchair faces. Eddie and Anna handled it really well. ETA: I really enjoyed seeing the return of Carter (Katherine's gay colleague). I find him delightful.
  21. Agreed. Whatever is going on with the actor in this season isn't based on that.
  22. Completely agree about how isolated Eddie is from the rest of the show. I just keep forgetting the character even exists. Buck being ticked off at Taylor makes no sense. Jonah continually stopping Chim's heart then bringing him back was sadistic. I hope we never see Jonah again.
  23. Nancy said that she went to the toilet when she, Sister Julienne, and Dr. Turner was on the train. I know this question will probably lead to bad responses but what does a train bathroom in 1960s Poplar look like?
  24. Agreed. Dee's reactions make sense and Roma Maffia is a fave of mine from way back when she was in Profiler. I'd like to see more of her.
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