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Everything posted by ChipBach

  1. I agree; he told Katherine to "move slowly" as if she was going to go all parkour in her tight leather skirt, and then he let her pick up a closed purse, keep her hand in it, and approach him - felt like pretty bad writing this episode. Why wouldn't he just blow both of them away, take what he wanted, and leave? He could have had the ring and the bracelet. He was not adverse to wet work in earlier episodes and kill people indiscriminately and surely life was going to be very dangerous with the two of them left alive looking for him forever. Seemed inconsistent for the character. Also, I guess Uncle Zach was an Austin Powers fan. Create an elaborate and easily escapable death for Boyd. Why not just kill Boyd? And, when Boyds guys comes to find him, why didn't Boyd just tell him to pull the fuse out of the sticks of dynamite or snip the fuse ahead of the burn? Instead he chose to try to break a fairly significant chain with a rock hammer (I am not confident that a rock hammer can break a chain of that size). I also agree with the comments about Rachel. We get it, she's in charge, life is tough, things go sideways. They are hitting us over the head with a pretty heavy hand to establish her management angst. Truth is that she has held her position for a few months, they would be lending support for her during her first big case, she acts like she is going to get fired at a moments notice for things clearly out of her control. I was hoping they would keep her character a bit more confident and cocky. That is what I liked about her. I get the feeling Boon is also a character of convenience, hopefully not the dude to fulfill all the sinister foreshadowing given to us from Art about Raylan's tombstone bravery. The young upstart going against the salty veteran. That would be a disappointing end to the series.
  2. ChipBach

    S05.E10: Them

    I can't believe I was looking at my watch during this episode. I was actually bored. I guess I would have used a dog to test the water. Rick's ramble seemed a lot like Lt. Spears speech in Band of Brothers. The whole barn door thing seemed odd too. Are 15 of these things a force or not? We are either terrified at their presence or barely acknowledge them. Can we find no brick structures in the south? I just disagree with the fact that these folks are always so vulnerable after several years of practiced survival. I find it boring.
  3. This. and That. This episode was the very first that left me bored, irritated, and thought none of the characters rang true to what has been thus far developed. - It is obvious to everyone Albert set up Ava. Knowing that it was a set-up, I have a hard time watching Raylan put Ava in such danger when he knows she was falsely imprisoned. I guess he can view her as "has it coming" because she chose a life with Boyd, then why kiss her and put the whole investigation at risk? I don't think Rachel or Tim would take part in a plan that would put a victim in such a dangerous spot... - Boyd is smarter than that. He has to know her "I gotta go hair style" as weird times is suspicious. Regular Boyd would have had her followed continuously since her remarkable prison release. Or - call down to the shop and as Ava's boss why she keeps calling her in... - Seems Raylan is also pretty ham-handed in setting up meetings and meeting in places that he could be seen... Harlan is a pretty small place, seems like Flo the operator can easily see them together and start a little gossip. - The legalized pot thing. I work in Kentucky. There are about a million acres of tobacco land available for an alternate crop, Land that is not on hills that require a two hour drive on country roads to reach... I would think Sam could buy his acreage in parcels of the thousands right on the main interstates...
  4. Arlo actually thought he was shooting Raylan to protect Boyd. That's gotta stick in your craw... However, I agree. The character has been defined in earlier seasons as having a strict dislike for lawbreakers, murders, gun thugs, etc., and season 6 Raylan seems to be more of an "end justifies the means" guy. Plus they seem to be going out of their way to make him unlikable. He seems smarmy, arrogant, and a wise ass to everyone.
  5. Re-watching season one on the marathon... Remembering how I cannot believe they couldn't find an RV sales floor (sporting the new models or newer used models) instead of having to rely on Dale's piece of crap, always breaking down RV. I hated that NONE of the core group could find a single NEW vehicle (or better yet an armored Humvee) and all of them had an average age of 15 years. I really shouldn't be yelling at the TV set again, I've already lived through the ZA D-day +60...
  6. That must be him. About the right age and size. I guess he and the hatted old lady were both killed in the Zombie over-run?
  7. Anyone watching the marathon? I noticed on the episode/scene where Daryl first makes an appearance that there is this man in a blue shirt and white ball cap, maybe in his sixties or seventies, standing in the back listening to the Rick/Daryl exchange. I reviewed the scene prior to and after that scene. This dude never shows up again... Mistake? Continuity error? I should get a life? Anyone?
  8. The narrator does start to sound a bit like Tim, however, I am not sure I want TO to voice the ladies anyway, so it is a wash. Raylan is kind of like putting season two and three in a blender and having a semi-recognizable (from TV) story come out... It was enjoying for 8 hours during the holiday drive to Grandmas...
  9. Not me, I thought this was reminiscent of earlier seasons. Great epi! Funny for all the reasons everyone mentioned. Loved the expression of the three teenagers when Lily finally gave the baby process...
  10. ChipBach

    S05.E08: Coda

    Kirkman definitely gives off the "35 year old xboxer in mom's basement, never had a girlfriend kind of guy"... He was sooo comfortable sitting next to blonde while she was crying during the Talking Dead...
  11. Yup. 17 year old boys NEVER pay attention to girls with huge boobs...
  12. I had a problem with this too, however the fact that Huell stripped him of the joint at the direction of Saul was what caused the revelation. I thought it was a stretch. Walt took it and pretended to flush it in front of Jessie. He kept if for future contingencies. Lydia was the perfect contingency. Somewhere Mike gave a big "Hoo-rah" when sent drank that cup o' tea...
  13. While traveling over the thanksgiving holiday, we purchased "Raylan" through iTunes and listened over the blue tooth. Having watched the show first, it was funny to see how the different TV story lines and characters co-mingled in this novel. (Not always ending as they did on television) Boyd seemed to be a weaker character than the show, while Raylan was pretty consistent. (Although I would have preferred TO read the thing, hearing Raylan speak in someone else's voice was annoying...) Anyone read them? Don't make me pull first. I'll put ya down.
  14. ChipBach

    S05.E08: Coda

    My kids were mad at me last night. I opened the episode with "No way in hell Beth lives". They were "no way dad"... It seemed pretty obvious to me, especially when we kept getting all the Talking Dead teasers about a special guest. If I were in Rick's crew, I would have shot Beth. They took great pains to make the switch as bloodless as possible and she commits an act that could have ended with everyone shooting everyone. They could have simply said "no" to the new Dawn plan and appealed to her "troops" to do the right thing or melt a cap in Dawn. Either way, I thought the scissor-stab was as dumb as an idea as I've seen in a long time on the show... Beth had leverage on Dawn too - she could have said "I don't know Dawn... wait... where is O'Donnel"? That would have shut her up... Yep - get out of here, keep Noah, nothing to see here...
  15. Yabut... There was an 8 month period (after the farm before the prison) the group was walking about, looking for food. Also, Daryl has been using his sick hunting skills since the beginning. One would think, 2 years in, people would have not only learned how to use things to fish, they would have picked up a few fishing poles... As for Father G, I guess my point was I didn't realize he was being held against his will. Why didn't he just say "Hey gang, gonna take a stroll"?
  16. Word to that sparrow. We had all these terribly boring and non-helpful scenes of Maggie planning sun screen, the group fishing with nets (really?!? two years in the ZA and you are just now experimenting with fishing?), and the Father Weirdo escape (as aptly put in the show write-up, was he being held against his will??)... We get 20 minutes of scenes from those things and none of what sparrow mentions. really strange.
  17. I liked this epi. I agree that it was annoying that Manny suddenly does not know any Spanish since he is seen speaking it fluently in earlier seasons. I like Andy, but Haley? Don't feel any chemistry there at all. I feel it with Claire and Phil. It was an "up" episode of a declining show...
  18. Finally - Ava looks good again...
  19. Have Tequilia Skinrise at Shambling Joe's bar... good times...
  20. Or at least a Florida Key, good protection without having to have a huge ship to ferry you back and forth. Alcatraz would be my destination, but if your boat ever sunk, you'd be screwed...
  21. ChipBach

    S05.E05: Self Help

    Peach - it perplexed me too. Being horrified by your husband killing the hoard that raped you and your daughter seemed odd. Being so terrified of the guy that just put things right that you would take your kids out, unprotected, in ZombieVille didn't make sense...
  22. I really liked this episode. It held the shark in abeyance for sure.
  23. ChipBach

    S05.E04: Slabtown

    Yabut - I gotta believe, when you are sitting around a lonely prison for a few months, sharpening your kitana, camo tactics would come up at some point. Especially if Carol is teaching 8 years how to stab brains and stuff, the near adults would have some "Zombie Apocalypse Orientation" classes along the way.
  24. I simply fly into a murderous rage every time I hear that "Clifford the Big Red Dog"-like music they use during "The Middle"... I have never recovered from that that kids show when my twins were like four...
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