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Everything posted by ChipBach

  1. Well if it is true that two people die right off the bat maybe Maggie dies and her later scene(s) are of flashbacks or "ghost in a delusions". Abe seems to have disappeared though... If this is what we have to look forward to, I am getting a bit bored with the murder-porn stuff... I am not sure what the alternative would be since it is a zombie apocalypse show about survival. It would be nice to allow people we like actually survive. I'd trade Carl for Abe and Glenn...
  2. Barter for water? I have to believe that a huge Mexican resort has some sort cistern system? No? How about re-routing the water from the flat roof drains into a big old water tank? It would literally take an afternoon, some flexible hose, and an empty tank... Silly show... I would amend to say: "A Zombie show whose only Zombie threat came from Kim Dickens acting..."
  3. Y'know, the other thing that REALLY has been bugging me this season is how they use "guts" thing as a cloaking device. In TWD they had to REALLY cover their entire bodies with blood (and guts) to pass muster with the walkers. Even then, the idea was the walkers might still sniff you out and turn on you... A small rain shower caused this to happen. In FTWD, apparently all you need to do is swipe a little blood under your eyes and a dash on your tee shirt and "boom", you are invisible. It is lazy to have the ability to neutralize the "threat" of this show with the "spritz" of blood. The whole tension of the dead is that they could "get you" if you are in their presence and our people really don't have to work to hard to dodge them. If this is true, have a gallon of blood in the fridge and walk free to scavenge and forge. Boring.
  4. Again. Two pistols and 120 rounds of ammunition could clear out three floors a day, little risk and effort (toss the bodies out of the windows)... The fact that we are this far in to the ZA and these numb-nuts are still walking around with WOODEN sticks to punch through the SKULL of a dead guy is ludicrous - not easy to pierce skull bone with a slightly pointed plunger handle... Not easy getting off a SECOND swing with a fire axe, pretty heavy tool... Surely they could have picked up a firearm at some point in time...
  5. The "Talking XXX" show(s) with Chris Hardwick are only useful for "good" (well written, fan favorite, run-away hit) type shows. Shows that are well written (Breaking Bad & Better Call Saul) to discuss the depth of the writing and acting. It was a good idea for "The Walking Dead" because the world of zombies was new and the decisions the characters made were compelling. I am not too sure this show lends itself to the "talking" option. The environment is already been rehashed during The Talking Dead and many of the same questions come up "why didn't they try to find a fort", "whats up with the walking with guts thing?", etc. Also the characters are far from well written or compelling. Spending a hour asking what Frank's motivation in making Nick a selfish dick is not fun TV. Or watching how they make the zombie's eye pop out... Been there, seen that...
  6. How about just playing music in the courtyard and having most of them plunge OUTSIDE the hotel and keep them locked out? I know that they are somewhat impervious to a five story fall verses Maddie taking a wine bottle to their head, but the fall should at least snap a femur or two and slow most of them down...
  7. Fairly efficient show. I either pee'd or fast forwarded through the Nick scenes. The hotel scenes were better, but I couldn't help hear the great "Doctor Evil" in my head say; "I have an even better idea. I'm going to place him in an easily escapable situation involving an overly elaborate and exotic death." 120 bullets would have made the entire Madison Pied Podster trick unnecessary.
  8. Ha! I told my wife the same thing once we opened the car door! Why did he even break the window if the door was open? So they couldn't use the car to sleep in? It was just shoddy direction actually...
  9. Maybe the big reveal is that Madison and Lori are actually sisters and their shitty mothering is DNA linked? Or they are sorority sisters from "BMU" (Bad Mothers University)? I can only hope Madison is as tasty as Lori was...
  10. I was thinking the same thing... I know you have to suspend belief on these shows or I would drive myself crazy watching a mob of zombies (made up of more than 90% water) walk 100 miles in blistering heat without a drink and not turn to dust... However, the two plus story falls should snap a neck or two, at the very least there should have been some massive head wounds... ESPECIALLY when their heads cannot tolerate a beer/booze bottle as Maddie kept blowing them up with an empty glass bottle...
  11. That would have been a welcome addition to the show for the rest of the country. I felt like color bars would have improved the story line.
  12. I would add "That review reads like someone who wrote the shows mother". The glass was no way near half full...
  13. This is where I lost it. I asked my son; "why the hell didn't they just get in the jeep and leave? Or back up?"... It was almost bewildering how that went down. The desert walkers shambled at about .5 MPH, I could have jogged backwards and left them in the dust... Bizarre someone actually wrote that down in a script and someone else thought it was worth the expense. I'm guessing these guys have zero budget. It's the only thing that makes any sense... Most boring hour of television. ever. I was rooting for Nicks demise, that would have been a worthwhile payoff... The bigger question is; why am I still watching? I honestly don't know.
  14. Sadly - that is true. More the pity for the show...
  15. Yep - I was a bit lost, not having read the comics until I watched "Talking Preacher". Apparently the comics summarize the whole town part of the story very very quickly and the show runners felt that using S1 for context leading into the road-trip would be better to ultimately understand the motivation of the trio. I am glad I caught the TP because now I have to re-watch the entire season with this new found knowledge...
  16. I agree, it smells like the noise put out after the death of Deadwood. They were going to film companion movies, etc., which was all fibbery. I still miss my Deadwood and giving it a conclusion.
  17. This show sucks. Of course they use the old unsecured gun by an redneck old white guy trope. It's like frickin' David Schwimmer, the whitest man alive, explaining to his kid why he's going to always get arrested for nothing because he's black. And there is nothing likable about any of the main characters. The best people on the episode was the chef and his daughter. Hard working, trying to make the best of the crew (who could fuckin' quit anytime they wanted) that hated him. I also liked the throwing of the glass containers off the building into the street next to your new restaurant because broken glass and flies are prefect for getting your new place up and going. They are pigs. Dion hustles and exploits the poor girl to set up a dad who has done nothing but accepted a job... This show sucks.
  18. Would PP be a consumer product? Seems like it is an add-on/behind the wall of some OS or other major enterprise-wide application... I was confused as soon as it went to the Hooli store...
  19. Sansa has gotten pretty icy tho. Just letting her bro get "did" like that. I would have thought some sort of bone-headed rescue was worth a shot since she knew he was a dead kid anyway. She did try to tell Jon that the kid would be used to manipulate him. I actually thought the reaction was not believable on Jon's part. He seemed like a dude that could think clearly even when confronted with some real ugly stuff. When Ygritte (sp?) bought it he was heartbroken yet he managed to put it by him until the issue was decided. I didn't buy how he was written.
  20. I think she is already humbled to a great extent. She was pretty obnoxious when she thought she was central to her gods plan. Now she realizes she isn't really and she had a little girl brutally murdered to feed more of her ego than her gods wishes...
  21. I think that was the exact impact they wanted for the fans, a big emotional punch. I was more disappointed with Drac. He seemed pretty lightweight compared to some of the evil doers she had faced in the past. After her death, I would have loved to see the scene replayed with her and Ethan and their children then a fade out. Heaven accomplished...
  22. Word to Rickon trying to avoid a 300 yard launched arrow. All he would have to do is look over his should and when the arrow was in the air, well... stop for ten seconds... turn right... lay down... I love the strong women/female characters in this show, it seems like the theme is clearly that the ladies are cleaning up this world mess left by those stupid fellas... I love Arya, Brienne, Yara, Margery (sp?), and Sansa (now). Not so much Dany. She has been reminded twice (so far) that indiscriminate slaughter is wrong... While she wants to "leave the world better than she found it" and in the same sentence she continues to presume "it all belongs to her/it is her birthright". Also, Sansa should have told Jon about the LF troops. He specifically asked her if she had a "better idea" and she said "no". Allowing them to walk into what could have been a certain slaughter almost made me feel Sansa wanted Jon to get killed...
  23. What happened to this weeks recap?? I look forward to reading the awesome snark..
  24. I was wondering why they had to pull the outboard raft twenty feet inland. Why not keep one of the children on it in the water for a speedy getaway? I would be more worried about pirates or ill tempered survivors than slow moving sand-walkers.. I agree, weird sense of non-urgency.
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