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Everything posted by lucindabelle

  1. This just made me so insanely happy that as soon as I could I rewatched the entire season. What a perfect perfect episode and the dick jacking calculations were both hysterical and also showed us in e best show don't tell way how smart these guys really are. On rewatch I caught the little ding when richard said onstage middle out that meant... Gilhooly just got it! Monica and richard are so cute together. The drink drink thing and constantly... Adorable. I just love richard, his quiet, humble gentility... He knows what he can do but he's not a dick about it... Yes the lo tech presentation... Hilarious! (Although would they work on an overhead projector not being transparent?) So many things good on the rewatch... The technical issues on the hologram... Benson buying huge obscene mural... Big head and his candy apple... So much love for this show. But yes this last episode was particularly exhilarating. Nothing wasted. Even e guys worrying richard was offing himself, Ehrlich banging the door down..l because richard has headphones on and doesn't hear them. Every detail accounted for, Peter gregory will be missed.
  2. I do too. Though I did notice his accent was turning welsh last night.
  3. I love watching Dany. I think it must be a girl crush. I wish I had her pores.
  4. I have read the books but seem to remember just bits of them... Reading too quickly I guess. I read them after one season of the tv show though so always pictured the actors. For that reason I've always liked Tyrian but he isn't the deal breaker for me. Weirdly I like Sansa and little finger both in the show (chemistry) and in the book. Though he's pretty irredeemable he's still... Sort of... Hot. I love her badass self though. Aryas laugh was infectious though it strains belief that a message wouldn't get through. Did the people hear Oberyns taunts before he died? I'd be a bit nervous if I were Tywin. Cersei's jane shore moment (forced to walk in nightshift) can't come soon enough for me.
  5. But the writers knowing and the actors not is the same as it not happening. All we can judge by is what we see.we don't look into the writers heads but we do batch performances. Jared played the discovery like shock. So he was shocked. It's just the same as when a writer says what his novel is "about," themes, symbolism. If it isn't there, it isn't there. S... I don't care if they always planned it. If the actors didn't play it that way, then it didn't happen that way.
  6. If the writers planned it but the boy acting it didn't know, acting wise, it's just the same as if they invented it halfway through. Because, acting wise, you have to know your motivations. So he played that scene as an innocent, but his character was NOT innocent, which makes the character have to be a great actor, which is preposterous. I hate it when they pull that bs in mystery dramas too. They think they're preventing spoilers but really they are forcing bad acting choices that make no sense on rewatch. A teenager besotted by sec and fanaticism is different than an innocent swimmer, not to mention as others have pointed out how deceptive Leanne was to her old friend Elizabeth. I fully believe that e actress Leanne did not know the backstory at tht point bc she played it as if there was nothing going on. Either way color me unimpressed that I'm supposed to accept it becaus "the writers" knew. If the actors playing their parts didn't have the facts their characters would have, than in fact, it didn't happen. Which is why I maintain show jumped shark right there. It is true that we see many people in the show brought up as Americans who become spies. Each one has a very solid reason for doing it.l, racial injustice, science, etc. Pauge just "looking for a cause" does not rise to that and she does not share Philip and Elizabeth's childhoods of deprivation. If the KGB wanted to go that way they should be encouraging the agents to question US values to the kids all along. And I do not believe that merely avoiding organized religion and materialism is the same as questioning American values, I actually find that idea preposterous. Plenty of patriots do the same. You can even be a conscientious objector and be a patriot. So I think it would be next to impossible on huge grounds of nothing to "turn" Paige. Even Jared needed to be sexually in thrall. But as I said, I don't buy this storyline anyway.
  7. I think he's hot and kind if like him and Sansa together. Hangs head in shame.
  8. I'd probably forgive Stan a lot if I found him remotely sexy. But the hangdog thing is such a snooze.
  9. I agree that. Nina and. Oleg are in love. The first time they were in bed together and she teased him about call and response she looked genuinely happy. They get each other... Patriots who enjoy some capitalist accoutrements. Were only 9 years away from the end of the whole thing. Glasnost and perestroika happen as much because the Russians want blue jeans and food as because of Reagan. For me, bs on jared, , even with his being a teenage boy who's just had sex for the first time. His blown backwards by shock at the bodies was too moving and he didn't know anyone was there... So now in addition to being a killer he's a great actor? If they did plan this from the beginning they didn't think it through, for me me the show jumped the shark right there. Second generation illegals were more used for desk job sort of things but the few times that happened, according to what I've read, it didn't last. It's just stupid for the center to believe a child can be brought up in this country with no reason to question her school indoctrination and then be so completely turned... Philip nd Elizabeth grew up in the Soviet Union and believed in it's values. Paige does not. And while she wouldbt be used for the kind of emotional manipulation honeypot thing, Elizabeth doesn't know That yet so it looks like she's willing to prostitute her daughter. Meh. I'll still watch buts the Jared thing shook my respect for this show completely. Just no longer buy it.
  10. How did Jared get back? I loved the "be safe" moment and that we never had to see him figuring out what she thought etc. The ending was perfect!
  11. I so don't want anything bad to happen to Jared. Why didn't Clark just say next year or something? Avoid an argument and keep her docile. But back to the kids-- it bugs me that neither Paige nor Henry ever drop their friends' names in conversation-- it makes the dialogue strange. And what about Jared? Doesn't he have friends too? I also love Oleg now. I like him and Nina together. I have no use for Stan and don't know how Nina can bear him at this point.
  12. Oh I agree, I wouldn't want to see them, I'm just surprised they don't come up more. In real life, wouldn't her parents be citing her former best friends as ammunition about not staying in youth group? Even in "Heathers" the issue of new friends/old friends comes up (on my mind because of the great Off-Broadway musical now playing). At Paige's age, I was on the phone with my besties all the time. But we never even hear the names of any of Paige's or Henry's friends, as if they exist in a vacuum. I can understand her parents doing that, but for "normal" American kids, it's weird. ETA: was that house one of Henry's friends? I thought it was just a neighbor.
  13. I laughed so hard! Sorry some of he he details were off... I didn't know but I understand how trying that is, I cringe when they get things wrong in my field (journalism theatre). However ignorance is bliss and I laughed so hard! I especially loved Richard crying after being bullied by the kids and Ehrlich coming to rescue him. Comedy gold. If I were in my 20s I'd so date Richard. He's such a sweetie, so smart and gentle. I loved too the way the guys heads all turned when. Tara walked out of the room and how tongue tied they all became.
  14. Why doesn't Paige have any best friends? She seems to have no friends at all outside of the church group set. Why don't she and her brother have friends, and their parents would know their friends parents, etc.? They are both attractive and pleasant kids.
  15. Omg that would suck so badly. Shudder. That would be beyond cheesy.
  16. The final episode of Thr Medium in which they flashed forward. Made no sense to me that alison never remarried and they fudged on timelines. I just pretend it never happened.
  17. I love this show! A laughed so hard. The technology not working was hilarious. The meltdown to Monica was adorable. if I were 25 I'd date a sweetie like that in a minute. I'm not a software engineer so scrum was new to me... I don't mind a little dumbing down to be accessible to folks like me. There was nothing about this show I didn't love, even Jared's quiet little tantrum. Will be watching again.
  18. Peter Cook in Bedazzled. I like tall skinny funny English guys who make over educated jokes, sue me, and he was so funny pretending to be God and making Dudley. Moore adore him. tom. Mison on Sleepy. Hollow. Swooooon. Eta:Liam Neeson. Still.
  19. The cicada turned into a helicopter? Did I miss that?
  20. Oh was that the sound of sex? ewwwww. I thought it was someone trying no to roll off the ledge, like Tyrion.
  21. For. Paige to even ask about going to that camp so soon after her parents went ballistic about her giving money to the church is at best naive, at worst incredibly entitled. I went to summer camp for 8 weeks... Counselors I'm sure had a longer session but not 12. For her to want to go away for the entire summer with people they don't trust when presumably she's never been to camp at all before is beyond. I think if she wanted to go for two weeks she might have more of a shot but I can't blame Elizabeth at all for her reaction. The church may not be a cult but they did accept a large sum from a minor without any due diligence at all, which is very shady.
  22. It was refreshing to see Ehrlich come thoruh though. I loved how that ended. And yes, I love me some Jared. Could he be any sweeter or steadier?
  23. I can't believe Paige has the nerve to insist on Christian camp after last week. Three. On the is a grey long summer and I totally support Elizabeth in refusing. Paige has become a brainwashed brat.
  24. And then Harry proposed. I burst into tears during that scene, And yes, samantha did moth I'm sorry at Miranda. That was also the episode where Miranda was shopping for a bra and the bra lady became a very surrogate mother... Very touching, good writing.
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